The Governing Body need to take note on how to get an urgent message out

by wasblind 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    I'm so sorry about your Mom Paula

    your were not alone in the "Dumb" dept

    I was there too

  • wasblind


    you da man, when it come to makin' your point with humor

    Yes Ms Joliet, I'm shakin' my head too lady

  • wasblind

    " Another factor is the message itself. As the message has become less clear, less defined and more contradictory over time, the expense and effort of effectively communicating it may not be worth it to the GB."


    I could not have said it any better

  • JeffT

    "It costs a lot to be slower.

    "It makes sense if you don't think about it."

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Hello all Murray from CHCH NZ . . . as some of you know I'm on a week's R&R from CHCH Quake scene at the moment in NZ's north island.

    I gotta report this . . . I had a JW in the preaching work wander up the path just yesterday when I was sitting outside smoking a cigarette.

    I told him I was up visiting from CHCH and the conversation turned immediately to Earthquakes etc. What ensued was a 30-40 minute conversation on earthquakes, volcanoes and the general geology of the Earth. I guess because of my Earth Science degree, the conversation was in my favor but get this . . .

    . . . at no point in the 30-40 min conversation was the bible, religion, God, Christ, etc even mentioned . . . not once! And at no time was any literature or bible based material offered or removed from his bag! . . . we just talked geology . . . and he left!

    Warning work?? . . . my ass . . . this guy had nothing to say on the matter . . . NOTHING . . . nice chat though.

    Nice to see you again Paula . . . you sound much happier.

  • factfinder

    Paula- I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. That is a shame you could not be there-I hope you got to see her again before she died.

    I was blind and stupid too. My Mom was dying and was on hospice. There was a CA coming up. I asked my brother and sister if they had any plans to take my Mom anywhere that weekend. They told me no- they were going to stay home. so I went to the CA. Well, as it turned out they changed their minds and took my Mom on a day trip to Barnaget. As her health rapidly deteriated after that it turned out to be the last trip they ever took my Mom on. But there I was at that boring assembly waiting for it to be over so I could go home and see my Mom. When I got home and discovered where they went from my Dad who stayed home- I was so mad. I would have gone with my Mom. Instead I lost out by being blind enough to think Jehovah wanted me to go to that assembly. I never went to another assembly again.

  • factfinder

    @wasblind- I agree too.

    I guess the end is not coming so soon after all.

  • wasblind

    ((((((( Fact Finder ))))))) So sorry about your mom

    They encourage the people, to put the org before family

    by usin' that scripture that says if you love you Father or Mother

    more than God then you are not worthy, but what this corporation

    is really sayin' is " NO sick leave for family "

  • factfinder

    @wasblind- thank you!

    yes, the wts is saying IT comes first before everything, even your family. I was so dissapointed I missed out on going on that day trip with my Mom- that was how God rewarded me for putting him first and going to the (boring) assembly like he wanted me to. I was so blind!!!

  • wasblind

    " I was so blind!!! "

    Why do you think I call myself " Wasblind "

    you are most definitley not alone

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