Did you watch R rated movies when you were in it?

by ldrnomo 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I chose to watch R-rated movies if it appealed to me, the story, the actors, the director. If not, I would rather go to a good PG movie than a badly made R movie.

    Still holds true, if it's a movie that I care to spend my money I go.

    Strangely enough, most movies I go to are usually PG-13 or less. Somehow movies that say f**k 15 times in 3 minutes or s**t, etc., don't appeal to me.

  • unshackled

    Yeah. Particularly remember staying up late to watch The Shining. Think I was about 15...scared the bejesus out of me. Also recall sleeping over at a JW friend's house and his parents let us watch Robocop. That was cool, no way in hell that would happen at home.

  • sabastious
    Yeah. Particularly remember staying up late to watch The Shining. Think I was about 15...scared the bejesus out of me. Also recall sleeping over at a JW friend's house and his parents let us watch Robocop. That was cool, no way in hell that would happen at home.

    I don't get scary movies. Some of them are well made, but you don't know that until after you watch it. In the meantime the movie very well make me turn white and curl up in the corner in the fetal position, it just depends.

    So, horror movies are on the top of my list of things to avoid, even as an exjw.


  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Yeah. And so did a lot of others, even some elders and elder's families. Nobody ever spoke about it, but we all know what was really going on. Actually, the only ones who honestly did avoid such "morally corrupt" entertainment were the ones who weren't really popular due to their being a bit "eccentric" (no offense to anyone here who avoided R-rated movies when you were in!)

  • unshackled

    So, horror movies are on the top of my list of things to avoid, even as an exjw.

    I like a good 'ol pyschological scary flick, that can accomplish freaking you out without resorting to shock and gore tactics. Have no use for slasher type films...Saw, Texas Chainsaw, Friday the 13th, etc.

    The Shining, Silence of the Lambs, even the original Blair Witch were some good ones.

  • d

    No I watched my first R rated movie in 2008.I was 17 and was already fading out.

  • LongHairGal


    I found almost nothing wrong with R rated movies and saw no reason not to watch them. They are little worse than what is on television. As far as there being a glimpse of breasts, this is a problem for a man, not me.

    I think it is all about soft-porn tempting the 'brothers'.

  • sabastious

    There is a long list of R-Rated movies that I have seen since I lifted the personal ban, I was conditioned to have, and have seen some great movies. I am still cautious as to what I watch because I am generally just not entertained by certain film genres, or even certain scene types, that entertains a lot of other people. Although my position doesn't give me the right to judge anyone for watching them. Sometimes I get pissed when I think about how stupid I was for judging others based on their entertainment choices... sheesh get a life!


  • sabastious
    I think it is all about soft-porn tempting the 'brothers'.

    The tempting happpened a long time ago, now they are all closet viewers.


  • sabastious

    The ones that have operational sex drives at least.


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