Nope Mr.Freeze...They started it and attacked first. Self defense is blowing them away. Tell that to the person that breaks into your house next time. Would you wimply sit by and say please leave while they are raping your loved ones? Because to YOU violence isn´t an answer right?
Apostates or not...I do not condone this behaivior.
by Botzwana 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Ol' Botzwana. A day late and a dollar short.
I highly doubt anyone is going to break into my house and start raping my loved ones. I better hide my wife, hide my kids, hide my husbands cause Botzwana's ridiculous scenarios is rapin everybody up in here!
LMFAO @ MrFreeze
Perfect use and impeccable timing. Bravo!
Actually Mr.Freeze´s story didn´t work. I am not the raper. The bad guys are. Try and keep up will ya?
I am a day late. I wasn´t at their memorial 2 days ago. I do have a dollar short as I cannot afford an AK47...
Oh Botzwana, if the bedroom intruder is in a position where he can rape my loved ones, he's clearly already knocked me out, killed me or I'm not even home.
Forget it. Small minds here.
I don't care who you are or what your beliefs are...this type of behavior is NEVER ok. But is these people knew anything, that wouldn't stop them. They know that they will be persecuted(though maybe not for the reasons they think). They feel it's just bible prophecy...which makes them try even harder.
You would have Killed the Protesters,because Violence isn`t the Answer..
? ..
OUTLAW, have I told you lately that I love you?
You stole my thunder by the way.