"JWs are dead right on the blood doctrine"

by sabastious 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    Just got this message on my youtube:

    Jehovah's Witnesses are dead right.

    Your understanding is false and not up to date

    Watch the 17 videos on blood.

    We have always been right, and now "bloodless surgery" is a worldwide trend.

    We said that, and we pioneered it for decades.

    Thought you might like to learn about it.

    Click my channel jwtruth to see them all


    Here is his youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/jwtruth


  • sabastious

    My reply:

    I wrote an essay on why I think your Blood Doctrine is biblically incorrect:


    As to your statement about your group being advocates and catalysts of bloodless surgery:

    I don't think that the amount of lives lost due to your group's refusal to take blood even when it's required to sustain life. Thousands have died because of your doctrine and your leaders have turned them into martyrs (see http://www.quotes-watchtower.co.uk/Awake_Dead_Children02.gif).

    Modern science doesn't require your frivolous child sacrifice to discover better ways to do surgery. If any of the doctors that your organization works with knew the truth of your their child genocidal history they would immediately sever connection. At least most of them would.

    Bloodless surgery is a remarkably growing and beneficial technology movement and Jehovah's Witnesses have been in the midst of that growth, but as I said your cost was too great.

    Good Day.



  • Tuesday

    Just a simple question for him, can he point out the scripture that says it's OK to receive a transfusion of hemoglobin vs. a transfusion of a mature red blood cell. Then if they could explain why one is accepted and one isn't, and why are cell membranes that important?

  • jeckle

    so what they did proove anything to me. thats the point with them they are promise some grand thing only for it to to be a squeek if not anything at all. but good job!

  • jeckle

    Oops that came out wrong. I really got to proof read. I meant, they didn't proove anything . Rather they seem to always claim and throw out that some doctors back them, or how great an idea it is or it's safer from diseases.etc.but all the while missing the point.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    JWs are dead right on the blood doctrine.

    haha i thought this was a rather clever one-liner.

  • Morbidzbaby

    While bloodless surgery is beneficial in SOME cases (such as when a transfusion isn't really needed but is given anyway, which I think happens rarely these day with the shortage of blood available...anyway...), there are many more cases where it is medically necessary. The car crash victim for whom volume expanders will do nothing much, the mother who ruptures during labor and needs an emergeny c-section but is in danger of bleeding to death, etc. You can't say that blood is never medically necessary. And to say that the bible says we can't take blood intravenously is a gross misrepresentation of scripture.

    I despise the illustration they use of the alcoholic whose doctor tells him to abstain from alcohol. "Would that mean he could take it intravenously?"... Let's see... apples and oranges anyone? Anyone?? Alcohol will NOT preserve your life (it'll pickle you pretty good, but not PRESERVE you). Abstaining from it may if you make it a habit to guzzle a 24 pack every 24 hours. Blood has been PROVEN to preserve lives and abstaining from it in a lot of cases has been PROVEN to cost lives. It's not like people are bellying up to the bar in their local lab and asking for a pint. They aren't consuming it or EATING it, as is prohibited in the scriptures. And, if you wanna get technical, the JW who orders his or her steak medium rare is just as guilty of flouting their prohibition on blood as the person who takes a transfusion...maybe moreso because they go DIRECTLY against the bible's command to NOT EAT BLOOD. Unless they slaughter the animal themselves, they can't be sure that all the blood that could possibly be drained was in fact drained. And the "juices" (as my dad puts it) still contain blood cells, whether they are cooked or not, they are still blood.

    Faithful in little, faithful in much... You can't perport to "abstain from blood" and yet still eat meat lol. Unless we're just not gonna nitpick that... But yet it's fine for them to nitpick with the fractions and say "this is okay, but that isn't". It's all a bunch of confused convoluted circular reasoning. Glad I'm out of it and tore up my "Please kill me by not giving me blood" card.

  • sabastious
    haha i thought this was a rather clever one-liner.

    I know it is funny. Then he tells me to watch 17 videos. Not a very good salesman, this guy.


  • sabastious
    Faithful in little, faithful in much... You can't perport to "abstain from blood" and yet still eat meat lol.

    In all my analysis of this doctrine I have never thought of that, lol.


  • sabastious

    He got pretty mad and give me three separate replies:

    "As to your statement about your group being advocates and catalysts of bloodless surgery:"

    Watch the videos and see what the DOCTORS and the HOSPITALS have said including the fact that Denton Cooley was the first doctor and performed 1,000 operations without blood and then he wrote a book about it! Open your eyes and see what the DOCTORS and the PROFESSIONALS HAVE SAID themselves!!!!!! In other words buddy, it was not " Try and understand the difference between what "your statement" as opposed to the DOCTORS and the HOSPITALS, and the NEWS MEDIA and the PROFESSIONALS in the medical industry.

    I am not interested in any "essay" that you have written. It is false.

    Your statements about "child sacrifice" are INSOLENT and RUDE and HIGHLY OFFENSIVE and show the stupidity of your reasoning. You are a spiritual low life and will resort to INSULTS and DEGRADING LYING statements to OFFEND people.


    Watch the videos and see what the DOCTORS have said about all of this. There are 17 videos from these PROFESSIONALS who know better than you.

    Your claims that thousands have died is false.

    Your claim that blood save lives, and yes it can, however it has KILLED THOUSANDS and that too, buddy, is in the VIDEOS.

    The video attached will talk about Denton Cooley and the others will enlighten you if you choose to be smart enough to learn the truth (which I doubt you will do as you are pig headedly going to stick to your lies despite the truth)

    Do not write back. You are an insolent and stupid fool. In fact, I am blocking you.

    And to that last email:

    You are one of these fools that think that if you dont take blood, that you will die.

    This is UNEDUCATED and its emmotional and is FALSE.

    It comes from, people just like you that are fools and have never done any research on the subject.

    Do you know that in the past, that when the courts have ORDERED blood, that many of them died? We have lost some of our members after doctors were ORDERED BY A COURT to give the blood!!! Cases like this occured a long time ago and it does not involve the numbers that you claim either!

    BLOOD KILLS and watch the videos for the numbers. Its in there.

    Do you have any idea how many people have LIVED after refusing blood transfusions???? Obviously not.

    You do not know this subject. We know it better than you.

    You are RUDE, and INSOLENT and HIGHLY OFFENSIVE when you talk about "child sacrifice" You are a disgrace.

    We love our children and will do anything to save them and to prove that, we go to competent doctors and professionals and we choose SAFER ALTERNATIVES. This is a principle that you fail to understand and do not want to understand.

    All of this is in the videos.

    I am guessing that you were disfellowshipped for something although I am not sure.

    This is why you lyingly attack us without any regard for the truth.

    People like you that setup sites like this have some sort of desire to do it either by being a Witness in the past and getting kicked out, or for some other reason.

    Whatever it is, you are a liar and no regard for truth, and resort to insolence and rudeness by saying words like "child sacrifice" and terms like that.

    I am probably 3 times your age, and you are a young and foolish individual with no experience and no knowledge of this subject.

    You also deliberately lie and spread false tales about us.


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