Reinstatement policy...anyone who knows please comment.

by cyberjesus 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cyberjesus

    Ok, here is the question.

    If a DFd person shows to a KH of Congregation X and starts attending the meetings and talks to the elders and tells them he has been attending the meetings for a year in congregation Y. How will the elders in Cong Y verify that? would they need a letter, a phone call? will they check with the branch? Whats the policy?

    Also if after 3 months of attending the meetings in COng X. Dfd requests reintstatement, what is the policy if Dfd was Dfd in Cong Z in another country? Will Cong Z contact Cong X and Y or only X?

    Yes you got it. this is serious business.. Soooo if you know FACTS please present them... informed opinions are also welcomed... Lets stay focused here :-)

  • StoneWall

    cyberjesus....I can tell you from past experience that if you're DF, the current congregation will have to get in contact with the former congregation that did the Disfellowshipping and it will have to go through them to reinstate the person. A letter will be sent to them giving their recommendation but it would be up to the congregation that DF'd you to allow the reinstatement.

  • Mary

    I'm thinking that a phonecall to whatever congregation they said they had been attending would be in order. I don't think they have to do an official letter if they're in the same city, but for out of towners, a letter is probably warranted. As for the time frame, it depends on the offense and the present elder body. I remember when Gumby went back to get reinstated (he had been DF'd for smoking I think), he only had to go for 5 months before they reinstated him as in this day and age, smoking is not considered that offensive, at least in disfellowshipping terms.

    If the person was disfellowshipped for fornication, then it still shouldn't be too bad. Adultery might take a bit longer depending on if they screwed a fellow Dub or a worldly person. Other misdemeanours include buying lottery tickets and maybe some pornia. The big offenses are of course, joining websites like JWN or Freeminds, or questioning any of the doctrines they teach in La-La-land. For that, the person will have to glue his/her ass to a seat at the back for a few years anyway, before they'd even be considered for reinstatement.

  • cyberjesus

    yes that I know Stone. But thats not the question. Thanks for the answer though.. All I want to know is 1) how Cong X will verify that I went to Meetings in Cong Y... and 2) will Cong Z also contact cong Y or only X?

  • cyberjesus

    Yeah the Script of the show is like this..... Showing to Cong X and claiming to have been attending Cong Y for 1 year..... Have in mind that there is no Cong Y... so a faux Cong Y has to be recreated by address or phone number only.... then after 3 months in Cong X, request reinstatement... So Cong X will have to Contact Cong Z... but they have to be convinced that Cong Y exists.... then Cong Z will write back and forth with Cong X. since the body of elders in COng Z is totally disbanded (they change assignments a lot)....

    A friend of mine moved to a different country... wrote to her old Cong and gave them a fake address and a fake phone on a new fake cong.... the elders in the old cong sent her publisher card to the new cong where she is the PO :-) and she got them off her back. How about that.

  • cyberjesus

    common there has to be more knowledge out there

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    You have a pm.

  • OnTheWayOut

    This depends on the elders.

    If I read you right:

    Disfellowshipped at Cong. Z.
    Attended Cong. Y.
    Attending Cong X.

    You want to know HOW they (Cong. X) will verify you attended Cong. Y. Some won't bother. You need to attend cong. meetings long enough for them to see that you are serious and then submit a letter requesting reinstatement. There's no third-congregation policy. The DF Cong. (Z) may or may not contact Cong. Y when the original DF committee reads a recommendation from Cong. X, who may or may not have verified the year at Cong. Y themselves.

    Everything hinges on a letter from a current congregation body and the original JC committee.

  • OnTheWayOut

    What she should have done was get Fake Cong. Y to ask to reinstate her and leave Cong. Z out of this.

    My head is spinning just trying to keep up.

  • Mary

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