June 15 W/T - "Should Youths Get Baptised?"

by sizemik 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ThomasCovenant

    This is the youngest age for baptism I have found so far in the WT literature

    Watchtower 15th Jan '88 p28

    ''Among those getting baptized were an 8-year-old girl who conducts two Bible studies with schoolmates, a 79-year-old man, and a 44-year-old quadriplegic.''

    Just spotted Blondie's, who else, 7 year old from '56 WT.

  • sizemik

    Can 7 and 8 year olds rightly be referred to as infants? . . . or is that a bit of a stretch?

    The point in asking . . . do the WTS practice "infant baptism"?

    It can quite safely be said they practice "child baptism" which is every bit as bad really

    I know it's all about labels . . . but if the shoe fits . . .

    Infant baptism in most mainstream Christian religion carries little more than symbolic meaning . . . more like officially 'naming the child' in my experience.

    But in a dangerous cult . . . more like another form of child abuse?

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