Will women be suppressed in heaven too?

by unshackled 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unshackled

    Since a regular theme in the Bible is to suppress women and place them below men, will they be treated the same way in heaven? Why or why not?

  • james_woods

    Well, logically, they should not be suppressed if they are truly without sex differences.

    But in Watchtower logic - yes, they must be suppressed because they would have earth memories of being a woman.

  • meangirl

    Good question. I think the society views women in a subjugated position even in heaven. I simply think they cannot fathom the thought of any other type of woman...

  • cantleave

    There is no sex in heaven........

    there is in hell though!

  • james_woods

    Well, I have often wondered about that.

    Jesus did say that there was not to be sex in heaven - but recall that before the flood, the bad angels noticed that "the daughters of men were good looking"...

  • unshackled

    Well, logically, they should not be suppressed if they are truly without sex differences.

    Purely speculative of course, but is there no differentation of sex once in heaven?

    I think the society views women in a subjugated position even in heaven.

    Assuming God of the bible exists, and the bible is his inspired works...then the suppression of women is from God. Based on that, I'd say women going to heaven would deal with the same second class citizen status.

    There is no sex in heaven...

    No sex in heaven? Now that sounds like hell!

  • james_woods
    No sex in heaven? Now that sounds like hell!

    Technically, I believe the verse says "not marrying or being given in marriage" - so I guess it does leave some room for doubt.

  • undercover
    Technically, I believe the verse says "not marrying or being given in marriage" - so I guess it does leave some room for doubt.

    Makes the mile high club pale in comparison...

  • unshackled
    the bad angels noticed that "the daughters of men were good looking"...

    Good point. Does that mean all angels have sexual desires and only the bad ones acted on them? If there are sexual desires in spirit beings such as angels, then wouldn't logic suggest there is a sex distinction amongst them?

  • Leolaia

    "There is no male nor female, you are all one in Christ Jesus," Paul says in Galatians.

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