They don't even know their own doctrines...

by Leto 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Leto

    I had an interesting exchange on facebook with some random JW's on the April auxillary piosneering page. Seems they don't realize that the Watchtower has set itself up as the mediator between the great crowd and Jesus. I post multiple Watchtowers that outright say that "Jesus is not mediator towards ALL mankind, but only 'spiritual israel', or the 144,000..."

    While the Watchtower doesn't come RIGHT out and name itself the "MEDIATOR" for the Great Crowd, they do say that the Great Crowd's hope for salvation rests on their "association" with the 144k. Governing Body=144k. So the official pecking order for rank & file to get to God is through some class of humans. They are saying it without coming out and directly saying it.

    Hmmm I could have sworn the bible directly contradicts that line of "thought", because it says pretty plainly that Jesus is the mediator for "all" men. But I might be mistaken. No...I looked it up, that's exactly what it says. But I thought they took everything from the bible? Nawwww....

    What is telling is that the JW's still disagreed with me, that somehow the Watchtower articles didn't say that, and I am just "reading too deeply" into what is being said.


    It's amazing isn't it? I have had JWs come to my door and tell me that Jesus didn't tell Peter that he was the rock that he'd build HIS church on. And then go on trying to teach me about the bible. Their beliefs are full of contridictions in the bible, and they blissfully ignore the truth.

    One example- Scripture say unequivically that Jesus is God [not God the Father, but God all the same]. They will then recite scriptures that indicate that the Son is takes his lead from the Father. It's like 'so what?' My son takes his lead from me, but I am not greater than he, and my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather is not greater than me and neither is anyone elses.

    Gimme a break.


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Can you please post the watchtowers where it says Jesus is not the mediator for all but only for the 144k. I would love to incorporate that into a talk but a bit more outspoken than the watchtower.

  • nugget

    No they do not know their own doctrines sad to say. Nor do they know their own history. With all the smoke and mirrors they use to slip new teaching under the radar it is no wonder. You have to be on your toes to notice the changes and you have to have been there long enough to remember the original thought.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Here's the latest one, Anony Mous:

    12/15/08 Watchtower - full article - see subheading on Mediator of the New Covenant

