Question of the Day: Why are so very few of Jesus ACTUAL WORDS...

by Terry 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    My point got lost somewhere in all the above.

    There is a difference between a photograph as opposed to an artist's rendering.


    Why is there a difference?

    Which is the most accurate and trustworthy?

    If a person's son or daughter were kidnapped and the police asked for a description of the missing victim, which would be the MOST ACCURATE way to

    identify the missing person WITHOUT POSSIBLE ERROR?

    A. A current photograph


    B. A verbal description followed by an artist's rendering?

    Important matters of life or death require BEST EVIDENCE.

    Which would you, as a parent, want to entrust the police with as an aid to getting your child back out of jeopardy?

    The writers who placed oral descriptions of Jesus stories in print relied on something similar to B above about ninety-nine

    per cent of the time----EXCEPT in just a few instances where they gave A: a word for word account of the actual spoken words of Jesus. A verbal PHOTOGRAPH.

    My question is............ not why is Greek translation okay..........

    My question is.............why use the verbal PHOTOGRAPH in only a few rare instances while relying on an artist's rendering everywhere else?

    Best Evidence is Best because the Truth, the Whole Truth and NOTHING BUT the Truth is worthy of divine communication with man.

    The implication of rare use is that the bible writer's didn't actually know Jesus exact words EXCEPT IN THOSE FEW INSTANCES and therefore

    had to give hearsay elsewhere.

  • moshe
    If a man chooses to be blind he has no one to blame for his lack of sight than himself. It is like the man who has his hands over his eyes: although someone may tell him, "Hey, you don't need to cover your eyes!" and so he removes his hands... he still refuses to OPEN HIS EYES. His choice.

    I think Terry is the real eye opener here. Open your mind to the facts.

    -Master Po: The undiscerning mind is like the root of a tree--it absorbs equally all that it touches--even the poison that would kill it.
    -- Episode No. 19, Kung Fu

  • journey-on

    Could it be that it was not doctrinal teachings that were the most important reason he was born into this world, baptized, annointed, crucified, and ascended? Afterall, if you believe what he said in the scriptures, his law was to love God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind; and to love your neighbor as yourself. That's all. His ministry for the masses was about this love, compassion, and forgiveness.

    He gave his closest disciples (initiates), however, a deeper more escoteric mystery teaching after he began his ministry. From the age of 12 to 29, we are not told in our standard bible where he was, what he was doing, who was educating him, what travels he was embarking on....nothing. But when he returned, he was prepared and ready.

    Could it be that the main purpose for his coming was to implement a shift in consciousness? To open/become a gateway or door for transformation and the transmission of a type of spiritual energy or light-force?

    You have to admit that the world changed because of him and was put upon a new and different track. Periodically, throughout mankind's history, we experience these major shifts in thinking and feeling and the path switches or tracks in a new direction. I firmly believe our evolution is not only physical, but has a spiritual component as well.

  • Quentin

    Oh Shelby you are slick, very slick, you wear the mantle of piety with much grace. I was prepared to counter-point your comments even reading your post several times that it might sink in, till I came to the end and you said this; who isn't afraid to look "foolish" to, ummmmmm... those [who consider themselves to be] more learned, enlightened, and "rational" than I... but won't trade looking so for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit... regardless of what such ones think about that...

    You slipped on the velvet glove, but, doing so several times in your post, smacked me right between the horns with an ax handle. I now know how the "LORD" speaks to you, Holy Spirit from within, Christ in you, nowhere, nowhere did I remotly allude that you blasphem against the Holy Spirit. I do not consider myself to be more learened, enlightened, or rational than anyone, there are no sheep skins on my wall. To claim all that would be to judge others. That I will not do. I spent years pouring over books that I might understand my place before God and man. I shared with you that God speaks to me as well, through many venus. Reflecting on that comment that is the frist and only time I have ever made that statment on this board. You brushed that aside with the comment "well that's your opinion". Really, an opinion, eh? It is difficult for me to tolerate pious, holy, sanctimonious indivdiuals. You dear lady are all that and then some. No wonder Terry stated : My point got lost somewhere in all the above. I leave you with moshe's comment; I think Terry is the real eye opener here...Open your mind to the facts. This is the end of my off topic comments. With that, I bid you good day.

  • AGuest

    Because, dear Terry (again, peace to you!), as I shared in my first response... there were some things for which there was no adequate Greek translation... one that would APPROPRIATELY transliterate the sentiment intended. It's like when someone is speaking Korean and in the midst of their words you hear an unmistable English phrase. SOME things cannot properly BE translated because there IS NO transliteration in the second language. The Greeks did not believe in one God, but many. The Jews did not believe they COULD be "forsaken" by God. So, for example, there was no adequate translation for "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani!" Which is why the record says "which MEANS"... versus, "He SAID." Do/can you "see"? You would/could... if you only opened your eyes. Better yet, your ears. Because you need eyesalve to do the former. But... know what? Believe what you will. But please consider not playing these games (you know, asking questions you don't REALLY want the answer to). It really is beneath your usual level... and the good people hear deserve better. Dear Lil... thank you for your kind words and peace to you! Indeed, peace to you both! A slave of Christ, SA

  • AGuest

    I never said you so accused me, dear Q (again, peace to you!). I only stated the truth... and my truth. It is you, however, who's doing the "slick" thing here: really, if the truth that I shared now brings you to a place where you can no longer engage it would be more honest, wouldn't it... particularly from someone with whom God speaks... than tossing out that big butt, seriously stinking red herring as your swan song. But, as always, peace to you! YOUR servant and a slave of Christ, SA

  • tec

    Um, a misunderstanding has occurred here between Quentin and Shelby, and I can see it clearly, but I don't want to butt my nose in unwanted, as I have a habit of doing. So if you want me to, I will point point it out. If not, I'll leave it to the two of you, and hope it doesn't get worse before it gets better.

  • Terry

    Could it be that the main purpose for his coming was to implement a shift in consciousness? To open/become a gateway or door for transformation and the transmission of a type of spiritual energy or light-force?

    You have to admit that the world changed because of him and was put upon a new and different track. Periodically, throughout mankind's history, we experience these major shifts in thinking and feeling and the path switches or tracks in a new direction. I firmly believe our evolution is not only physical, but has a spiritual component as well.

    Well, your point is a serious one. I'd only respond by saying this. If we are reduced to wondering (and we are!) who/what/why, then, we are fundamentally

    guessing and/or inventing. Dying for a belief in something we have guessed at is tragic. Asking people to live by or die for a guess or an invention is heinous.

  • moshe
    The Jews did not believe they COULD be "forsaken" by God.

    In the past, the Jews may have bought into promises of milk and honey and national sovereignty, if they just followed their priests and obeyed all 613 laws, but today they place their trust in secular power and human laws to provide for their needs, health and safety. Most Christians do the same, rather than trust in the claimed words of Jesus to make all things right, heal their sickness and protect their homes. Thanks for the topic, Terry.

  • journey-on

    then, we are fundamentally
    guessing and/or inventing. Dying for a belief in something we have guessed at is tragic. Asking people to live by or die for a guess or an invention is heinous.

    Many a discovery of truth began as a guess or invention. It is human nature to seek answers, not just answers about our physical nature, but answers about our spiritual nature as well. Therefore, we will continue to wonder, to guess, to postulate. It moves us forward. But you are absolutely right...dying for a belief we have guessed at is tragic. Who would do that for real today other than the JWs with the blood issue?

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