So an elder stopped by today...

by Igot2bme 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Igot2bme

    Thank you OTWO I will try that. I keep thinking about the conversation I had with him and why I just didn't say "No" it was almost like a deer in the headlights sort of thing...

  • sizemik

    Normal reaction Igot2beme . . . don't feel bad . . . fob it off and keep your head down . . . good luck

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you have his cell number, text him if you can't figure a time to make sure he won't answer.

  • Highlander

    After you cancel, it would probably be a good idea to go out somewhere on monday. See a movie or something. Despite the cancellation, those sneaky bastards may still stop by on monday and see if they can catch you at home. I'd hate to see you react like a 'deer in the headlights' again.

  • dozy

    Good call. Zero upside / maximum downside.

  • nugget

    If they have ignored you for 2 years then he shepherding call means that they have an issue they want to discuss. These calls are rarely benign and are not trivial. You are right to cancel the call and I agree with highlander go out that evening so that you can't be ambushed. If you are on the radar then you can expect more visits so prepare what you wnat to say in advance make it short and clear. Don't allow them to come in and don't get drawen into conversation.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Nugget is RIGHT ON!


    How would you handle the tattoo employment situation??

    Could you make a case that this is WRONG?

    Could you make a case that this is a DISFELLOWSHIPPING offense?

    Personally, I feel that since we are not under the Mosaic Law (which is the only place I know one could find a scripture to apply), how could you "scripturally" object to it? Awake! of 09/22/2003 seems to leave it a matter of conscience, although strongly discourages it.

  • ldrnomo

    The tattooing job would definitely be an issue. But I think the only thing the elders could do is try to discourage you from keeping the job. They may point to the scriptures about bad association and try to tell you that if you actively server Jehovah (the Watchtower) a better more honest job will come along. Whatever they do won't be pleasant for you so as all others have said, stay away from them.

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