A reason christs ransom makes no sense to me

by Aussie Oz 50 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • xchange

    @ Tec "God did not kill his Son. People killed His Son. God sent his Son for us, to show us the way to Life. He knew what would happen to Christ, "

    If I send my kid (fictional) into heavy vehicular traffic knowing that there is a high probability that she/he will get killed as a result of getting hit by a car and actually does get hit and dies, am I able to say that I did not kill my kid but the cars did?

  • Heaven

    Christ's ransom is only for those that came from the Adamic line because this is apparently where all sin originates ( ). Ok, so, how do you know if you are from this line? Simple. You are ashamed of your nakedness.

    For the rest of us who are not ashamed of our nakedness, the ransom is irrelevant and not required because we do not come from this line. We were not made by Yahweh... we were made by the other Gods and Goddesses Yahweh was talking to in Genesis 1:26.

    Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden are all Yahweh's gig along with his son. Anyone outside of this can watch if they want, but it has nothing to do with them.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Thanks for that explanation Heaven . . . it all makes perfect sense to me now (he said scratching his nakedness)

  • Heaven

    Thanks for that explanation Heaven . . . it all makes perfect sense to me now (he said scratching his nakedness)

    LOL @ Murray Smith! It is so much better to scratch the naked skin than the clothed skin. The Bible is such utter ridiculousness.

  • ProdigalSon

    Actually, I believe I'm from the Serpent's line of descent... he told the truth, and he is the Bearer of Light.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    My understanding is that the serpent was also unashamedly naked! . . . dang I'm learnin so much here.

  • tec
    First of all, if you can show me ONE father on the planet who would send his son to do something like that instead of going himself, I'll show a really crappy father.

    "I have authority to lay down my life and I have authority to pick it up again."

    He could have changed his mind or decided not to follow through. He had that option. But then he might not have shown us how to be, how to live, how to act... how not to fear death; how to continue to do the right thing (remain in truth, remain loyal and faithful, keep our trust in God) even to the point of dying.

    Either it's REALLY a sacrifice or it's NOT really a sacrifice.

    Its a damned if you do and a damned if you don't scenario. How does a person respond to such a question? Some people are not happy that the death wasn't permanent, some people are sickened that he died to begin with.

    I really wish Christians would stop lying to me and telling me that Jesus died for my sins.

    He did what we should have done, but are rarely ever able to do. He remained loyal to His Father and to truth, he showed mercy and love. And at the point of even his death (as well as torture and wrongful sentence), he asked forgiveness for his transgressors. He did for us what we so often fail to do... and gave us an example to follow.

    He made amends for us by taking our wrongs onto himself, and doing what we should do. In effect, he allowed himself to bear the consequence and punishment for our wrongdoings. Have you ever tried to make amends for someone else, so that you spare them punishment or bad consequences, because you love them? From my understanding, it is like that.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I love Starman. There was a TV sequel where the son is now a teen ager and is coming into his powers. The government is hunting him down mercilessly. The drawback was that Jeff Bridges and can't think of the female's name. I can see her face. She hasn't been around publicly. They would do not do TV or they asked for too much. The Biblical themes never were apparent to me. I must be blind.

    Jenny Hayden is a pathetic character. For some reason, the boy believes her crazy tale about a space alien impregnating her. I wonder if Jesus ever questioned Mary about his parentage. People probably followed him around calling "bastard." Robert Hays played the Starman.

    There are a lot of questions in the Bible for me. Christology should be the most important part of Christianity. Whether Jesus was God is hardly a side issue. On the other hand, I do find a lot of support in the Bible, too. Obviously, doctrine and precision was not the focus of the early Church. I'd love to know what it would be like in a large urban parish. Gnostics, orthodox, Jewish Christians, Gentiles all forced to get along. Or not. The creeds sort of ended that period.

    I've decided to say I am worth believing in Christianity. Part of it is freely acknowledging the social attractions that exist for me that would not be available during martyrdoms. I don't know exactly how I came to this position, either. My own choice.

  • Farkel

    There is lots of gibberish in this thread, lots of yakking, but there is NO debating of my argument about the ransom. I've presented the history of it, the evolution of it, and most importantly for this board, the WTS interpretation of it.

    After all, that IS the topic of this thread, isn't it?

    Well? Where is the REAL debate, or are all you posters so puffed up with your own idiocy that you don't even know how to form a real argument against the real evidence that I produced?


    Farkel, Patiently Waiting and Moron Intolerant CLASS

  • cheerios

    @ Tec "God did not kill his Son. People killed His Son. God sent his Son for us, to show us the way to Life. He knew what would happen to Christ, "


    guns dont kill people, bullets do!

    same convoluted reasoning

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