Does being a JW make you narcissistic

by wyorobert 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina

    What Mr. Falcon and MiseryLovesElders said...

    From the very beginning of the sect, Charles Taze Russell believed that he had special knowledge that was not imparted to the other churches of Christianity at large...

    I think that he also believed that he had a "special" pipeline to - from - god, because there was something innately "special" about him, or his efforts to worship god in a 'pure' way, or that he had special knowledge about how the pyramids in Egypt contained some 'special' message from the Hebrew god...

    That attitude was passed on to Rutherford, whose egomania was tailor-made to take full advantage of its implications. Rutherford expanded and enlarged upon that belief in their - in his - exclusive rights to call himself - the JWs - the ONLY righteous people on earth; the ONLY ones truly using god's "name"; the ONLY ones with "accurate" understanding of the bible; the ONLY ones who knew when god was going to bring on "Armageddon", and so on...

    As I was growing up in the religion, I found it highly ironic that such a group of people who were generally functioning at or around poverty level, had a deliberate aversion to scientific knowledge, were frequently handicapped with some mental or emotional dysfunctionality, and repeatedly eschewed higher education, could be so ARROGANT as to believe that THEY qualified as "god's 'chosen' people"....

    These were the dregs of society, I felt - even as a child. Frankly, I detested having to associate with them, and I am SO glad that I no longer have to do so. I found most of them to be intellectually inert - with a flattening, defeating effect on the few talented and intelligent ones trapped in the organization with them...

    But nearly every one of THEM firmly believed in their innate "superiority" due to their obstinate refusal to learn or see reality clearly...



  • LongHairGal


    I never thought much of myself as a JW when I was a JW (if that makes sense). I never felt 'exceptional'. Frankly, to be quite honest with myself, I guess I thought the whole thing was stupid and even clownish in a way.

    I was always puzzled when people 'aspired' to be a pioneer or MS, or elder. I guess I just didn't value it and thought JWs who were stuck-up over being in the religion were deluded somehow. I could see people being narcissistic over good looks, wealth but not being a JW.


    I agree with you that JWs are notorious for bashing other people's religions. I remember once a girl visited our congregation and during a Thursday night 'skit' the woman on the platform knocked the Catholic church in her little presentation. Well, it was a total turn-off for the visiting girl and she didn't want anything further to do with the JW religion.

  • wyorobert

    Great commemts. The fun part about this sight is that you think you own all of these thoughts and yet so many other people are thinking the same thing. I had never heard of shunning, so that was a complete shock to my system to have teenage girls refuse to have eye contact and walk by as if you don't exist. I promised my wife, I would fix things with her family. Funny to think of what a naive statement that was. I don't care for me, but I really wonder what that does to those girls.

    It also blew my mind to find out that my wife's Mom did everything but put on camoflauge and snuck up on her Mom to catch her smoking. Then she had her disfellowshipped and never spoke to her again as far as I know. What must that do to the minds of children to be involved in those things. I remember going to my one and only Assembly and just sitting there with my mouth wide open. I watched a twelve year old boy talk about making the right decision to spend as little time as possible with his worldly dad. After all of these years I still can't wrap my head around it.

    The thing I really can't explain is that I think my wife is one of the most incredible people I've ever met and perfect for me, so go figure. It says a lot about the human condition that people emerge from all of that and leave the cult and live good lives.

  • GLTirebiter

    I've noticed that JWs and narcissism seem to go together, but I'm not sure it is a cause and effect relationship. I think it's just as possible that the Watchtower's teachings attract narcissists who want to be part of "the chosen ones" as turning people into narcissists. But either way, it's filling the empty void where a balanced self-image would normally be.

    Oh, and welcome to the forum!

  • moshe

    I emailed my daughter- How was Mother's day? She emailed me back- Oh, I traded weekends with my ex, so it wasn't my weekend to have them. No big deal in her mind. What was so important that she needed to give away her mother's day weekend? Well, she wanted to go out on her boyfriend's sailboat and party with some new friends that weekend. O-ok, I told her, "it makes you look naccissistic doing stuff like that". Any criticism will get me the cold shoulder from her for a month. She left the JWs around age 14, but I wonder if sitting in the KH and hearing how special JWs are fed into an existing personality weakness. Anyway, she never outgrew being self-centered - right now she is working on a possible husband #4 and she is only 33.

