Just Tell Us In Plain English

by headisspinning 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • headisspinning

    If God has instructions for sincere people why can't he just tell us what they are in plain language?

    He could do that and some people would fall in line and others wouldn't.

    If I was God, that's what I would do.

    As a parent, that's what I do with my kids.

    I am so tired of all the guesswork.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Stop trying to follow a book written by men.

    Have you tried looking at other belief systems, such as Buddhism?

  • headisspinning

    I do NOT want another religion.

    I am just reading Ray Franz' book.

    Besides that, I want to try to follow what I know in my heart. It's so stupid. Why didn't I try that first. Most of what my heart says, makes sense.

    Funny that.

  • tec
    If God has instructions for sincere people why can't he just tell us what they are in plain language?

    I went through this same thing when trying to decide if the jw's had the truth or not. "Why can't you just tell me what you want me to do. I would do it if you would just come down here and tell me." It didn't last long, and it was the closest I ever came to anger at God... but mostly it was just frustration because I didn't know what to do. But you know what? I think I just couldn't find the answers that confirmed what other people were telling me that God wanted from me. Took me a while to understand that if that's the case, then that is probably because He didn't want those things from me. They (men) did.

    God has told us what to do. Clearly, even if you're just using the bible. Listen to His Son. What did Christ say? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Show mercy and love above all else. Forgive, don't judge. Simple, simple messages that men twisted up into a bunch of rules, and then we listen to the men and not to God's son.

    My search was wrong too, though. I wasn't searching for God's truth. I was trying to make jw's the truth, or some other group... and well, I just couldn't find the proof of either. So I kept thinking the fault lied with me, or with God, for not making it more clear that the jw's (or someone else) had the truth. That last part is silly, though. He couldn't make something clear that was false, now could He?

    When I finally got so tired of the guesswork... I just let it go. I asked God to guide me where he wanted me to be, and I literally 'cast all my worries onto Him.'

    The relief and the freedom I felt from doing that... beautiful.

    Once you step back and let the fear and the anger, and even the guilt, fade away, you'll be able to see much more clearly. Give yourself some time.

    Peace to you,


  • headisspinning

    To me there is one word: LOVE

    Apply that to every situation and we're done.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Well, there you go, the answer was inside you the whole time.

    Why do you need the bible?

  • shamus100

    How can something bad come from something good? :)

    Well, don't kiss a monkey or use that as an example, but you get my idea. ;)

  • poopsiecakes

    To me there is one word: LOVE
    Apply that to every situation and we're done.

    So true...

    And don't forget to love yourself as well, darlin.

  • headisspinning

    Stop sounding like my therapist you guys!

    He said my assignment was to look after me until the next time we meet.


  • poopsiecakes

    Well, just think of your favorite person. When they make a mistake or are going through a hard time, what do you do? Then do that for yourself...

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