June 15 W/T - "Should Youths Get Baptised?"

by sizemik 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Because of the many recent adjustments (ie. generation overlap, blood transfusions & fractions, reduction in pioneer and aux pioneer hours, deletion of the Book Study arrangement, change from P.O to COBE; the list of recent adjustments is endlesst) in the WT organization I would say that the Society would be the last institution that I would want my young ones to trust their life to.

    It is obvious by all the recent and future adjustments to come that the WTBTS doesn't know what the sam hill it is doing.

    Not to mention the unchristian and non-Biblical disfellowshipping and shunning policy that the WTBTS is determined to hold on to (Keep Yourselves In God's Love Pg 207 par 2).

    Young ones why set yourselves up for failure with the WTBTS?

    So: Should Youths Get Baptised?............................. Negative, No!

  • TotallyADD

    What has not been mention is if you are a elder or MS if your children are not baptised by the time they are in their mid teens or so the WT will force them to step down. This is just more pressure on kids who fathers are servants. Talk about cult control. It just drives me nuts how nobody seems to care among the JW faithful. Totally ADD

  • blondie

    Driver's license = 16 years old with parent signature

    Marriage = 18 years old (16 with parents permission)

    Job = 15 to 17 with special government documents, 18 without parent permission

    Sign a contract or a lease--21 with co-signer

    Rent a car = 25 years old

    I noticed the age, 10 years....certainly not ready to drive, marry, get a full-time job, sign a lease or contract, rent a car...certainly not acts as important or serious as making a lifelong commitment to God.

    *** w89 1/15 p. 18 par. 13 How Baptism Can Save Us ***Zion’s Watch Tower of July 1, 1894, said: "To all the dear children and young people who have given their hearts to God, and who are trying daily to follow Jesus, the WATCH TOWER sends its greeting. We know some of the very little ones who love Jesus, and who are not ashamed to stand up for Jesus among other children who do not love him or try to please him; and who are brave and true to God, even when laughed at and thought peculiar by their schoolmates to whom they tell the good news of the kingdom. And we are rejoiced to see some young people, who have bravely renounced the world and its ambitions and pleasures, among the most faithful of those who have [dedicated] their lives to the Lord. Some of our office helpers, as well as many of the successful colporteurs, are still young in years." Even if you are still young, why not talk to your parents about dedication to Jehovah God?


    g78 8/8 p. 30 Watching the World ***‘Close to Infant Baptism’ ♦

    The practice of some Southern Baptist churches to baptize very young children has come under fire. Richard D. Patton, chairman of the Southern Baptist Historical Commission, has declared that baptizing young children seems to "put us perilously close to the practice of infant baptism." He indicated that 10 percent of the baptisms during 1976 were of children under the age of eight.

    (jw children younger than 8 have been baptized....a 6 year old girl at a convention in Chicago a few years ago)

    *** w06 4/1 p. 13 Determined to Serve Jehovah ***In 1948, I attended the district convention held near my grandmother’s home, where I was spending my summer vacation. A friend of mine was to be baptized at that convention, and he invited me to do the same. I told him that I did not bring any swimming trunks, but he suggested that after he was baptized, I could use his. I agreed and was baptized on June 27, 1948, when I was 13 years old

    *** w70 11/1 p. 669 "Of Course You Can, Kayoko. I Did!"***A young man with whom I had conducted a Bible study during his school years introduced his twelve-year-old daughter who was being baptized that day in symbol of her dedication of her life to God

    *** g76 10/22 p. 20 Practical Christianity Featured at "Sacred Service" Assemblies ***In the U.S. 10,253 were immersed at the assemblies. But, all together, 27,717 have been baptized at the "Sacred Service" assemblies from which reports have thus far been received. It is young people especially who are accepting Bible truths, as evidenced by a survey at one assembly which revealed that 70 percent of those baptized were between eleven and thirty years of age.

    *** w92 10/1 p. 22 ‘Should I Get Baptized?’ ***Ayumi got baptized when she was ten years old. She wanted to serve Jehovah because she really came to love him

    *** w88 3/15 p. 15 par. 21 Trust in Jehovah Leads to Dedication and Baptism ***Why, attending the Pioneer Service School in the Bahamas recently was a ten-year-old baptized girl, the daughter of two full-time ministers

    *** w96 2/1 p. 32 Irina’s Favorite Songbook ***NOT long ago, Irina, a nine-year-old girl from Sofia, Bulgaria, was baptized as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    *** w57 10/15 p. 618 High Lights of 1957 District Assemblies ***It is known that Jehovah’s witnesses do not believe in infant baptism, it being without Scriptural support. But does an eight-year-old girl understand enough to be baptized? A newspaper reporter doubted it until he questioned the lass, who ably answered all his questions, and that directly from her Bible.

    *** w56 3/1 p. 155 The "Triumphant Kingdom" Assemblies of 1955 ***. Nearby in a building equipped with warm-water tanks and large bathtubs the infirm, invalid and crippled candidates were taken care of. Among all those baptized the youngest was a seven-year-old boy, the oldest an eighty-seven-year-old woman.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    "Should youths get baptized?" Hell, yeah, since adults aren't stepping forward too much these days!

  • Gayle

    survey at one assembly which revealed that 70 percent of those baptized were between eleven and thirty years of age. thanks Blondie,, I am wondering if now-a-days it is getting to that percentage for 10-19 yrs old now.

    Anyway,, the JW baptism is only a symbol for JWs of shackles of unquestioning obedience to the GB, to a man-made organization.

    The motivator to do right in life is love, joy and peace, not just a dunk in water.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Anyone see this as another band-aid measure the Borg is using to hide the failure of door-to-door recruiting?

    Next they will be encouraging childbirth rather than discouraging it.

  • kimbo

    what is the youngest disoed child ?

    When they are charged for child abuse

    youths will not get baptised

  • metatron


    Baptizing babies is wrong but baptizing young children - before puberty- is OK?

    What does it take you defenders of the Watchtower to realize that this is wrong? Baptism at 5? 4? 3? When does this perversion of Christian dedication cause you to accept the greediness of Watchtower leaders who lust for control?


  • WTWizard

    Now, suppose you were to give these same children about $40 and head them to a coin shop to buy a silver round. Would the coin shop, which is in business to sell silver rounds, sell silver to these children without their parent(s) being around? I don't think so. Yet, that silver can be sold quite readily at a later time, saved, or bartered off. Plus, there are no major consequences (aside, if silver runs into a whopper of a shortage, it goes up to $60,000 per ounce) or rules that can be changed without notice. It comes without a contract to sign. Yet, coin shops usually will not allow minors that are 10 and under to buy silver without their parents.

    Now, the Washtowel Slaveholdery is requiring these same children to make a much bigger investment. They are not going to be out a mere $40 (the worst that could happen is that they will lose the silver) if they mess up. It is going to cost them a lot more than $40 upfront--all their time and energy, plus they will lose out on the opportunity to make more in the future. There are rules, which can change without notice, and breaking one means getting treated like sxxx.

    Now, if these children can't make a decision with around $40 in cost without their parents being there, why are they being hounded to make decisions under death threats that will cost them their whole lives?

  • sizemik

    Fair comparison WTW . . . it highlight's WHY they CAN do it though . . . they get the parents to push the "cause"

    Luvonyall - MS

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