    Appreciate Jesus’UniqueRoleinGod’s Purpose “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”—JOHN 14:6. THROUGHOUT the ages, many have endeavored to stand out as different from those around them, but few do. Even fewer individuals can rightly claim that they are unique in significant ways. Yet, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is unique in many ways. 2 Why should Jesus’ unique role interest us? Because our very relationship with our heavenly Father, Jehovah, is involved! Jesus said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6; 17:3) Let us examine some of the ways in which Jesus is unique. Doing so will build our appreciation for his role in God’s purpose. “The Only-Begotten Son” 3 Jesus is not just “a son of God.” That is how Satan referred to Jesus while tempting him. (Matt. 4:3, 6) Jesus is rightly called “the only-begotten Son of God.” (John 3:16, 18) The Greek word translated “only-begotten” has been defined as “single of its kind, only,” “the only member of a kin or kind,” or “unique.” Jehovah has hundreds of millions of spirit sons. In what sense, then, is Jesus the only one “of a kin or kind”? 4 Jesus is unique in that he is the sole direct creation of his Father. He is the firstborn Son. In fact, he is “the firstborn of all creation.” (Col. 1:15) He is “the beginning of the creation by God.” (Rev. 3:14) The only-begotten Son’s role in creation is also unique. He was not the Creator, or Originator, of creation. But Jehovah used him as the agent, or means, to create all other things. (ReadJohn1:3.) The apostle Paul wrote: “There is actually to us one God the Father, out of whom all things are, and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are, and we through him.”—1 Cor. 8:6. 5 However, much more is involved in the uniqueness of Jesus. The Scriptures attribute to him many titles or designations that highlight his unique role in God’s purpose. Let us now examine five more of these as applied to Jesus in the Christian Greek Scriptures. “The Word” 6 ReadJohn1:14. Why is Jesus called “the Word,” or Logos? This title identifies the function that he has performed since other intelligent creatures came into existence. Jehovah used his Son to convey information and instructions to other spirit sons, even as God used that Son to deliver His message to humans on earth. The fact that Jesus is the Word, or God’s Spokesman, is echoed in what Christ said to his Jewish listeners: “What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me. If anyone desires to do His will, he will know concerning the teaching whether it is from God or I speak of my own originality.” (John 7:16, 17) Jesus continues to bear the title “The Word of God” even after his return to heavenly glory.—Rev. 19:11, 13, 16. 7 Just think about what this title implies. Although Jesus is the wisest of all of Jehovah’s creatures, he does not rely on his own wisdom. He speaks as his Father instructs him. He always directs attention to Jehovah rather than to himself. (John 12:50) What a wonderful example for us to imitate! We too have been entrusted with the precious privilege to “declare good news of good things.” (Rom. 10:15) Appreciation for Jesus’ example of humility should move us to avoid speaking of our own initiative. When it comes to conveying the lifesaving message in the Scriptures, we do not want to “go beyond the things that are written.”—1 Cor. 4:6. “The Amen” 8 ReadRevelation3:14. Why is Jesus called “the Amen”? The word rendered “amen” is a transliteration of a Hebrew word that means “so be it,” or “surely.” The Hebrew root word from which it is drawn means to “be faithful” or “trustworthy.” This same word is used to describe Jehovah’s faithfulness. (Deut. 7:9; Isa. 49:7) So in what way is Jesus unique when he is referred to as “the Amen”? Notice how 2 Corinthians 1:19, 20 answers: “The Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among you . . . , did not become Yes and yet No, but Yes has become Yes in his case. For no matter how many the promises of God are, they have become Yes by means of him. Therefore also through him is the ‘Amen’ said to God for glory.” 9 Jesus is “the Amen” to all the divine promises. His flawless life course on earth, including his sacrificial death, confirmed and made possible the fulfillment of all the promises of Jehovah God. By remaining faithful, Jesus also proved false Satan’s claim, recorded in the book of Job, that under privation, suffering, and test, God’s servants would deny Him. (Job 1:6-12; 2:2-7) Of all God’s creatures, the firstborn Son could give the most conclusive answer to that charge. In addition, Jesus provided the finest evidence supporting his Father’s side in the greater issue of the rightfulness of Jehovah’s universal sovereignty. 10 How can we imitate Jesus in his unique role as “the Amen”? By remaining faithful to Jehovah and supporting his universal sovereignty. In so doing, we will be responding positively to the request recorded at Proverbs 27:11: “Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a reply to him that is taunting me.” “The MediatorofaNew Covenant” 11 Read1 Timothy2:5, 6. Jesus is the “one mediator between God and men.” He is “the mediator of a new covenant.” (Heb. 9:15; 12:24) However, Moses is also spoken of as a mediator—the mediator of the Law covenant. (Gal. 3:19) How, then, is Jesus’ role as Mediator unique? 12 The original-language word translated “mediator” is a legal term. It refers to Jesus as a legal Mediator (or, in a sense, an attorney) of the new covenant that made possible the birth of a new nation, “the Israel of God.” (Gal. 6:16) This nation is composed of spirit-anointed Christians, who form a heavenly “royal priesthood.” (1 Pet. 2:9; Ex. 19:6) The Law covenant, with Moses as mediator, was not able to produce a nation like that. 13 What does Jesus’ role as Mediator involve? Well, Jehovah applies the value of Jesus’ blood to those being brought into the new covenant. In this way, Jehovah legally credits them with righteousness. (Rom. 3:24; Heb. 9:15) God can then take them into the new covenant with the prospect of their becoming heavenly king-priests! As their Mediator, Jesus assists them in maintaining a clean standing before God.