Do JWs suffer from Stockholm Syndrome?

by campaign of hate 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • OrphanCrow
    sparrowdown: If Jonestown was considered to be at the high end of the spectrum then JWs are not quite there yet, ie shooting Senators and passing out cyanide at the meetings.

    The resulting behavior from the mind control of JWs may not be the same as other high control cults - but we are not evaluating that - we are evaluating the degree of control, not the resulting behavior.

    Just because JWs don't shoot Senators or pass out cyanide pills does not mean that they are controlled less than those who do - they just simply are controlled on different types of behavior.

    This would be like comparing two different abusers - one just slaps the woman open-handed and the other one uses their fists to break her nose. The effects on the victim is the same. It doesn't matter if the abuser makes their victim do the dishes or makes them take off all their clothes and run down the street - the dynamics in the two relationship are identical.

    The degree of mind control is not judged on the results themselves - it is judged on how controlled the victim is in obtaining those result, their loyalty to the one who controls their mind. The resulting behavior can be anything from minor to major demands.

  • sparrowdown
    I agree wholeheartedly, the mind control of the borg is the same thing as jonestown it only varies by degree.
  • flipper

    CAMPAIGN of HATE- Great thread ! Thanks for posting it. Indeed I agree with you and Orphan Crow that JW's are suffering from " Stockholm Syndrome " without even realizing it- and that's how it works. They are led to identify with their captors ( WT Society leaders /GB ) and " supporting the abusers reasons and behaviors " ( clamoring for a paradise and out of the same mouth upholding WT Society's policies towards pedophiles and child molesters ) , " isolation from perspectives other than the abuser " ( no amount of reasoning with mind controlled JW's who are NOT allowed to view ANYTHING critical of WT Society rhetoric or teachings - AKA " apostate " views ) .

    I just got done reading a Rolling Stone magazine article on the Isis group and how aggressively they recruit young people from America with false promises of a " paradise " and how they promise these young people will " make a difference " in standing up for Allah or Muhammed - and how they are perceived as strong Spiritually for doing so and they use the term that they " have the truth " as well.

    I agree with Orphan Crow that Jehovah's Witnesses are JUST as dangerous as radical Muslim terrorists or Isis - but in a different fashion- JW's may not be killing people literally in a violent fashion ( although thousands have died due to the WT Society no-blood policy , suicides due to shunning , and abuses due to molestations of children ) - but the message is JUST as destructive making JW's feel they are ABOVE and BETTER or somehow have a " higher purpose " than the rest of mankind and all other humans MUST capitulate or accept the WT Society's " God " or " purpose ".

    When you really sit and think about it there is not much difference with the radical belief systems of Isis and Jehovah's Witnesses - one is more violent than the other - but the element of devotion and the Stockholm Syndrome is alive and well in both organizations. I appreciate Orphan Crows comparisons. it's really eerie when you think of how both groups individual minds in people are altered , manipulated, and controlled. Pretty scary

  • Vidiot

    Extremism is as extremism does...


    ...and the WTS can't help but become more and more extremist.

  • OrphanCrow
    fliipper: JW's may not be killing people literally in a violent fashion

    No, the JWs themselves don't literally kill people. But, they do believe, and heartily endorse, their god Jehovah killing the entire population of the planet except for them. In fact, many JWs take great delight in the idea of wholesome slaughter.

    The JW believe that they don't have to do that dirty work of killing - their god will do it for them.

    The 'killing' that is integrated into the WTS doctrines, is also acted out in their disfellowshipping policies where they are encouraged to treat the shunned person as though they are already dead.

    I agree, Flipper - it is pretty scary. The JWs are expected to do whatever the WTS tells them to - no questions asked.

  • flipper
    Orphan Crow- Very good points you make. I agree wholeheartedly . And like I mentioned WT Society is already killing people with their no-blood policies , suicides by shunning, also the Malawi JW's not signing the political party card , I mean- it goes on and on. WT Society has a lot of blood guilt on it's head by pushing erroneous teachings into the heads of their JW members. WT leaders need to answer for their crimes
  • Tenacious

    This also crossed my mind when I was speaking to my spouse.

    I think in a way they do sympathize with their mind captors. As they have essentially given up their rationalizing to them and whatever they say is without fault.

    Interesting topic. Thanks for starting it CoH.

  • badcompany
    OC/Flipper, I totally agree. The blood on their hands is not even countable when you include things like Malawi, blood transfusions, suicides, etc. They are very high on the mind control spectrum. Think about being controlled to the point that you would let your child die rather than have proper medical treatment. That's mind control of epic proportions.
  • OrphanCrow
    sparrowdown: If Jonestown was considered to be at the high end of the spectrum then JWs are not quite there yet, ie shooting Senators and passing out cyanide at the meetings

    Sparrowdown, the JWs don't have to pass out cyanide - they have the blood doctrine that substitutes for little capsules.

    I posted the following information on another thread, but I will re-post it to show what I mean.

    According to an article on page125 of the Australian Anesthesia 2011, titled The Management of Adult Jehovah’s Witnesses in Anaesthesia and Critical Care:

    It is estimated that approximately 1000 Jehovah’s Witnesses die annually worldwide and as many as 100,000 may have died by abstaining from blood transfusions since the blood ban was introduced in 1945.
    The Jonestown Massacre claimed the lives of 913 people. The WTS blood policy is estimated to claim the lives of 1000 JWs this year alone. The total number of blood suicides committed by JWs exceeds the Jonestown Massacre casualties by 100 times.

    100,000 JWs have died for the blood god - 913 Jonestown followers died.

  • OrphanCrow

    To comment further about the extreme mind control employed by the WTS....

    If you average out the numbers of deaths due to blood suicide in the JWs for the past 70 years, you arrive at a figure of 1428. And keep in mind, like Marvin has pointed out on another thread - that figure is conservative.

    What is happening in reality, is that there has been a larger than Jonestown Massacre catastrophe happening each and every year since 1945, right under everybody's noses. It is happening right now. The noblood cards are simply cyanide capsules printed on paper.

    What makes the WTS mind control even more horrendous, is that the WTS has even been able to convince others in the court systems and some in the medical profession that the blood suicide is acceptable and at the same time, keep the numbers of actual deaths silent. The blood massacre that has been happening, and still is, has happened right within the society at large.

    The WTS has been successful in the mind control of the public as well as their adherents.

    Now, that is mind control of the highest magnitude.

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