Does the WTBTS purposely distort the number of anointed remaining?

by lifeisgood 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheClarinetist

    When I was in, I had met quite a few annointed, had several family members, etc... I think that they tend to gether in groups... Or at the very least know eachother in a Friend of a Friend of a Friend type way.

  • cameo-d

    There's only one way to know for sure ...

    I heard that Armageddon cannot start until all of the 144K are in and sealed.

    All the sheep must be in. When Armageddon starts then you will know they have all been accounted for.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Consider closely any you know who claim to be of the annointed class...........esp any newbie annointed (after 1935)......

    How many are on medications for (or should be) or have a history of depression/mental illness?

    I know at least 6 or 7...............and with the exception of one (unconfirmed), they all are.

  • cameo-d

    Desirous, I don't think the truly anointed would be participating in any religions, including the JWs. Do you know the criteria of becoming an anointed? Unless you know those details, you are probably dealing with a lot of fraudulent claimants.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @cameo-d: This viewpoint has been altered. It is quite possible for there to be anointed in paradise that will just die of naturally (the only people that will die in paradise) according to WTBTS interpretation.

    There is no set criteria to become anointed other than a feeling of being called to this position. As I said before, if they would publish any criteria or requirements these could be held against (all future and past) members of the writing department and the faithful and discreet slave (the goons at HQ) as well as others in certain positions throughout the organization which would not be a good thing to the image of the Watchtower Org. Also it would mean that the anointed in HQ and the anointed elsewhere would have equal or even better status if they match the requirements somehow (whether they are true or false) which is NOT what they want - imagine somebody either in your congregation or in HQ matching the requirements better than Don Adams, it would be a schism like the one when Russell died.

  • satinka

    I know there are some anointed members on this forum who have been removed from the congregations and labeled as apostate. It seems the anointed "undermined" the authority of elders and this certainly did not sit well with the egos that be. This would bring down the society's anointed number --- and not necessarily in an accurate way. The JWs are not the only religion with anointed members, I feel sure. Furthermore, the JWs are not the authority on anointed activity. I believe there to be anointed members in all religions, but of course the JWs would never acknowledge that.

    The anointed were certainly causing problems in bethel, to the point where the egos at the top did not want them around.


  • lifeisgood

    So, it appears that the WTBTS is NOT just giving out whatever number of annointed that they make up. The number is increasing. So, they are at least reporting the number that each congregation will "approve". Does that have it right?

    I was baptized in 1973. I am an avid reader and I used to have tons of the older literature including the Russel stuff. I used to have a list of all the used book stores in the country and I got many lists of used books every month. Anyway, I found many references throughout the JW literature that said that the annointed were sealed in 1935, and the only new annointed since 1935 would be to replace any who "fell away".

    Now, this is 2011. If we subtract 2011 - 1935 that equals 76. For someone to be "anointed" in 1935 would mean that they need to be an adult. Let's say 21. So, add 76 +21 and you get 97.

    So, the WTBTS expects us to either believe that there are over 10,000 anointed people over the age of 97, or they expect us to believe that over 10,000 anointed "fell away" and had to be replaced.

    This is so insane. I expect at some point that the WTBTS will say that the 144,000 number is symbolic.

    While researching this I read that many JWs in the current time don't really understand all of this, because for a long time the literature has either been silent on it or contradictory on it and the WTBTS would be better off to just stop talking about it.

  • TotallyADD

    My wife and I were married in 1974 the congregation we were in had 8 anointed ones. All elderly and most of them personally knew Russell and Rutherford except one who was in her 50's at the time and a few bricks shy of a load. They all died off by the late 70's. Then in the late 80's and early 90's a group of women from the surrounding congregation mostly in their late 30's and 40's got together and decided they were anointed. Head of that group thought she was talking to Jesus and started to tell the body of elders what to do. She was later DF but the rest remained anointed. Today in the last congregation I was in we had one who was anointed. She is under court order to that her medication. She is Bi-Polar and gets violent when she goes off her medication. Which has happen serveral times since we know her. Last CO wife claim to be of the anointed she is in her 40's. My observation on this matter is the congregations today are full of emotionally ill people and those who claim to be of the anointed have some serious emotional issues. Of course none of this matters at all. It is a CULT. Totally ADD

  • mouthy

    Welcome lifeisgood..I was a JW for 25 years Only knew two "annointed"
    One a woman Grace who when in Montreal she taught the JW kids when
    their parents were imprisoned for preaching.( As was done back then)
    The other was an old man..I was so surprised,when he asked my unbeliving.
    hubby to come & visit him( I thought it was to get him hooked)but when my,
    hubby came home he told me "Yeah he preached to me smoked with me too but
    told me not to tell anyone"I didnt believe him,so I went to the Br & told him
    the "lie" my hubby had told me. He confessed ! He had smoked with him,
    He said it was alright to do anything to encourage the unbeliever to become a
    believer...Isnt it sad to think so many get "mindcuffed" as I was .Not anymore!
    Sorry for the long post ....That is why I am called MOUTHY!!!!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    If they are making up the increase, I've yet to hear a good theory as to why. I would think the number would be accurate.

    With the number of congregations and number of partakers, there should be approximately one for every 10 or so congregations, or two per circuit. I think that number is probably accurate.

    As for the mental health issue, I am familiar with one younger anointed person and yes, that person is on meds.

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