Can We Please Stop Referring To The Simplified English Watchtower A The Dumbed Down Version

by Philadelphia Ponos 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    It's just playing with words.

    I suspect a feeling with the 'simplified' (Ahem!), versions of anything the WTB$ does is for their own ends not for our benefit.

    Call it simplified, dumbed down whatever you want. This is not an ad hominem attack on the readers but a poke at the writers.

    The WTB$ have their own agenda to de-educate people so they can control them with greater ease. It's 1984 all over!

  • journey-on
    Can We Please Stop Referring To The Simplified English Watchtower A The Dumbed Down Version

    No we cannot. They serve up pablum when they should be serving up a rich boutiful spiritual meal in this day and age.

    I can guarantee it has absolutely nothing to do with helping ESL people. They don't have the ability nor desire to educate and actually teach anyone. They are focused on making $$$.....pure and simple.

    The mags and litter they mass produce has very little to offer spiritually. It's a ruse. As a matter of fact, it is stale and stinks.

  • pirata

    journey-on, how can you guarantee that they have absolutely nothing to do with helping ESL people? How do you know they have no desire to educate or teach anyone? Just because we think they're misguided doesn't mean they have evil motives.

    I have learned a second language, and I greatly appreciated having material with a simpler vocabulary set that served as a stepping stone to every-day reading material.


    edit: I just realized the irony of my post. Here I am saying not to impute wrong motives in regards to the printing of the first simplified edition (July 15) which goes out of it's way to demonize and impute wrong motives on the part of "apostates"....

  • journey-on

    It's not so much the words, pirata, as it is the content. I was raised in this crapola religion. I was a little child when Knorr was the prez. I have heard, seen, and witnessed more heartache, despair, and family destruction because of them than you can imagine. If that's not evil, I don't know what is. Believe me, money is their god, imo.


    Let me add that they absolute NEED an uneducated simple flock to be able to pull the wool over their eyes. They don't WANT their flock to research, think, and contemplate anything other than what they tell them to. They are great proponents of the K.I.S.S. system.

  • Dogpatch

    Good point PP, but thought control language is always more effective when made simpler to understand. Teaching the complicated paradoxes in their doctrines will not come up. Better to educate the public about fraudsters.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Know what scares me?

    That it isn't for the immigrants or ESL people.

    It's for better indoctrination of born-in children.

  • InterestedOne

    Even before the simplified English version, I would hear JW's brag that their literature was written "on a 5th grade reading level."

    Are there any other periodicals that have a special version for English language learners? Like is there a simplified English Time magazine?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    actually mandarin is the most widely spoken language. closely followed by english, then spanish (even though there are more spanish native speakers than english).

    Mandarin may have more speakers population-wise, but English is the most widely-used language used as a second language around the world, and thus is the most widely spoken language.

  • jgnat

    For those learning English as a second language, it seems to me they would gain more from the regular Watchtower in both English and their native language. Just like a rosetta's stone, new words can be gleaned by comparing the two. The WTBTS are not preparing a "dumbed down" version in other languages, are they?

  • wasblind

    Exactly Jgnat,

    Even school children learn more as they progress

    in their reading skills. If they were to stay at

    the Dick & Jane level, they could never learn

    to read or comprehend on an advanced level

    by keeping the flock dumb down they are easier

    to control. Philadelphia Ponos need to come up

    with somethin' else, cause what he brought

    ain't workin'

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