My GF Told Me She Got Invited To Go To Dinner By A Very Nicely Dressed Man

by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Get this: she called me up to tell me a well dressed man came to her house and actually invited her for dinner, a "meal" at the local Kingdom Hall on the Memorial evening.

    He gave her the invitation to enjoy the meal with him and quite a few other people on the night the "meal" was being served.

    I explained to her that the dinner only consisted of wine and unleavened bread and that she could only watch the bread and wine being passed but if she got a hold of the plate or the cup she had to just give it the next person.

    She asked, "You mean there's no dinner like he said?" I answered there was not. And she said, "Then forget it then!".

    These Witnesses are getting more innovative and sneaky!!

  • snowbird

    Lord, have mercy!


  • NomadSoul

    You mind if I take her to dinner?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    He found a way to make the Memorial even creepier.

  • baltar447


    That's hillarious!

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    I must admit when I was first attending the KH and the talk of the memorial began I honestly thought that we would all have a nice meal and get together afterwards. I was so disappointed at the time. (Not now of course!).

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    here the memorial is called the "evening meal". if i ever get lucky and some JW who does not know me invites me to the "evening meal", i'll ask for the menu.

  • Mary

    Oh the irony..........Someone invites you to a meal where you're not allowed to eat or drink anything.

    Only in Dub-dumb-land!!

  • cantleave

    It's not exactly Michelin starred dining is it!

  • LostGeneration

    Oh I thought from the thread title that just some nicely dressed man was hitting on your GF.

    I was afraid you were going to have to upgrade from that red dot you've been wearing all these years!

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