—Heb. 2:16. 14 What about those who are not in the new covenant, those who hope to live forever on earth, not in heaven? While not participants in the new covenant, these are beneficiaries of it. They receive forgiveness of their sins and are declared righteous as God’s friends. (Jas. 2:23; 1 John 2:1, 2) Whether we have a heavenly hope or an earthly hope, each one of us has good reason to appreciate Jesus’ role as the Mediator of the new covenant. “High Priest” 15 Many men have served as high priests in the past, yet Jesus’ role as High Priest is truly unique. How so? Paul explains: “He does not need daily, as those high priests do, to offer up sacrifices, first for his own sins and then for those of the people: (for this he did once for all time when he offered himself up;) for the Law appoints men high priests having weakness, but the word of the sworn oath that came after the Law appoints a Son, who is perfected forever.”—Heb. 7:27, 28. 16 Jesus was a perfect man, the exact equal of Adam before that one sinned. (1 Cor. 15:45) As such, Jesus was the only human to be in a position to offer up a perfect, complete sacrifice—the type of sacrifice without any need to be repeated. Under the Mosaic Law, sacrifices were offered on a daily basis. All such sacrifices and priestly services were a mere shadow, though, of what Jesus was to accomplish. (Heb. 8:5; 10:1) So in its effectiveness and permanence, Jesus’ office as High Priest is unique. 17 We need the services of Jesus as High Priest to help us have a right standing with God. And what a wonderful High Priest we have! “We have as high priest, not one who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,” wrote Paul, “but one who has been tested in all respects like ourselves, but without sin.” (Heb. 4:15) Truly, appreciation of this fact should move us to ‘live no longer for ourselves, but for him who died for us.’—2 Cor. 5:14, 15; Luke 9:23. The Foretold “Seed” 18 Back in Eden, when it appeared that mankind had lost everything—a clean standing with God, everlasting life, happiness, and Paradise—Jehovah God foretold a Deliverer. This one was referred to as the “seed.” (Gen. 3:15) This mystery Seed became a theme of numerous Bible prophecies down through the ages. He was to be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Also, he was to be in the line of King David.—Gen. 21:12; 22:16-18; 28:14; 2 Sam. 7:12-16. 19 Who was this promised Seed? The answer to this question can be found at Galatians 3:16. (Read.) However, later in the same chapter, the apostle Paul goes on to say to anointed Christians: “Moreover, if you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham’s seed, heirs with reference to a promise.” (Gal. 3:29) How is it that Christ is the promised Seed, and yet others too are included? 20 Millions claim to have descended from Abraham, some even acting as prophets. Some religions place great importance on the claim that their prophets descended from Abraham. But are all of these the promised Seed? No. As the apostle Paul points out under inspiration, not all of Abraham’s descendants can claim to be the promised Seed. The offspring of Abraham’s other sons were not used to bless humankind. The seed of blessing was to be through Isaac alone. (Heb. 11:18) Ultimately, only one man, Jesus Christ, whose genealogy from Abraham is documented in the Bible, is the primary part of that foretold seed. All others who later become the secondary part of Abraham’s seed are such because they “belong to Christ.” Yes, Jesus’ role in fulfilling this prophecy is truly unique. 21 What have we learned from this brief review of Jesus’ unique role in Jehovah’s purpose? From the time of his creation onward, God’s only-begotten Son has truly been unique, one of a kind. However, this unique Son of God who became Jesus has always humbly served in harmony with the will of his Father, never seeking glory for himself. (John 5:41; 8:50) What an outstanding example for us today! Like Jesus, may we make it our goal to “do all things for God’s glory.”—1 Cor. 10:31. [Footnotes] Some of these titles appear along with the Greek definite article, indicating that the title is, as one scholar states, “in a sense, ‘in a class by itself.’” According to one Bible scholar, the word translated “once for all time” expresses an important Biblical concept that “suggests the definiteness, uniqueness, or singularity of the death of Christ.” Even though the Jews in the first century C.E. thought that they, as Abraham’s literal offspring, or descendants, would be the favored people, they looked for one person to come as the Messiah, or Christ.—John 1:25; 7:41, 42; 8:39-41.Do YouRemember? • What have you learned about the unique role of Jesus from his titles or designations? (See box.) • How can you imitate the example of Jehovah’s unique Son?[Study Questions] 1, 2. Why should we be interested in examining Jesus’ unique role in God’s purpose? 3, 4. (a) Why can we say that Jesus is unique in his role as the only-begotten Son? (b) How was Jesus’ role in creation unique? 5. How do the Scriptures highlight the uniqueness of Jesus? 6. Why is it appropriate that Jesus is called “the Word”? 7. How can we imitate the humility Jesus shows in his role as “the Word”? 8, 9. (a) What does the word “amen” mean, and why is Jesus called “the Amen”? (b) How did Jesus fulfill his role as “the Amen”? 10. How can we imitate Jesus in his unique role as “the Amen”? 11, 12. How is Jesus’ role as Mediator unique? 13. What is involved in Jesus’ role as Mediator? 14. Why should all Christians, whatever their hope, truly appreciate Jesus’ role as Mediator? 15. How is Jesus’ role as High Priest different from that of all other men who have served as high priests? 16. Why is Jesus’ sacrifice truly unique? 17. Why should we appreciate Jesus’ role as our High Priest, and how can we do so? 18. What prophecy was uttered after Adam sinned, and what was later revealed concerning this prophecy? 19, 20. (a) Who is the promised Seed? (b) Why can it be said that the foretold seed includes more than Jesus? 21. What impresses you about the way Jesus has fulfilled his unique role in Jehovah’s purpose?







