by ARoarer 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • ARoarer

    Yeah, they are like robots. They must have a bug up thier anal oriface after all these weeks following Christmas, suddenly now they want to meet with us. The CO must be coming and they have to look like they are keeping the congregation clean. My husband says the joke of the whole thing is that everyone in that religion is out to get each other and everybody else. We knew they were all riding by to check out our house lit up. Can we get them for stalking??

    Roybatty, this will be no consolation to you but my daughter, while she was still in High School used to teach a childrens dancing class with the wife of the elder who called today. Guess where it was Yep, at the ol YHWA, better known as the Young Hebrew Womens Assoc.

  • DakotaRed

    If friends decide to shun you, were they truly friends or just acquaintenances at the KH? Personally, I would just tell them to put their Judicial Hearing where the sun don't shine.

    When the elders set me up, I did just that. I sent a three page letter using quotes from the Bible, Watchtower Literature and especially the Elders Manual showing why I did not honor their committee. I never heard anything back until I mailed my DA letter and forgot to sign it.

    Still I am getting shunned, especially by my step kids. But, they are learning the hard way about biting the hand that feeds. They wish to live without TV, computer, snacks, phone and other things teens enjoy, it doesn't bother me. In fact, it costs me less. I just save the goodies for me and enjoy them in front of them. Too bad they decided to shun me and not speak to me. But, their choice.

    Oh, and the KH isn't supplying them with any of it, either.

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • ARoarer

    Greetings Dakota, I am sorry your kids have chosen to shun you. That is awful. Yes you are right, I learned the people who shared my life, were only aquaintances and not friends. Thank you for your words.

  • outnfree


    I have the information you want, and have tried three times to fax it to you this morning, but keep getting "no answer" at the number you provided.
    Please confirm that I have the right # by private e-mail.



    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • ashitaka

    Roy you sonofabitch!!! That Monday Night Football thing was hilarious!!!!!!!!!LOLOLOL


    Aroarer, I think you should just try finding the new perspective on leaving. Just get prepared to be DF'd. I know the people you're dealing with, AND their families. They are no walk in the park. Just run away, and if they DF you in absentia, so be it. And if your kids fight some battles for you, so be it. Might help them realize the mess that they've been in all their lives, and may give them the fuel to quit.

    My wife was crying the other night, just begging that we leave this state, because of all the assholes who still harass us. Piles of people. I want to leave, but sometimes you just can't pick up everything and run.

    Best of luck. Talk soon. When this is all over, let's get the fam's together and have some lasagna or something.


  • Solace

    I agree with some of the others, I would just deny it. Its not their buisness what you do. As long as you dont admit to anything they cant disfellowship you right? Dont give them the satisfaction. They love to rip families apart, it makes the remaining J.W. families even more dependant on the society. "You only need us, we are your spritual family" they say. Remember that one? Anyway the only reason half the witnesses serving today are not disfellowshipped already is because their congregation never found out their sins. My mom commited adultry and shes still a J.W. Heck, she even had a baby by the guy. We all know, if the society doesnt know then Jehovah doesnt know right?! Pretty scary, the whole situation and how so many are going through this kind of thing. BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING......Very sad. I will pray for you and your family..

  • roybatty

    Yeah, ashitaka, it was so cool doing that. Instead of getting stressed out about meeting with the elders (heck I was one for goodness stake) I just kept remembering that they are just little men who have never done anything with their lives.
    Their jaws justed dropped and all of them (the original 3 three and the 3 on the appeal commitee) has this look on their faces like "don't you realize that we are going to DA you?"
    When you take away that "power" from them you force them to remember that being an "elder" means shi* to 99.9999999% of the world's population, that they are NOTHING. It makes them scared. It's espeically great when you see them later on around town. I saw one elder who was on my original JW at a school concert that both of our sons were in. We "bumped" into each other and I greeted him. When he didn't respond I just said it louder, acting like he didn't hear me. Then people around us looked at him wish this "aren't you going to answer him" expression. He looked like a scared rabbit.
    Hey, you have to make them realize that if they are going to mess around with people's lives, that some of us are going to mess with theirs.

  • ARoarer

    Ash, Heaven, Roybatty, I really don't care about being df'd because I don't have any family I am close that is in. My family are not witnesses, and my in-laws, are all JW perverts not talking to us anyway. I haven't been to a meeting since 1998, and my kids want no part of it either. I just was so angry that the one elder who was on the other fun as the "2nd witness" was a long time friend and knows the whole history of our family. We have always been so kind and hospitable to all of them and to be de-humanized in thier eyes as if we were such wicked people because our bodies are not at the KH was so annoying. We took no shit from them. My husband told them he had nothing to say and would not meet with them unless our lawyers were present. I got on the phone and told the one elder, and you know him Ash, that how can he dare have the audacity to call us up and try to entrap my husband, by not telling him right away that the other elder was on the phone for several minutes before letting him know. I said how can you dare accuse us of anything when I know for a fact that your own son is openly sleeping with an older women, and also doing the drug ecstacy. He never said one word after that. Then I told them how can they be after us when you are all losing your kids to drugs and alcohol and are all sexually active, but because they are your kids they have "elder immunity". I said they come and go in and out of the KH and everyone including you know what they are doing and yet because they go to a meeting once in a while it is ok to talk to them and and yet you are coming after us? Still not one word. Then I said to them you should be ashamed of yourselves for the way you have acted. We were never anything but kind and better friends to you than you ever were to us. You came to our daughter's wedding, ate drank, and yet shunned us, and we never heard from you after. It is you who should be ashamed. My husband and I are good people and all we want is to be left alone. Then I said if they should dare to make any announcement whatsoever that slanders our good name on the public platform, be assured we will personally sue you. I said I know that you don't want this and Watchtower we leave you out to dry on your own, and it will be you having to hire your own defense lawyer. Still no word. Than I said to the one friend elder that it was they not us who chose to abandon us and shun us. We have and alway will be the kind of people that would never turn our friends away if they ever needed us. We are happy and enjoying the peace in our life right now,and all we want is just to be left alone. That you better really think seriously about this because if you make any public announcement that implies to anyone we are bad people we will not sue the WT we will sue you indiviually and the congregation for slandering our good name. Then my husband told them we have no more to say and would like to end our conversation and they said ok and that was it. Our older son was livid and we found out today he called one of them up and said some things to the elder who had been so close to us. He told them if they choose to make any announcement about his parents, they would have to do the whole family because we are all united in this. Said some things but was very calm and respectful but firm in his resolve. The elder tried to tell him we just called your parents up to encourage them to come to a meeting. My son said comon you know me better than that, I have been in Bethel and have been in the Org. long enough to know the phone call was a judicial call that was why the 2 witness thing. And why now after all these years suddenly now to "encourage" them. Where were you during the Court case, for my parents. They are finally enjoying the peace in their lives and are happy after all those years of fighting you and suffering standing up to the WT Society. Then he said if you were going after them to ask if they celebrated Christmas why now 6 weeks or so after claiming you saw lights on the house. Then the elder asked him if we did. My son said I won't comment on that, but if you believe that, then you should take the same attitude the elders always gave my parents and the other victims when protecting child molesters, the famous line well we won't df we will wait on Jehovah to judge the pedophiles. The elder and my son ended the conversation with my son just telling him to leave his parents alone and they just want Jehovah's Witnesses to leave them alone now. No more phone calls. So that was that, and I am tired of typing so bye all

  • ARoarer

    OutnFree, The fax was overloaded with paper, and is working now so fire away whenever you want

  • ashitaka

    Aroarer, it's rocking that your fam is behind you. What a story; heard it so many times before.

    Best of luck.


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