30 years of bound volumes make it to the curb .....

by troubled mind 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Our box of Watchtower and Awake bound volumes have sat out in the garage the past five yrs . This week is city wide clean up so we finally toted them to the curb . Those suckers are heavy ! My husband asked if we should just take them to the hall and leave them on the door step ,but i said NO there is more pleasure leaving them in the garbage pile .Out also went his old cheap suits and my collection of floral below the knee dresses !

    Some young adults came by dumpster diving and asked if we had anything good ....hahaha I told them about the clothes and when they asked about the books I told them they were a collection of literature from a religious cult . When I told them it was JW's the guy asked if he could have them to BURN because he hated 'those guys ' .

    Can't wait to see his GF dressed up in those floral dresses .

  • nicolaou

    They won't burn! Demunz!!

  • troubled mind
  • wobble

    They are abugger to burn I've heard, if you resort to petrol, please be careful folks, stand well back.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    love it. I just heard yesterday some good "fader" friends of mine got rid of all there JW books! great step!

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    Thirty years? So nothing pre-1980 I hope?

    Some of us are still trying to fill out our collection of older bound volumns and would love to get them.

    I know, its kinda sick.

  • glentrevette

    now you can get the cd rom disc 30 years of volumes with so much spirtual food on them its a great provision from the faithful slave

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Sphere : I try not to encourage BAD behaviors The volumes were from 1977-2004 almost thirty yrs .

    Recently I was at my parents home and noticed there are still volumes from the 50 -60's there . Mom was the JW and has passed ....Dad just never throws anything away . In their basement there are books from the 30's . One day I will be cleaning that all out too .

  • james_woods

    I did the same thing - just got rid of every single page of the B.S.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    Feels pretty good doesn't it James ?!

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