    ? TheOnly-BegottenSon. (John 1:3) Jesus is the sole direct creation of his Father.

    ? TheWord. (John 1:14) Jehovah uses his Son as a Spokesman to convey information and instructions to other creatures.

    ? TheAmen. (Rev. 3:14) Jesus’ flawless life course on earth, including his sacrificial death, confirmed and made possible the fulfillment of the promises of Jehovah God.

    ? TheMediatoroftheNewCovenant. (1 Tim. 2:5, 6) As a legal Mediator, Jesus has made possible the birth of a new nation, “the Israel of God,” composed of Christians who will form a heavenly “royal priesthood.”—Gal. 6:16; 1 Pet. 2:9.

    ? TheHighPriest. (Heb. 7:27, 28) Jesus was the only human to be in a position to offer a perfect sacrifice, one that did not need to be repeated. He can cleanse us from sin and free us from its death-dealing effects.

    ? ThePromisedSeed. (Gen. 3:15) Only one man, Jesus Christ, is the primary part of that foretold seed. All others who later become the secondary part of Abraham’s seed “belong to Christ.”—Gal. 3:29.

  • Mat

    Be careful critisising JW's over things they don't know they believe. I remember when I was a JW I was in the library and I decided to look at a anti witness book (can't remember which one) and I remember reading- "This book will tell you things about the Jehovah's Witnesses that they will deny, and probably don't even know"!! I thought to myself then- if anything is a set up for saying lies about us, that is!

    I too would have argued that the GB is not our mediator (in fact I think I remember dong so more than once).

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Another one (sorry for formatting - it's this site, not me)

    2/15/91 Watchtower - primarily paragraphs 8-13 - par 11 comes right out and says Jesus isn't mediator for great crowd


    Were Bought With a


    “You were bought with a price. By all means, glorify God in the body of you people.”—1 CORINTHIANS 6:20.

    “THE true God is for us a God of saving acts,” said the psalmist, “and to Jehovah the Sovereign Lord belong the ways out from death.” (Psalm 68:20) The sacrifice of Jesus Christ opened up that way. But for that sacrifice to be legally valid, Christ had to make a personal appearance before God himself.


    This was foreshadowed on Atonement Day when the high priest entered the Most Holy. (Leviticus 16:12-15) “However,” wrote the apostle Paul, “when Christ came as a high priest . . . , he entered, no, not with the blood of goats and of young bulls, but with his own blood, once for all time into the holy place and obtained an everlasting deliverance for us. For Christ entered, not into a holy place made with hands, which is a copy of the reality, but into heaven itself, now to appear before the person of God for us.”—Hebrews 9:11, 12, 24.


