Yay! Finally 2 Jdubs at my door.

by cyberjesus 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • etna

    I wish I had some jws call at my door. But I've taken note of how you handled them and will remember not to attack their beliefs, but ask them to explain them.


  • RayPublisher


    Wasting people's time, even JWs is stupid and immature. It's not nice to make fun of people- didn't your mother ever teach you that?

    If you had actually tried to show them the truth about the truth I'd respect that. But as it is you are bragging about being an @sshole aren't you? "Good job! hehehe!" go your foolish fans...

    That's not what Jesus taught. But oh you don't believe in him that's right I forgot.

  • boyzone

    Ray. Lighten up. Cyber didn't waste their time, he made them think and thats well worth the hour spent. In fact its probably the most productive hour the JW's had spent in a L-O-N-G time.

  • jookbeard

    Ray; Cyber didn't rudely bang on any of their doors,invade any of their privacy and disturb the fact he might have been having a nice day until these 2 jerks appeared at his door, promoting a fucking message of death and doom,as Cyber says they were aggressive(like most of them are) and the fact he was calm and offered a different slant into debating with their beliefs should be admired, give the fact that an hour debating with people can go in what seems no time he may have been waiting to start a doctrinal discussion but they called time and left, give CJ some credit FFS. The 2 assholes were the jerks in cheap suits ruining peoples days disturbing people as they quietly go about their day to day lives.

  • wobble

    Well put Jookie !

    Hey Cyb ! When I saw it was your thread I thought "I bet he did well !" and I was right !

    You have added no end to the Cognitive Dissonance they have to bear, this is great, because eventually, if it is ever going to happen for them, they reach a tipping point and then the whole house of cards that is JW belief comes tumbling down.

    I still remember the HH's who were Christian who put thoughts in my mind that did just that for me, it took years, but in the end I was freed , in no small measure because of discussions I had with people like you,( though believers).

    Well done ! and thank you for your Anti Field Service Report. Don't forget to fill us in on the RV, which sadly I doubt will happen, they are spiritual cowards, afraid to try to defend their beliefs because they know they cannot.

  • cyberjesus

    Yes, first of all it was not bout making fun of them, on the contrary it was bout helping them see the pile ofcrap they are submerged into. I did not wasted an hour I actually enjoyed talking to them. Because it was the first time I spoke to a jdub and I don't see him as my brother.. I realized how stupid I was gor believing their crap. I think they are gonna be thinking bout it all week. You could see it in their eyes cuz I didn't let them get all blocked, I called it every time so they were aware of it.

    It was beautiful to attack the Mormons and see them connect the dots with their own cult... It doesn't matter if they don't come back or not they will be thinking about it all day.

    I actually felt bad for them. And told them so without attacking them, rather I told em about loving our fellow human beings.

    I did my best but. I forgot what to tell them right away.

    Anyway I'm happy they came.

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