The Great Tribulation May Have Started

by headisspinning 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    April is going to be a HUGE preaching month. Think Revelation and the locust cloud of Witnesses."

    Ya Right..

    Theres a Reason the WBT$ isn`t put in Charge of Tsunami Warnings..

    The WBT$ Disaster Messenger Service..

    "If theres a Slower Way to Do It..We`ll Find It"..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • miseryloveselders

    Every year we have some major disaster of epic proportions, and every year JWs speculate on whether or not this is it. Last year it was Haiti, couple years before that it was Katrina, before that it was 9/11, its always something. Always, and yet life goes on, the world rebounds, and its back to business as usual.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Now while events like Katrina, tsunami's, earthquakes in Chile, Japan, NZ, China, etc, wars ARE happening, and there is no denying that, I wonder how many other composite signs of the "Last Days"are "seen" due to them being sensationalized on the news?

  • karter

    Is this the same one that was comming in 1975???

  • MeanMrMustard


    Every year we have some major disaster of epic proportions, and every year JWs speculate on whether or not this is it. Last year it was Haiti, couple years before that it was Katrina, before that it was 9/11, its always something. Always, and yet life goes on, the world rebounds, and its back to business as usual.

    Agreed! And this is the exact point of Matthew 24. There would be "business as usual" until the end comes, and nobody would be able to tell ahead of time when it was going to hit. By "business as usual", I mean ch. 24, verse 5-14...


  • d

    Armageddon is used an element of control over the minds of the follwers.

  • willyloman

    Here's the thing: If, and that's a big IF, something like "the end" is coming, JWs will -- based on their track record to date -- be the last to know.

  • thetrueone

    People who haven't studied ancent civilizations are probably not aware that every bit of the supposed signs of the END TIMES actually occurred

    in that era of human history, right down to pestilences, famine, earthquakes or whatever, something the apocalyptic publishing companies

    (WTS/JWS) would never make mention of this fact. These organizations exploit human ignorance with fear producing proclamations that are

    intensionally set out to attract the publics attention and since there are recognized as religious instuitions they're perceived to be trust worthy

    and forthright honest, when in reality they simply are not.

    YES there is such thing as calculating corruption in religious organizations.

    Particularly with ones selling books and other types of literature. $$$

  • thetrueone

    Its alarming to see how JWS are faithful followers and mental slaves to the WTS corporation's

    publishing agenda, being totally deluded that their proselytizing is god's own expressed work.

    Cultivated lies circumvented on fear is how this dishonest publishing company operates and has

    done so for many years. The WTS carries with itself the spirit of exploitation and coercion.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    All of these earthquakes in recent years are a sign that generations are beginning to overlap.

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