    Power of



    What role does Christ’s blood play in our salvation? Since Noah’s day, true worshipers have viewed blood as sacred. (Genesis 9:4-6) Blood plays an important part in the life process, for the Bible says that “the soul [or life] of the flesh is in the blood.” (Leviticus 17:11) So the Mosaic Law required that when an animal was sacrificed, its blood be poured out before Jehovah. At times blood was also placed upon the horns of the altar. Clearly, the atoning power of a sacrifice was in its blood. (Leviticus 8:15; 9:9) “Nearly all things are cleansed with blood according to the Law, and unless blood is poured out no forgiveness takes place.”—Hebrews 9:22.


    Little wonder, then, that under the Law, any misuse of blood was punishable by death! (Leviticus 17:10) All of us know that when a substance is made rare, or severely restricted as to its use, its value increases. Jehovah’s curb on its use ensured that blood would be viewed, not as something of ordinary value, but as precious, valuable. (Acts 15:29; Hebrews 10:29) This accorded with the exalted purpose the blood of Christ would serve. Fittingly, he died in a manner that caused his blood to be shed. Thus, it was evident that Christ not only sacrificed his human body but poured out his soul, sacrificed his very life as a perfect human! (Isaiah 53:12) Christ did not forfeit the legal right to that life because of imperfection, so his poured-out blood had great value and could be presented before God for the atonement of mankind’s sins.


    Christ could not take his literal blood into heaven. (1 Corinthians 15:50) Rather, he took what that blood symbolized: the legal value of his sacrificed perfect human life. Before the person of God, he could make formal presentation of that life as a ransom in exchange for sinful mankind. Jehovah’s acceptance of that sacrifice became evident at Pentecost 33 C.E., when the holy spirit came upon 120 disciples in Jerusalem. (Acts 2:1-4) Christ, as it were, now owned the human race by purchase. (Galatians 3:13; 4:5; 2 Peter 2:1) Hence, ransom benefits could flow to mankind.


    First Beneficiaries of the



    This did not mean, however, that mankind would be granted instant physical perfection, for unless man’s sinful nature was overcome, physical perfection would not be possible. (Romans 7:18-24) How and when would sinfulness be overcome? God first arranged for 144,000 heavenly ‘priests to our God to rule as kings over the earth’ with Christ Jesus. (Revelation 5:9, 10; 7:4; 14:1-3) Through them the benefits of the ransom will gradually be applied to mankind over a period of a thousand years.—1 Corinthians 15:24-26; Revelation 21:3, 4.


    Leading up to that, the 144,000 king-priests are “bought from among mankind.” (Revelation 14:4) This is accomplished by means of “a new covenant.” This covenant is a contract between Jehovah God and the spiritual Israel of God for its members to serve as kings and priests. (Jeremiah 31:31-34; Galatians 6:16; Hebrews 8:6-13; 1 Peter 2:9) Yet, how is a covenant between God and imperfect man possible? Paul explains: “Where there is a covenant [between God and imperfect man], the death of the human covenanter needs to be furnished. For a covenant is valid over dead victims, since it is not in force at any time while the human covenanter is living.”—Hebrews 9:16, 17.


    Hence, the ransom sacrifice is fundamental to the new covenant, of which Jesus is the Mediator. Paul wrote: “There is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all—this is what is to be witnessed to at its own particular times.” (1 Timothy 2:5, 6) Those words especially apply to the 144,000, with whom the new covenant is made.


