The big bad "worldly" person

by roxanesophia 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • roxanesophia

    Considering this looks to be mostly a ex-JW site, you're probably thinking "Coming into it? NO! RUN. NOW!" but I have friends in it who have persuaded me to have a bible study and attend meetings, and well, hey... it isn't doing me much harm. But the way enough people act towards me in the congregation is no incentive to join them. You'd think this "organization of gods people" (and no, i don't believe thats what they are for a second and they have themselves to blame for that.) would treat an interested one lovingly, but a rumour has already gone around that in my "WORLDLY DAYS" I was a clubber and I guess they've already dismissed me as a "corrupting influence." My first reaction is to laugh at how ridiculous these people are. I really can't comprehend that judgment and how weak they must be. And since I can't ask anyone, because they'll start with some "AREN'T WE NICE ENOUGH TO YOU?" BS, no doubt, and it's not my friends who are the problem anyway, is this how the "worldly ones" are treated? Are JW's encouraged to keep their distance from someone who isn't yet baptized? The girl I study with is nice, obviously. But it really sucks to be amongst people who have the disapproving eyes on you, the whispers, the distrust, etc etc ETC! I'm thinking this is typical JW behavior, but I have no one to ask. After tonight, I've had it. I was talking to a guy who kept looking over his shoulder as if we're schoolkids about to get caught. Doing nothing at all. I guess guys can't talk to a girl then either if she's not baptized and he is? Do I stop being treated like/and feeling like a second class citizen in the congregation if i get baptized? Is that how it works? Your comments are much appreciated...

  • LostGeneration

    Hey Roxane, your instincts are correct. It is a bit surprising they are not "love bombing" you at this point. Usually they will hold off on their comments and suspicions as they try to recruit you into the cult.

    Lots of good perspectives here from those who have left the WT and some who are still in, feel free to ask anything so you can get the real truth of the matter.

  • wasblind

    Welcome Roxane

    I was not a born in , and trust, they have a favorite qoute from the bible

    about love sayin' by this you will know them, that love come with all kinds

    of conditions, they cannot except you for who you are but what you must

    become, and that is a mindless Android, after a while even the ones you

    are friends with will show you their true colors when it come down to their


  • anewme

    Roxane, the cong. is a mixed group and there is no welcoming committee. It is up to the individuals to make you feel welcome or not. It is just like anywhere else, people are distracted by their own lives and problems and troubles and may not be reaching out to you due to this reason.

  • DanaBug
    is this how the "worldly ones" are treated? Are JW's encouraged to keep their distance from someone who isn't yet baptized?


    Watchtower 1994 Feb 15 p.24
    "We must also be on guard against extended association with worldly people. Perhaps it is a neighbor, a school friend, a workmate, or a business associate. We may reason, 'He respects the Witnesses, he leads a clean life, and we do talk about the truth occasionally.' Yet, the experience of others proves that in time we may even find ourselves preferring such worldly company to that of a spiritual brother or sister. What are some of the dangers of such a friendship?"

    Maybe they think you're not progressing fast enough or have some ulterior motive, like being interested in a JW and studying just to get close to them. Take a look around this site,, and and learn about the other side of this religion. The decision is up to you ultimately, but I recommend you get far away from it. If you get baptized, there's no easy way to leave. Their god is small, petty, vindictive, and monstrous not something you'd really want to spend eternity worshipping.

  • ldrnomo

    I think this illustration best shows why this phenomena of dealing with people coming "out of the world" exists.

    "If you were a family man and you had a house full of kids would you take in another child without first making sure they had their lives cleaned up so they wouldn't influence you other children?"

    When I was in, I heard this illustration numerous times and probably used it a few times myself.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    it isn't doing me much harm

    Not yet. Give it time.

  • fallen_princess

    Yup that's how the non-baptized ones get treated. Keep your distance until they get baptized. I was told to not associate too much with the un-baptized. I could invite them here and there but don't get too close. And if the unholy non-baptized worldy person is from the opposite sex, even worse! Right now my best friend is not baptized and he is in love with a baptized girl. She loves him too and the elders are trying everything they can to break them sad and pathetic.

  • pirata

    roxanesophia and fallen_priness: Welcome to the forum!

  • prophecor

    Once you begin to show you're sincere, they'll no doubt warm up to you.

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