30 years of bound volumes make it to the curb .....

by troubled mind 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I do feel bad that when I went through my Mothers things after she died ,I accidently threw out some JW memrobilia she had saved from the fifties . It was the program from Yankee stadium when she was baptised ...in the 50's ..when they had the huge International convention and extra people filled the polo grounds . She had news clippings badges and programs . A whole bag of stuff got mixed in with garbage and thrown away ....I cried for days because I felt so bad ,she had saved this stuff for yrs.

    I did find an old newspaper in the garage that has an article on the front page entitled "Jehovah's Witness Riot with Vets in city park ". It is from 1940's and the small town is in northern Illinois ....can't recall the name at the moment though .

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Hope you saved the 1969 Awake and the 1984 Watchtower, man.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    city was Wyanet ,IL


    When I told them it was JW's the guy asked if he could have them to BURN because he hated 'those guys '

    Now thats Funny!..

    It`s all Crap..Usually the only WBT$ Literature worth anything,is Pre-70`s..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

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