    When God made a covenant with fleshly Israel, it was not legally valid until animal blood was shed in sacrifice. (Hebrews 9:18-21) Similarly, for the new covenant to become operative, Christ had to shed the “blood of the covenant.” (Matthew 26:28; Luke 22:20) With Christ acting as both High Priest and “mediator of a new covenant,” God applies the value of Jesus’ blood to those being brought into the new covenant, legally crediting them with human righteousness. (Hebrews 9:15; Romans 3:24; 8:1, 2) God then can take them into the new covenant to be heavenly king-priests! As their Mediator and High Priest, Jesus assists them in maintaining a clean standing before God.—Hebrews 2:16; 1 John 2:1, 2.


    the Things on



    Is it only anointed Christians who can experience a release by ransom, the forgiveness of their sins? No, God is reconciling to himself all other things by making peace through the blood shed on the torture stake, as Colossians 1:14, 20 indicates. This involves the things in the heavens (the 144,000) as well as the things upon the earth. The latter are those in line for earthly life, humans who will enjoy perfect life in Paradise on earth. Especially since 1935 has there been a concerted effort to gather such ones. Revelation 7:9-17 describes them as “a great crowd” who owe salvation to God and to the Lamb. They still need to survive “the great tribulation” and be ‘guided to fountains of waters of life,’ for Revelation 20:5 shows that such ones will become fully alive, having perfect human life, by the end of the Thousand Year Reign of Christ. Those who then pass a final test in their perfect human state will be declared righteous for everlasting life on earth.—Revelation 20:7, 8.


    Nevertheless, in a preliminary way, the great crowd have already “washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:14) Christ does not act as Mediator of the new covenant toward them, yet they benefit from this covenant through the work of God’s Kingdom. Christ still acts toward them, however, as High Priest, through whom Jehovah can and does apply the ransom to the extent of their now being declared righteous as God’s friends. (Compare James 2:23.) During the Millennium, they will gradually “be set free from enslavement to corruption [until finally they] have the glorious freedom of the children of God.”—Romans 8:21.


    As to their standing with God, it might seem that those of the great crowd differ little from pre-Christian worshipers. However, God dealt with the latter with the future ransom provision in view. (Romans 3:25, 26) They enjoyed forgiveness of their sins only in a provisional way. (Psalm 32:1, 2) Rather than fully relieving them of the “consciousness of sins,” animal sacrifices caused “a reminding of sins.”—Hebrews 10:1-3.


    It is different with true Christians today. They worship on the basis of a ransom that has been paid! Through their High Priest, they “approach with freeness of speech to the throne of undeserved kindness.” (Hebrews 4:14-16) Being reconciled to God is not some hoped-for development but a present reality! (2 Corinthians 5:20) When they err, they can receive real forgiveness. (Ephesians 1:7) They enjoy a truly cleansed conscience. (Hebrews 9:9; 10:22; 1 Peter 3:21) These blessings are a foretaste of the glorious freedom of the children of God that Jehovah’s servants will enjoy in the future!


    Depth of God’s Wisdom and



    What a marvelous gift from Jehovah the ransom is! It is easily comprehended, yet profound enough to strike awe into the greatest intellect. Our review of the workings of the ransom has barely scratched the surface. Yet, we exclaim with the apostle Paul: “O the depth of God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How unsearchable his judgments are and past tracing out his ways are!” (Romans 11:33) Jehovah’s wisdom is shown in that he was able both to rescue mankind and to vindicate his sovereignty. By means of the ransom, “God’s righteousness has been made manifest . . . God set [Christ] forth as an offering for propitiation through faith in his blood.”—Romans 3:21-26.


    No criticism can be leveled against God for forgiving the sins that were committed in the past by pre-Christian worshipers. Furthermore, no criticism can be leveled against Jehovah for declaring the anointed righteous as his sons or the great crowd as his friends. (Romans 8:33) At great cost to himself, God has been perfectly legal, or upright, in his dealings, completely refuting Satan’s lying claim that Jehovah is an unjust ruler! God’s unselfish love for his creatures has likewise been demonstrated beyond question.—Romans 5:8-11.


