Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-03-2011 WT Study (TRIAL)

by blondie 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I think someone from the congo I attend is on here because his comment on paragraph 16 was fantastic!

    He said that he has worked with a company that did this type of sewing. He said the typical operator 1) had a lot of experience because most comapnies couldn't take the chance of putting an inexperienced person on the front line and 2) usually paid near minimum wage (in the US). So, he said, for someone with NO experience to even be offered a job was very rare but then to pay that person double the min wage (assuming her old job was the lowest paying one could have) was unbelievable! Then he added, it would have had to been Jehovah because there's no logical explaination for it.

    It was classic. I could see the confused look of some. I immediately looked at my wife with a "that's really unbelievable" expression and she just averted her eyes. She knew that story couldn't have been true.

    I can't wait for the one coming up in a few months talking about a person in Ethiopia turning down a scholarship that appears out of nowhere and then being offered a job making 3000 euros a month. That one is even more far fetched than this one.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Doubting Bro, that is hilarious. I like how some try to "add" the story or "explain" it only to make it even more unbelievable.

    Let's assume for a moment that this "experience" is true. Okay, good for Rosalita, Rosanne, whatever her name was. But even if there was 1 positive experience, how many faithful JWs did the same thing only to have things NOT work out so well for them? Or are we to suddenly believe that every JW who sacraficed work in order to attend the congregation was miracously blessed with some better-paying job w/ benefits? If that were the case, wouldn't the experience be more "faith-strengthening" if you were to say that a whole bunch of JWs was blessed in this manner?

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Mr. Falcon - exactly! If you really believed and had to go through an extended period of unemployment because you got fired for taking time off when your employer said no, how else could you take the fact you didn't get a new job making twice as much other than to conclude that you've somehow displeased Jehovah and he's withholding his blessing? These experiences may "encourage" those who aren't facing problems but to those who are in the same situation as the person in the "experience" its got to be demoralizing.

    Given what I know about the individual who commented (an ex-elder who rarely comments, is sort of invisible at the meetings and was previously known as a liberal), I really think he was highlighting the unbelievableness of the story. I could be wrong and wish we had a secret handshake or something to identify ones who are "awake". If he was trying to highlight the insanity of the "experience", he did a great job.

  • WTWizard

    This is designed to make the witlesses not fit in. First, they are expecting a God-inspired tribulation. Most people do not single out the witlesses for no good reason. If the clergy does start persecution, it is usually because they know the flock is being taught lies and that the witlesses are going to mislead them to hellfire. And they bother people, even after being repeatedly told that they are not wanted--and that their message is bogus.

    And, much of the tribulation is brought on by themselves. They don't invest anything in anything except field circus. Money ends up in the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund--a sure way to destitution, even in perfect times. A while ago, I saw a thread about investment silver being "worldly"--started by some self-righteous idiot and sure to end up a "stumbling block" somewhere. And, if the witlesses cannot invest, they also cannot earn much. They are supposed to be out in field circus, pio-sneering instead of working full time. This does not build much of a future toward retirement. I can honestly say that I was dissuaded from starting to pick up silver or gold (or any other assets, such as contracts on oil) because I was told that everything would go to zero at the Great Tribulation.

    Snitching? They want people snitching for stupid things. That is a sure way to ruin a friendship. Such things as watching porn, buying investment silver (or gold), masturbating, petty gambling (say, pitching pennies), or displaying too much interest in Christmas lights warrants snitching. Yet, they will not snitch on whoppers--where is the snitching when pedophiles exist in the congregations? Where was the snitching on the parents that killed and ate the baby in July 2009? If they choose to snitch on the tiny things, but not the whoppers, what good does it do? I would even bet that if I knew of two offenses--one a porn offense and the other a person just killed and ate a baby, and report both to the hounders, they would deal harshly with the porn but look the other way with the baby eating. Maybe they need to start snitching, to the police, when they find whoppers going on within the congregation but remain silent with the petty items.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Doubting Bro -

    I could be wrong and wish we had a secret handshake or something to identify ones who are "awake".

    Just look for the one's wearing sunglasses.

    WTWizard - that whole snitching thing was nuts. The illustration of Alex & Steve was really too much. I laughed when they read it and thought, "well Steve is about to get an important life lesson on who his REAL friends are." Growing up, so many self-rightous "Alex" types would go around ratting on everyone for everything. Everything. Getting everyone in trouble constantly. And today most of them aren't even JWs anymore. So they caused so much trouble for people and then ended up leaving that very same organization. People were DF'd and families broken up over some the crap, so I have a hard time not seeing them as being accountable, whether they are presently JWs or not.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Makes me wonder if the character, Roxana, in paragraph 16 is related to Andre. The WTBTS writing department personnel are such clowns!

    My advice to Steve (Par 11): Avoid JW 'friends' like Alex. Nothing wrong with you Steve, its' Alex I would worry about.

    I would venture a guess that of the 11 elders and 9 ministerial servants in our hall, that 85% of us have had our share of sneeking around looking at naughty pictures either in magazines like 'Playboy', the spice channel on T.V., questionable sites on line or a current file in our head of nasty & risque thoughts......So leave Steve alone!

    I would also venture a guess and say that of the two (Steve & Alex), Steve is going to have a much healthier/happier marriage and sex life!

    You Go Steve!

  • straightshooter

    Steve could go to Alex for slandering him, by spreading harmful slander to 2 elders. Steve can then procede with Mathew 18.

    An elder went to 2 elders about I playing violent video games. I proceded to apply Matthew 18 that the elder slandered me. He was removed over this situation. If I did not stop the process at step 2, this elder might have been df for slandering me.

    Steve, deny everything, and go after Alex.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Steve could go to Alex for slandering him, by spreading harmful slander to 2 elders. Steve can then procede with Mathew 18.

    Or Steve could just kick Alex's ass. That would work, too.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    More evidence that the WTBTS is out of touch with reality and old fashioned is the depiction of Steve in the illustration as the one having the 'problem' with viewing pornography.

    CNN or one of the other networks did a recent study showing women as enjoying more & more along with men the adults cable channels as well as women viewing more & more 'questionable' websites.

    So here is a suggestion for the WTBTS: How about next time the topic of viewing pornography comes up for discussion, why not illustrate 2 sisters with one having the 'problem' as opposed to a brother with the 'problem'?

    Get with the times GB!

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    How about next time the topic of viewing pornography comes up for discussion, why not illustrate 2 sisters with one having the 'problem'

    Exactly, and the one sister could give the other sister a spanking for being such a bad, bad gir....... wait, ummmm..... nevermind.

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