i outed myself on facebook

by jeckle 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • jeckle

    i've been post things on facebook like washtowel, field circus,etc. next i told a nonwitness friend i was glad to be out of the cult he invited me to his church. actually i said cults suck i'm glad i'm not in one anymore. so it wasnt diatribe on the washtowel or anything. i talked to my df'd stepsis about celebrating my birthday now that i'm out of the cult. but thats it.

    well next my quasiactive always studying but not coming in 34 yearold but true believer step cousin now is concerned that i'm turning on jehovah cause of our whack family. i really wanted to tell her all i knew but didnt want to be the flaming apostate.just copped out and used the excuse that ive never been accepted by them and no love or forgiveness which is true but if thats all it was i'd still be on the teat maybe. also if i'd been accepted wholeheartedly would i have left dont know i'm glad i know the truth tho.also

    the other witness i work with this one is an ms but drinks a little so he thinks he's cool. he saw the 1st cult post and said thanks buddy.... . that one was laughable.

    it really feels like a relief cause i dont like looking over my shoulder i live a moral and law abiding life and this is a free country i have the right to do what i want . i want to enjoy myself and be happy. i want to go into work and scream marry christmas ho ho ho. (or run down the street with a rubber glove on my head screaming hi i'm a squid) lmao hee hee just kidding 'bout that one. you know what i'm saying.

  • jeckle

    this is my last post for 10 hours dang any comments i can still respond by pm

  • mimimimi

    It would be a great relief to be able to not worry about being found out. I only try to keep from it in order to keep family, though I think they all know I don't believe anymore and they ignore it for the sake of family. Though really, I don't try that much to hide it anymore. And I rarely see J-dubs - many of those I see at the store or wherever ignore me anymore.

    "it really feels like a relief cause i dont like looking over my shoulder i live a moral and law abiding life and this is a free country i have the right to do what i want . i want to enjoy myself and be happy. i want to go into work and scream marry christmas ho ho ho. (or run down the street with a rubber glove on my head screaming hi i'm a squid) lmao hee hee just kidding 'bout that one. you know what i'm saying."

    Indeed, I do know what you are saying. Good for you.

  • jeckle

    strange tho that only when i speak out against it they want to love me back in to the borg.

  • Snoozy

    Congrats jeckle..I also noticed that when you point out wrongdoing in the congregations to a witness, such as child molesting, their comeback is that Jehovah knows their heart and will judge them..
    All of a sudden their members aren't perfect..and yet isn't that what they expect when they are disfellowshipping members right and left ? Perfection?..Just saying..

    Hugs, Snoozy

  • sweetrose74

    They aren't trying to show love. Just trying to maintain their hold on you. If you leave it looks bad on them. All about the mind control and appearance thing that all "good standing" JWs use to keep their faithful flock in line. They even get their not "weak" but loyal followers to assist them in this like your studying but never baptized step cousin.

  • PublishingCult
    i outed myself on facebook

    I love the gays as much as the next atheist, or Cathy Griffin, but I am so glad this is not a nother gay thread.

    Feels good to get it out in the open, doesn't it?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    (or run down the street with a rubber glove on my head screaming hi i'm a squid)

    If you do, you must post photos.

    And welcome to sweetrose74

  • nugget

    When you get to the point when you don't give a rats arse about their opinion you know you are breakiing free and they have lost their power over you.

    Welcome to the board Facebook was our way to finally breaking free too

  • jeckle

    welcome sweetrose74 she's a friend of mine since we met almost 18 years ago now

    snoozy i totally agree with you

    pc i know kinda misleading title lol didnt think about that at 1st

    nugget oh ya freedom feels good sweetrose new me when i believed and was patient but since i got enough balls to research and found out it's been a short time comparitively

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