    The way in which the ransom was provided also settled the issues involving the integrity of God’s servants. Jesus’ obedience alone accomplished that. (Proverbs 27:11; Romans 5:18, 19) But add to that the life course of 144,000 Christians who, in spite of Satan’s opposition, remain faithful till death! (Revelation 2:10) The ransom makes it possible for these to receive as their reward immortality—indestructible life! (1 Corinthians 15:53; Hebrews 7:16) This makes absurd Satan’s claim that God’s servants are untrustworthy! The ransom has also given us a solid basis for faith in God’s promises. We can behold a framework of salvation that is “legally established” through the ransom sacrifice. (Hebrews 8:6) A new world of righteousness is thus guaranteed!—Hebrews 6:16-19.


    Not Miss Its



    To benefit from the ransom, it is necessary that one take in knowledge, exercise faith, and live by Bible standards. (John 3:16; 17:3) Relatively few, though, are willing to do so. (Matthew 7:13, 14) Even among true Christians, some may “accept the undeserved kindness of God and miss its purpose.” (2 Corinthians 6:1) For example, over the years thousands have been disfellowshipped for sexual misconduct. What a shame in view of what Jehovah and Christ have done for us! Should not appreciation for the ransom move a person to avoid becoming “forgetful of his cleansing from his sins of long ago”? (2 Peter 1:9) Appropriately, then, Paul reminds Christians: “You were bought with a price. By all means, glorify God in the body of you people.” (1 Corinthians 6:20) Remembering this gives us powerful motivation to remain morally clean!—1 Peter 1:14-19.


    What if a person has already fallen into serious sin? He should take advantage of the forgiveness that the ransom makes possible, receiving assistance from loving overseers. (James 5:14, 15) Even if strong discipline is needed, a repentant Christian should not give out under such correction. (Hebrews 12:5) We have this marvelous Biblical assurance: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”—1 John 1:9.


    Sometimes Christians are unduly discouraged because of past misconduct. “Before coming into the truth,” wrote one disheartened brother, “my wife and I contracted genital herpes. At times we feel unclean, as if we don’t ‘fit’ in Jehovah’s clean organization.” Granted, even after becoming Christians, some may reap a degree of suffering from past mistakes. (Galatians 6:7) Still, there is no reason to feel unclean in Jehovah’s eyes if one has repented. “The blood of the Christ” is able to “cleanse our consciences from dead works.”—Hebrews 9:14.


    Yes, faith in the ransom can help to relieve us of unnecessary burdens of guilt. One young sister admitted: “I have been struggling with the unclean habit of masturbation for over 11 years now. I nearly left the congregation at one point, feeling that Jehovah would never want a person so disgusting to defile his congregation.” We must remember, though, Jehovah is “good and ready to forgive” as long as we conscientiously put up a fight against unrighteousness, not succumbing to it!—Psalm 86:5.


    The ransom should also have a bearing on how we deal with others. For instance, how do you react when a fellow Christian offends you? Do you freely extend Christlike forgiveness? (Luke 17:3, 4) Are you “tenderly compassionate, freely forgiving [others] just as God also by Christ freely forgave you”? (Ephesians 4:32) Or do you tend to harbor grudges or nurture resentment? That certainly would be missing the purpose of the ransom.—Matthew 6:15.


    Finally, appreciation for the ransom should have a profound effect on our goals and life-style. Said Paul: “You were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men.” (1 Corinthians 7:23) Are economic needs—home, job, food, clothing—still the center of your life? Or are you seeking the Kingdom first, putting faith in God’s promise to provide for you? (Matthew 6:25-33) Might you slave for your employer but fail to make enough room for theocratic activities? Remember, Christ “gave himself for us that he might . . . cleanse for himself a people peculiarly his own, zealous for fine works.”—Titus 2:14; 2 Corinthians 5:15.


    “Thanks to God through Jesus Christ” for this superlative gift—the ransom! (Romans 7:25) May we never miss the purpose of the ransom but allow it to be a real force in our lives. In thought, in word, and in deed, may we always glorify God, gratefully remembering that we have been bought with a price.

    Review Questions? Why is blood considered sacred, and how was Christ’s blood presented before Jehovah in heaven?

    ? What role did Christ’s blood play in ratifying the new covenant?

    ? How does the ransom benefit the anointed and the great crowd?

