Proof That The "Truth" Is A Cult

by metatron 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    proof is in the many people that have taken that 'hypothetic' scenario to the elders.

    critizize the human leaders = get kicked out/cut off = cult.

    critizize god = weak faith = you get help with no condemnation


  • wannaexit

    Nicely put!!!

    I am waiting when prayers will be end in the name of the"governing body". It will come

  • ambersun

    Is it a cult? I've had a long think about this and here's my two penneth worth.

    My JW family choose to believe I no longer go to meetings because I have been stumbled in the past, resulting in my 'temporary' loss of faith in God, but they choose to believe that given time I will come back to 'The Truth'. They are OK with this and are loving and sympathetic towards me.

    However, losing faith in God is one thing. If I were to tell them that I think their GB are unispired men running a glorified publishing company using them all as unpaid labour, I doubt if I would be treated with such gentle sympathy and understanding. Lovely as they all are, they are trained to never tolerate such apostate thinking so I constantly bite my tongue when I see my loved ones with health problems dragging their poor tired bodies out in field service auxilliary pioneering and 'placing' WT literature when they should be at home resting.

    So, I feel reasonably comfortable knowing they realise I have doubts about God but instinctively I know never under any circumstances to critisize their GB. I don't think I need to spell it out whether I think it is a cult or not.

  • kurtbethel

    Spot on!

    They said it best in their own words.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    metatron I agree, when I was studying I remember questioning the two ladies about their faith and if it ever dwindled or if they ever questioned if God was real. Because I was feeling like that at the time. I received heaps of pity and support and encouragement.

    A few months later I was questioning the Governing body and their role and past decisions made by them. You could have heard a pin drop. Everyone got defensive and the battle began.

    Question God - you poor deluded thing, we understand, but we never personally question that.

    Question the Governing body - evil has come into your life, have you been reading apostate literature? Bring in reinforcements, other elders in the community and the circuit overseer...

  • nugget

    It is true, so long as I doubted the bible I was savable but denying the GB was a disfellowshipping offense. No time wasted on trying to save me or reason just out as quickly as possible.

  • ProdigalSon

    Excellent observation!

    Doubting the existence of God, especially in a time of trial, would most likely meet with a more merciful response from the average elder, since God cannot be seen and there's no tangible proof of his existence. The GB and the Borg, however, is real, tangible, material, and very visible...... there are no excuses! If you don't accept them, you're toast and not even worth trying to save.

    Personally, I used to read about the God of the OT and wonder why or how he might have any mercy at all on anyone who falls even slightly short of Pharisaic "perfection". Once a dick, always a dick. You know, Jehovah doesn't change.....

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