How Has The Economy Affected Your Spending Habits?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    I just lost my job today due to company cutbacks and I am spinning from the crisis this has caused my life.

    This is very serious.


  • anewme

    I am not thinking about spending at all! All I can think about is what I can sell.

  • freydo

    Gas prices continue to rise in Washington Gas prices continue to rise in Washington

    Gas prices continue to rise in Washington

    Gas prices hover one tenth of a cent under five dollars per gallon at a gas station in Washington on April 19, 2011. Unrest in the Middle East and price speculation have steadily led to higher oil prices and consequently higher gas prices throughout the year so far. UPI/Roger L. Wollenberg

    Read more:

    McDonald's restaurants overwhelmed by job seekers

    By Darrell Smith
    [email protected] Published: Wednesday, Apr. 20, 2011 - 12:00 am | Page 1A

    They want jobs. They need to work. From Laguna Boulevard in Elk Grove to Sunrise Boulevard in Citrus Heights, job seekers lined up before dawn Tuesday and crowded McDonald's restaurants across the region late into the afternoon on the restaurant chain's national hiring day.

    The fast-food chain hoped to hire 50,000 employees for its more than 14,000 U.S. locations, including about 600 employees at its 165 sites in the Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto area Tuesday.

    That averages to less than three jobs per outlet nationally, although some local sites said they were planning to hire as many as 15.

    That mattered little to Jason Scott of Sacramento. He just needed one.

    Read more:

  • Giordano

    Putting Obama in a pimp thoughtful of you.

  • freydo
  • doughnuthole

    Have had a small business for 25 years, had some very very good years, took some big hits the last 2 to 3 years, really dont know if we will recover it. Scary place to be at 50+, Neither one of us in the best shape either......but we have alot of experience and alot of connections,AND my hubby is a very smart im sure we will be OK just very hard to go through, so to anwser your question, Yes we will defintely be cutting back on spending, actually forced to cut back on spending!! Dough

  • DaCheech

    I got scared 2-3 years ago, and rushed to pay off the house ASAP!

    only have a business loan left

    anyway, we're only gonna vacation within a 100 mile drive from home............. not gonna fly anywhere (even though we're making lots of $$$).

    my mom taught me the parable of the ant and the cricket when I was 5!

  • Curtains

    we are being careful and this seems to be working. Making small cut backs here and there. We now have a taste london card which quite a few restaurants are happy to accept on certain days of the week - for every meal you buy you get one free

  • Was New Boy
    Was New Boy

    When I have money I spend it....if I don't have money I can't spend it.

    How about you Mini...what do you do with your money?

  • straightshooter

    I have switched my vacations from cruises to tent camping. I don't drive as often. I still eat out once or twice a week using groupon or other 50% off coupons. I shop more at yard sales and look for bargains at stores.

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