Would you employ a witness?

by sleepy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Lets get all hypothetical.
    Lets imagine you are starting or have a business and you need an accountant.
    One of your main concerns is their honesty.
    you interview some potential employees.
    They have very similar qualifications and experience.
    The only difference is their religious beliefs.
    Person 1 is a Catholic.
    Person 2 a Moslem.
    Person 3 an atheist.
    Person 4 Jehovah's witness.(Imagine you are not disfellowshiped so they won’t shun you)

    Would their religious beliefs effect your choice?

  • DazedAndConfused

    sleepy, from my experience, both as an employee and and employer........I WOULD NOT employ a Witness if they knew I was a Witness. Too much slacking goes on. If I were not a JW and looking........the first person I would look for is a JW type.

    Time and time again on this board we see hypocracy. In the workplace this applies also. If a Witness works for an apparent "worldly" person/organization, they will do their utmost to be a good worker. If they are working for a supposed Br/Sr, they tend to take advantage.

  • Englishman


    No I would not! JW's tend to be somewhat arrogant, and as Stephen Bates would put it, regard their employers as prospective birdseed.

    The same is true of JW shool pupils, generally, they do not make good students owing to their pre-conceived ideas of superiority.


    Hey! Now you are an outie, you can dance too!

  • Francois

    I vote with the Englishman, partly because of his reasoning but also because JWs are able to justify theft, etc. because he's "only" working for a worldly person. There are plently of JWs who are arrested every year for white collar crimes of all sorts.

    Remember the guy two years ago, the day trader, who killed his family and then went and shot up the day trading office where he used their equipment? This was in Atlanta. Cults attract some real weirdos. Some of 'em go postal. And what's a nice witness boy doing studying accounting when he could be out in service? Something not right there.

    No witnesses workers for me for a string of reasons.


  • sleepy

    "If I were not a JW and looking........the first person I would look for is a JW type."

    I believe a lot of employers would also.I was hired once partly because I was a witness. The boss told me he respected witnesses as he saw hypocracy in other religions.Little did he know.

    When I was in school I was a terrible student.Always getting into trouble.It was a good thing most teachers didn't know I was a witness.
    By biggest problem was that I didn't think I needed an education as armageddon was so close.(Idiot)
    I started of with straight A's and some of the best results in the school I finished school with alomost no qualifications.

  • LB

    I actually hirer a witness to do some contruction work around my house a few months back. He did a good job and all was fine. Still the conversation was strained at times. Not easy for him or me to talk about much anymore.

    Not hiring someone because of their religion seems to be shortsighted in my mind.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • patio34

    Hi Sleepy,

    I would not because of my own repulsion of the JW system of beliefs.

    I would know they would always be 'judging' me and everyone else, gossiping to their compadres about the wicked apostate and worldly people (fair game to them), or they would be trying to steer the conversation towards 'reactivation' of me.

    It would be too uneasy of a situation. I know far too much about them.


  • Beans

    Wow tought question!I don`t think I would unless it was a hottie!If I did hire one I would make sure that they were the only one who didn`t get a Christmas bonus.As we all know they don`t celebrate so why encourage the pagan celebration with the pagan bonus!


  • Parliament

    Speaking of a Christmas bonus. Have you ever heard of a witness turning one down?

  • rollercoaster

    I would not hire a witness. Every witness I hired was a slacker. The one taking care of my books screwed me over to the tune of $450,000.00!! I am still struggling to get out from under the debt!

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