    ? How can we show that we have not missed the purpose of the ransom?

    [Study Questions]1, 2. (a) What opened up “the ways out from death”? (b) What had to be done to make Christ’s sacrifice legally valid, as foreshadowed by what?

    3. (a) How is blood viewed by Jehovah’s worshipers, and why? (b) What shows that blood has the legal power to atone for sins?

    4. (a) What purpose was served by God’s restricting the use of blood? (b) What was significant about the way Jesus was put to death?

    5. (a) What did Christ take into heaven, and why? (b) How was it evident that God accepted Christ’s sacrifice?

    6. What arrangements has God made for the application of the benefits of Christ’s ransom?

    7. (a) What is the new covenant, who are the parties to it, and what purpose does it serve? (b) Why did a death have to take place to make the new covenant possible, and what role does Christ’s blood play?

    8, 9. How is the ransom related to the new covenant?

    10, 11. (a) How does the ransom extend beyond anointed Christians? (b) Who are the great crowd, and what standing do they have with God?

    12. On what basis did God deal with faithful men in pre-Christian times?

    13. What advantages do we have over pre-Christian servants of God?

    14, 15. How does the ransom highlight Jehovah’s unfathomable wisdom, as well as his righteousness and love?

    16. (a) In what way has the ransom provided for settling the issue of the integrity of God’s servants? (b) How does the ransom give us a basis for faith in a coming new world of righteousness?

    17. (a) How do some show that they have missed the purpose of the ransom? (b) What can motivate us to remain morally clean?

    18. How can a Christian who falls into serious sin still avail himself of the ransom?

    19. What view can a Christian take of his misconduct that took place before learning the truth?

    20. How can faith in the ransom relieve a Christian of unnecessary guilt?

    21. How should the ransom affect our view of those who offend us?

    22, 23. (a) What effect should the ransom have on our goals and life-style? (b) What resolve should all Christians make regarding the ransom?


    on page


    The atoning power of a sacrifice is in its lifeblood


    on page


    One who appreciates God’s forgiveness is willing to extend forgiveness to others

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Yup. Cognative dissonance is a mutha, ain't it?

  • JustHuman14

    So the GB is the Mediator of JW's and not Jesus. I'm sure that the Old Fools in Brooklyn they might come with a Scripture indicating that prayers should attend to them and not God/Jesus!!!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    And the 4/1/79 Questions from Readers article:







    The term “mediator” occurs just six times in the Christian Greek Scriptures and Scripturally is always used regarding a formal covenant.

    Moses was the “mediator” of the Law covenant made between God and the nation of Israel. (Gal. 3:19, 20) Christ, though, is the “mediator of a new covenant” between Jehovah and spiritual Israel, the “Israel of God” that will serve as kings and priests in heaven with Jesus. (Heb. 8:6; 9:15; 12:24; Gal. 6:16) At a time when God was selecting those to be taken into that new covenant, the apostle Paul wrote that Christ was the “one mediator between God and men.” (1 Tim. 2:5) Reasonably Paul was here using the word “mediator” in the same way he did the other five times, which occurred before the writing of 1 Timothy 2:5, referring to those then being taken into the new covenant for which Christ is “mediator.” So in this strict Biblical sense Jesus is the “mediator” only for anointed Christians.

    The new covenant will terminate with the glorification of the remnant who are today in that covenant mediated by Christ. The “great crowd” of “other sheep” that is forming today is not in that new covenant. However, by their associating with the “little flock” of those yet in that covenant they come under benefits that flow from that new covenant. During the millennium Jesus Christ will be their king, high priest and judge. For more detailed information, see AidtoBibleUnderstanding, pages 1129 and 1130 under “Mediator”; also God’s“EternalPurpose”NowTriumphingforMan’sGood, page 160, paragraph 10; also TheWatchtower issues of February 15, 1966, pages 105 through 123; November 15, 1972, pages 685 and 686, under the subheading “Leading the Way to a New Covenant”; and April 1, 1973, pages 198 and 199, under the subheading “The New Covenant.”

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