    Some of the posters here, who stir the pot and never admit defeat when they have been soundly beaten, could they have a naccissistic personality defect? Maybe we just shouldn't feed them.

  • manthedan

    • Aaron So the new hip thing is to leave your religion. Hey that's fine, when everyone that's a hypocrite is gone ill go back =}
      Sunday at 9:15pm via Android · Like ·
      • 3 people like this.
        • Stacy Lol. Sunday at 9:21pm · Like
        • Lisa Looks like looking for a place to live may be a new trend also!! Sunday at 9:29pm · Like
        • Drae To all the people who decide to leave... I thought I would never say this but you are all Fucking IDIOTS!!! I mean seriously what do you think is out here for you? Friends youll lose stds being broke sure you can get drunk and smoke and have premiscuous sex! It all gets old. Leave becuase you dont believe not becuase you have raging hormones!! You all make me so sad... Sunday at 9:35pm · Like · 1 person
        • Drae I'll go back with you too aaron when all the stupid people are gone... Amen to them being hypocrites! Sunday at 9:37pm · Like
        • Aaron There really isn't anything out here haha kids are so stupid. I'm calling it... 6 months from now there gonna be crawling back haha Sunday at 10:27pm · Like
        • Tessa I say never =p everyone is crooked and deceiving! Sunday at 10:39pm · Like
        • Branson Im confused i probably dont know but hey at least i got zingers to munch on ^^ 22 hours ago · Like
        • Daniel Wth is all I have to say, honestly just cuz people r stupid still doesn't give it right to not come back, forget about them and come back anyways, who gives a shut about any1, do it for u not any1 else, im tired of every1 I grow close to and love leaving me for the damn world and I want u all back! Come back bro please! And yes I am pleading! You to drea! 21 hours ago · Like
        • Drae Aaron^^ I give it three when someone has a pregnancy scare! Lol 20 hours ago · Like
        • Tyler if its six...... i'll kill you myself 14 hours ago
  • moshe
    im tired of every1 I grow close to and love leaving me for the damn world and I want u all back! Come back bro please! And yes I am pleading! You to drea!

    They never ask why they are leaving the KH in droves- could it be a defect with Them and their beliefs?

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    My answer would be yes.

    I was just thinking the other day about his young elders wife in the hall. A worldly coworker of hers needed some help and I was surprised that she and her elder husband helped this coworker in a sneaky way none the less. Actually it sort of blew me away because both the elder and his wife lied to her boss about the whole thing.

    Anywho the coworker was being shafted by the job and she from what the elders wife said was in a bad place so lying to the boss was a gray area to me.

    What got me though was the coworker was so happy to have a friend in this elders wife and wanted to keep the friendship going she was a very lonely person and one who got picked on at the job.

    The way this elders wife talked behind her coworkers back about not having friends in the world was sickening. It was like who does this worldly coworker think she is, I only have JW friends.

    I truly do not know why she helped the coworker with her better then tho attitude.

    Yes they all are narcissistic, I look back to when I totally believed and shutter to think that I might have been that kind of person also.

    I hope I wasn't. The saving grace to me is that I never fit in, no one in the religion liked me truly, not even when I was pioneering or an elders wife. I never had friends in the religion. I was always on the outside looking in so maybe I was not like the rest, I hope.


  • gutted

    My take on this is that if the person already had narcissistic leanings it would make them even more so. There are nice JWs and assholes alike. I couldn't call myself a narcissist when I was in because I had crushing guilt even if I "knew" I was completely right... because I could never live up to that ideal anyway. That being said the elitist idea prevailed, but more from a place of fear to not get close to people so that they would not corrupt me with their evil ways.

    I believe this creates such a duality in the individual, and most people that act arrogant are crippled with self-doubt and low self-esteem anyway... it really is hard to say if they are truly "narcissistic", I think other words fit better.

    It truly is a mindfuck.

  • 1975

    I guess they never read that scripture that says, "For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deceiving his own mind." Gal. 5:3

    Do such scriptrures have any application on JW's?


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