A long and unexpected JW encounter

by AuntBee 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Her analogy was - think back to when you were five years old. Did you believe things then, you don't believe any more now? Did you do things you don't do any more, like play in the dirt? I responded each time she said this - i'm not talking about a child. I'm talking about an organization that makes the incredible claim of being GOd's one channel of truth on earth,

    If they spoke with the spiritual intelligence of a 5-year old only a short while ago, why should I believe they now speak with the spiritual intelligence of an adult?

  • factfinder

    @Kudra- that is a very good illustration. Learning new details over time is not the same as completly changing the teaching to something else, or ditching it, or reverting back to the old teaching. It is frustrating trying to get my JW brother to understand this. Of course we are no longer talking or writing- he decided last July that we are no longer brothers.

    @WOJ- I agree with you that we should not give up what we know to be true just because we found out how wrong the WTS was. I'm trying to maintain a balence in what I believe and some of what the witnesses teach is true- I am holding on to that.

    @AuntBea- very good job! Witnesses have been told inane anologys to use and they just repeat them (I'm glad I never did!)- The WTS says it is God's Mouthpeice- so when they change what they believe from the "truth" to the "truth" God decided to change what was true?

    "truths old and new!". Is that from a kingdom song?

    I never see any witnesses going door to door anywhere!

  • wasblind

    Nice Kudra

    Here's another analogy of the light gettin' bright

    If you stand in my living room 4:30 in the morning It's dark, the street light that shines through the window

    allows you to see the shadows of the living room chairs and pictures on the wall, But as the day becomes

    firmly established, you can now see the color and texture of the chairs, and who is in the pictures on the wall

    The Jehovah Witness version of this same analogy Is:

    If you stand in my living room 4:30 in the morning It's dark, the street light that shines through the window

    allows you to see the shadows of the living room chairs and pictures on the wall, But as the day becomes

    firmly established, Surprise !!!!!, your in the kitchen, No another surprise your in the bathroom, No in the bedroom

    No in the yard

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    This is all just sad, feel sorry for them.

    Some witnesses have been shunning me and get this, im not bathtised, just been handing the shepherds book, and where is the sin in that?? in the bible where?

  • factfinder


    excellent example! that is true!

  • jehovahsheep

    im glad as a non jw -you were able to speak for us shunned ex jws .they are not allowed to listen to us.

  • AuntBee

    Thanks for all the comments, and to Kudra and Wasblind for those "illuminating" illustrations concerning new light.

  • the-illuminator81

    AuntBee, you could also ask that lady if the organization was like a 5-year old child playing in the dirt, why did Jesus chose a toddler to represent him on earth in 1919?

  • Ex-Dub MS
    Ex-Dub MS

    The light getting brighter. Bahahahahahaaaa I love that.

    In terms of who the superior authorities are in Romans 12:1 or who to shun (the previously baptized? Unbaptized?) or show 'compassion' to, or frankly, in terms of the 'generation' of Matthew 24:13, the sun in their illustration would go up, down, back up, a little bit down and sideways before finally popping like a balloon and sputtering all over the sky as it gets smaller and smaller and smaller.

    Wouldn't it?

    - XD MS

  • WontLeave
    The Jehovah Witness version of this same analogy Is: If you stand in my living room 4:30 in the morning It's dark

    I defy you to find a JW who will ever admit to darkness. It's "old light", which was "right at the time", but the "new light" is just "more right". Nothing was ever actually wrong, in the warped minds of a JW; it's just righter now. That's why they use the term "current Truth tm ", since what is old was Truth tm , too. Nothing was ever false.

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