WARNING for active JW's

by Anony Mous 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Alfred

    Anony Mous... you have a PM...

  • miseryloveselders

    One thing that leaves me hesitant to dismiss this rumor as nonsense was something said at the KM School that I found humorous but also concerning. I mentioned it before about some party or gathering that morphed into an all out raid. The judicical committees involved spanned something like 4 different States, over 53 congregations, and some other specifics that my memory isn't serving me well at the moment. What upset the Bethel and Branch heavyweights was that the accused were communicating with one another online and giving a heads up to others who attended to be careful as the elders, COs, and DOs are investigating. So potentially there's a lot of young people who avoided having to sit through a judical committee because of mediums such as FaceBook.

    Here's the part that was interesting, and I don't have my notes on me, so I'm going off of memory. The heavyweight from Bethel stated that we have the authority to investigate not only people's selection of entertainment, but also monitor to the best of our ability what they're doing online. The exact words as he put it, I can't recall, but what he meant by it I think I've relayed it to you in this post accurately. What I do remember clearly was "that we have the authority." What gives this rumor some weight in my opinion, is how the WT encourages elder bodies and particularly the HLC(Hospital Liaison Committee) to investigate any potential "misuse of blood" in a medical setting. They don't have a problem questioning or pressuring relatives of whomever recieved a blood transfusion as in their misguided zeal this is viewed as a part of keeping the congregation clean. They don't have a problem stepping on privacy laws such as HIPPA, as they view God's law as trumping Caesar's law. Considering that, I wouldn't put it beyond them to demonstrate that same misguided zeal when it comes to things such as FaceBook, or forums such as this. Time will tell if this is just a rumor, but the more I think about it, maybe we shouldn't brush this off as proposterous.

  • DanaBug

    Misery, would you tell djeggnog that? He seems to think that doesn't happen (the HLC). Not that it would convince him or anything though. Wonder if he went to the KM school too.

    I also wonder what kind of legal issues would come up if they started doing this. Of course, if their legal department is as large and influential as some say, I'm sure they could get around it. It kind of sounds far-fetched, but I wouldn't put it past them either. It's so Orwellian.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    maybe we shouldn't brush this off as proposterous

    To think they're going to do it to all publishers, no matter what, seems a little far-fetched, but to think they will "make available" the means for local elder bodies and COs to do such an online investigation seems eminently likely. As long as the local congregation pays for the service and it doesn't cost the Borg, one would think Bethel would be thrilled to have this sort of stuff done for them.

    It wouldn't surprise me to learn that the GB thinks the end hasn't come yet because they haven't been strict enough in "keeping the congregation clean."

  • stuckinamovement

    Anon- I believe it. I remember the same point that Misery is mentioning from the KM school. Face book scares the crap out the organization because they can't control it. The experience about the party is legit. There were a bunch of kids/young adults who were able to use Face book to stay one step ahead of the elders, by syncing their stories, and giving each other a heads up when the investigation was going down.

    They are shooting themselves in the foot because Social Networking is becoming one of the primary ways people communicate with each other. After demonizing it like they are through the assemblies and KM schools, they will never be able to effectively use it as a tool for their own purposes.

    In a way it is a good thing because it shows that the org can't control half as much as they used to. When they remove elders servants or pioneers because of Social networking they eliminate a group of leaders that they will never be able to replace. This further alienates people from the organization because it is obviously a nonsensical policy.

    I was reading freakonomics and was thinking about how Stetson Kennedy was able to discredit the KuKluxKlan by using the widest available media of his time- The Adventures of Superman radio show. The Klan was never able to recover fully from that action of Kennedy. Facebook is that opportunity in this "generation".

    Watching this organization do things like this is, like watching a man amputate his own toes, his hand, a foot, and then the other foot. How long can this type of behavior go on before they fall?


  • BluesBrother

    If Anonymous is proved eventually right, I will eat humble pie...............But just going on my knowledge of The Borg and a gut feeling. I have to say :

  • Stargater
  • flipper

    ANONYMOUS- Good thread. Thanks for posting this info. I totally believe it. Having been on the end of threatening phone calls, stalking by elders & other JW publishers during my 7 year fade- this information doesn't surprise me in the least ! There are probably even MORE subversive tactics being used behind the scenes that not even ELDERS are aware of - that the WT society is using . Even aside from what Anonymous is revealing to us. This organization is dangerous

  • jeckle

    and another point is that its just writing a vivid version of a letter to more friends at once . meaning whether its a pen and pad or a phone a walki-talki its just a communication device but faster. i mean those kids could of called each other too to sinc up stories. side note jw kids always think of wierd ways to rebel. i mean i tried stuff but i didnt need 50 dumdies to watch me do it and hold my hand on an sn site i guess they kinda deserved some of it lol and a way to send pictures to family and friends with out having to worry about snail mail and its 2 way and instant its just stupid the way they are afraid of paper tiger meanwhile . . . . fill in the blank.

  • CuriousButterfly
    You probably won't hear it from the stage. The CO's know about it and the information is going to be trickled down in the elder schools, most likely not in the bible schools for single brothers and definitely not in the bible school for married couples.

    My husband attended the elder's school and he said there was no talk about how anyone in a position would be removed if they had a SN page. He stated they did talk about the possible dangers and guarding but no threats to those who have them. I would love to see them "ban" these sites, I for one would no listen since this is how I keep in contact with my family members.

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