Has your anger turned to pity?

by journey-on 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • VampireDCLXV

    The long and the short of it for me is that the higher up the "corporate ladder" they are, the less sympathy I'm able to muster.

    I truly do feel pity for the humble and "lowly" ones who are under the heel of the bullies and egomaniacs who like to climb the ladders and run the show. Single mothers, the sick, the elderly, etc are ones I feel sorry for by-and-large. When I see the poor slobs out there in the FS just shuffling along with their heads down, doing and little as possible because they HAVE to do it not because they want to, I feel pity for these ones as well. It doesn't sit well with me when I see folks here making fun and ridiculing them because they're made out to be as "lazy slackers". I know exactly how these ones felt: I was there.

    OTOH, the higher up the ladder they are, the more arrogant they are, the more wrath and contempt I tend to feel. It's the "law makers", the leadership and the "police" who are ultimately responsible for the welfare of "the society" and in the JW world, there's lots of blame to lay at the doorstep of these scum! The higher they are, the harder they fall, I say.

    All-in-all, I'm trying to let the anger go as much as humanly possible, but I doubt I'll be able to shed all the weight...


  • Caligula1

    Great topic.

    I pity..... and for those that allow me....I support.

  • journey-on

    Great responses....and so varied and insightful. We are all so diverse in how we use words to express our feelings.

    I have realized that my pity has a bit of contempt mixed with sorrow for them. It may even be a bit of condescending sympathy, so perhaps I'm no better than LT's friend. But, that's what pity is, isn't it? I can't say (yet) that I have compassion for them or empathy......Maybe I need to work on that, but for now, it's pity that I feel. Does that make me a bad person?

  • Berengaria

    For me, it's always been pity, not anger. Well, the day the CO came to my door and tried to use me to show the kids he was with just how it's done, it was anger. But for those left in, it's always been pity. I've never tried to convince them of how wrong they were, just said thanks but no thanks. What right do I have to burst thier bubble? If it's already leaking, they will figure it out. No one ever got anyone else out, I find that incredibly pompous on the part of some. The only way one gets out, is to start thinking for oneself. Until they do, I pity them, they are the ones losing out.

  • sabastious
    Maybe I need to work on that, but for now, it's pity that I feel. Does that make me a bad person?

    Not in the slightest. The criteria for the "bad person" tag are actually pretty extensive.


  • Robdar

    Interesting question. When I left, I had much compassion for the ones I left behind and felt that they were all well meaning and misguided. Over the years, my position has reversed. I no longer have compassion and feel that most of them are mean spirited and have joined up with other mean spirited and misguided people who cannot wait for their ego boost when their God destroys everybody but them. I have absolutely no use for the waste of carbon known as Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Berengaria

    Dayum gurl, don't be sugar coatin' it like that. How do you really feel?

  • Robdar


    Berengaria, you are my new favorite smart ass around here!

  • Berengaria

    Fancy a roll in the mud?

  • Robdar

    Hell yeah! Wanna listen to some tunes from the 40's while we roll?

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