Japan Crisis Overblown?

by metatron 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate

    After the hearing, Jaczko left some wiggle room. If he is wrong, it would represent a very embarrassing moment for the U.S. government.

    "My understanding is there is no water in the spent fuel pool," he said. "I hope my information is wrong. It's a terrible tragedy for Japan."

    Jaczko said the information came from NRC staff and experts in Tokyo who are working with the utility in Japan. He said NRC staffers continue to believe the spent fuel pool is dry. " They b elieve the information they have is reliable," he said.

    Becks... This was after the hearing with Jaczco. It would appear he is getting his information second hand and perhaps third hand.

    Could it be accurate...perhaps and yes that would have dire results. We really don't have accurate information yet.

    I have been annoyed over the last few days with news sources that take a pea size grain of truth and wrap it up into a football sized speculation. As Metatron said "if it bleeds it leads"

  • JeffT

    Beks, the last news channel I had on was CNN. Lots of "it looks like" "it is possible" "we think"

    If one of thems uses the word "evidently" my head will explode.

  • villabolo


    "For now we should be focusing on the damage from the tsunami istead of playing chicken little with the nukes thing. We need more information!"

    Actually, there is no need to make a distinction between the aftereffects of the earthquake/tsunami and the nuclear situation. The nuclear reactor situation is an aftereffect of the earthquake. More importantly, the Japanese would not be taking heroic efforts to prevent total meltdown if it weren't a real and present danger. Isn't that information enough?

    It is irrelevant to bring up statements made by the media or the Internet, when it is obvious that the Japanese do not give a rotten sushi roll about what our media thinks. Whether or not there has been any obfuscation of information or not, it is evident that the Japanese are taking extreme efforts. Therefore, it is their perspective that should be taken into account.


  • beksbks

    Becks... This was after the hearing with Jaczco. It would appear he is getting his information second hand and perhaps third hand.

    Could it be accurate...perhaps and yes that would have dire results. We really don't have accurate information yet.

    Becks, is that me?? I'll assume so. Yes I would have to believe he is getting his info way down the line, he's obviously not in Japan. Personally, I don't understand how much more overblown it could be. What we already know for a fact, is bad enough.

  • Poztate

    Becks, is that me?? I'll assume so

    OOPS Sorry and yes that was to you.

    The situation is dire without doubt. Hoping for the best but prepared for the worst.

  • villabolo

    Beksbk: "Becks, is that me?? I'll assume so."

    Please don't call Beks-Becks. That 'c', added in, might remind her of a certain demon.


  • beksbks

    Villa you little devil

  • Poztate

    Please don't call Beks-Becks. That 'c', added in, might remind her of a certain demon.

    I don't want to know .......

  • beksbks

    Glenn Beck!

  • beksbks

    Poztate, what is your avatar? Why does it seem familiar?

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