Increase in demon activity?

by Igot2bme 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • jamiebowers

    I never had a demonic experience...maybe they never bothered me, because I was a sure thing, LOL. I'm thinking that the high level of demonic activity with jws is a form of group hysteria. However, although I can't find it now, I watched a YouTube video of a preacher who said jws have problems with demons, because they attract them by participating in demonic activities like refusing the blood and body of Christ during the memorial, denying the cross, etc. It's hard for me to tell for sure why jws are so bothered by demons, because I'm not even sure they exist.

  • PublishingCult

    Many years ago, back in the late 60's, my brother, who recently died, married Colleen. At our mother's insistence, Colleen started studying with JW's, and manipulated my brother to keep the pressure on (eventhough my brother was still df'd from when he was a young boy).

    Colleen was told that the demons might begin to attack her in various ways to make her stop studying "the truth". She began having horrible nightmares about demons and armageddon. She understood it wasn't demon attacks and attributed all of her newfound anxiety to all the bullshit she was being told by the JW's. She stopped studying. THEN the REAL demon attacks came.

    The demons were my mother, my brother, and my aunt. They all started talking to her viciously and hatefully. They called her every thing but an Irishman. They spread rumors about her. My brother became violent and very abusive with her. Un-effin-believable.

    A few years later, Colleen, who was more decent than anyone in our family, would permit my mother to have my neice and nephew over to visit. One day my mother slipped a My Book of Bible Stories into their bag before Colleen came to pick them up. When they returned home, the kids told their mother excitedly that gramma had given them a cool book of bible stories. Colleen took one look at the book, took it from their hands, and tossed it into the trash.

  • Quandry

    When I was studying with the JWs in 1973, the movie The Exorcist had just been out. I hadn't seen the movie, but had read the book. When the "sister" studying with my husband and I got to the chapter in the 'Truth Book' about worshipping with images, she said if I knowingly kept things that were disaproved by God, it would invite the demons. After work that day (yes, the Witness worked with me) I expected to go home to see the rooms spinning around, and the temperature to be freezing. I ran to my bedroom to get the cross my family had given me for my wedding, and flew down the steps of my apartment to the trash cans, heaved it in one, slammed the lid shut, and stood there gasping for air with my hand over my heart.

    It seemed in the 70's that everyone had a demon story. I kinda felt left out that nothing happened to me.

  • jwfacts

    There is a global decrease in demon activity. Demon activity only happens to people that believe in demons. As people become more educated and scientific in their thinking demon attacks subside. Most occurences of demon attacks in the Bible would now be treatable with antipsychotic drugs.

  • poopsiecakes

    Well, the demons never had any time for me...I kinda wished they had bugged me a little. I may have enjoyed a little peril.

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Well I heard so many stories of Demons terrorizing JW familys..

    I was scared to Death of Satan and His Demons...

    Today after being out for 11 yrs I have never heard voices or felt their presence... even after Buying all My Zeppelin albums again and Some Black Sabbath Cd's after having to burn my Album Collection because My taste in music was Very questionable.

    How did I not see this was a Cult.. anyone that can convince you to burn anything because of Demons should be an Eyeopener!

    I'm kinda bummed out Satan and his Demons forgot about me... They were so concerned about me when I was a Minister....

    What happened ??? Not good enough for you Satan????

  • finallysomepride

    Never had a demon experience when I had my only period of studying, that was my baptism studies.

    I have had 'ghost spirit experiences, but that's a different subject, and only after leaving jwland.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    i knew one brother who was absolutley convinced that red traffic lights and flat tyres were satan and the demons

    and that jehovah would give him runs of green lights.

    he would also walk through dangerous areas at night beleiving that he was in a protective bubble form Jehovah, sort of like an invisible force field.

    I cant remamber how i help him lose that idea, but he did confess the next day that his solo night walk home was the scariest thing he had ever done now that i had popped the bubble!


  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    i have a iphone app that detects paranormal activity, including taking photographs of demons in your room. it also lets you cast spells and such.

  • Honesty

    It began right from the start with me.

    Demunz here, Demunz there, demunz everywhere.

    They left me alone as soon as I rejected the troof and left Jehoobie.

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