For those attending tomorrow.....

by cantleave 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • strymeckirules


    jdubs WANT people to partake during the memorial, just not themselfs. they believe they are unworthy and some fear partaking is asking for death if they are unworthy.

    when they see that random people partake and don't immediatley burn up or turn into satan, they may question why they don't partake.

    jdubs use pauls words to make you feel unworthy. Jesus never said anything about a "special heavenly calling feeling inside you".

    and if you partake, stand up so everyone sees! no secrets.

    last one i attended the speaker used a illustration about a wedding party.

    he said "when someone plans a wedding and sends out invitations and you receive one, you don't immediatly expect that you are in the wedding party. you are only going to the wedding to celebrate, not to partake."

    ya right. i remember eating food at most wedding receptions i've been to, not just the wedding party got fed.

    the speaker had a blank look in his eyes the whole talk. he was a born in who had a huge family and he was 35 years old. he just was following the formula put down by many others before him.

  • godrulz

    Are you speaking as an ex-JW or someone who has never been one?

  • strymeckirules

    if you are talking to me, i was a born in, turned fader and now i am an enemy of the jdubs. i tell the truth.

  • cantleave

    Good for you strymeckirules - Truth is one thing you won't find in religion.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    JW's don't see anyone but themselves as Christians, so they'll view partakers as ignorant, worldly saps who don't know how to listen to the instructions on NOT partaking given from the platform that night.

    No cakes and ale for anyone, unless that person is ancient and well known and "sane."

  • VampireDCLXV

    My sense of mental self preservation won't allow for it. It would make me positively ill to be crowded in under one roof with that loveless, arrogant, self righteous bunch.


  • wobble

    having said the above, or rather agreed with it, if you are going to attend for some perverse reason Godrulz, then yes.partake with gusto !

    It may give you an opportunity to expose their false view of the whole thing.

    Good luck !

  • Morbidzbaby

    I couldn't stomach it. Not even for an hour. Not even for a minute. For those who are going, I'm sending you some strength to endure it...


  • MrFreeze

    I won't go... why bother?

  • NikL

    I guess I'll be there. It makes the wife happy. Don't give a crap about the religion :-)

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