Jesus between age 12 and 30. . .

by Mad Sweeney 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Thanks for that pic, Leolaia. There's an interesting theory. It isn't the first one I've come across, either. I'd like to see some more posts and links from people who know what they're talking about. I find the ideas fascinating.

    But it is quite evident that Jesus grew up in a Jewish household and followed the Mosaic law of his day. His knowledge of the Jewish beliefs, good and bad, is easily read in the New Testament.

    We know he was born and raised a Jew. This thread is about his teens and twenties. It is possible to know about more than one belief system and culture, especially if you're the Son of God with more than a dozen years on your hands.

    The lack of eastern influence is also quite clear.

    No it isn't. Quite the contrary. Jesus' philosophy is quite eastern sounding to me and to many acquainted with both, even though he put it in a Jewish context for his audience. To some, he blatantly ripped off the eastern philosophers. To others, he borrowed the wisdom he felt the Jews and the Christians who would follow him needed. To still others, he was completely original even though he said things that had been written hundreds of years earlier, sometimes near-verbatim.

    I have asked for evidence and you gave baseless assertions. "Evidently" doesn't cut it with an ex-JW like me.

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    Compare Jesus with the Buddha and keep in mind that Buddha predates Jesus by approximately 500 years. It seems to me that Jesus did borrow from Eastern wisdom teachings. Since those teachings would have been new and quite remarkable in a strict Jewish setting, the scripture in Matt. 7 quoted above could still be accurate.

  • Sapphy

    There's a church in Glastonbury, South West England that legend has it was founded by Jesus when he accompanied his Uncle Joseph of Arithemea to trade tin.

  • SixofNine

    Anyone got any good books, articles, blogs, websites on the topic?

    Would you settle for a good song? "It was rainy 'n it was cold, West Bethlehem was no place for a 12 year old...."

  • zoiks

    Well, this is a book on the subject. Fictitious and very funny, but it does address Jesus' entire life through the eyes of his best friend.

  • willyloman

    Or perhaps he was a myth, a composite character drawn from other early writing, and that those compiling the scriptures back in the day could not agree on the narrative covering his teen and young adult years so they left it out.

  • ProdigalSon

    Well, if we believe the Bible account, we know he was taken to Egypt. What a co-incidence that's where the best Mystery Schools were located.

    Personally, I believe he did the India thing also. I believe he survived the crucifixion attempt and lived to be over a hundred years old, finishing out his life in Tibet, where they knew him as Master Aberamentho.

    A google search of "the lost years of Jesus" pulls up just about everything you're probably looking for. If not, I have some channeled stuff, the Law of One and the Cassiopaean Logs for example, that have a lot to say on the subject.

  • DagothUr

    If Jesus was indeed real, the answer to the questions "Where was he educated?" and "What was his mission?" can be found once we find the answer to the question "Who was his father?". Don't give me that with the virgin conception through the Holy Spirit. Mary was no more virgin than my grandma. So, Jesus seems to have been an important man and someone very powerful (no, not God) guided and protected him. Probably a wealthy and influent father, who was interested because of unknown reasons in keeping the birth secret. If Mary was indeed a descendant of a former royal dynasty, more questions arise and the plot thickens.

  • doofdaddy

    I had a Gnostic book printed in the early twentieth century (that I sadly loaned out and never received back), that argued the maggi who saw christ as the messiah at his birth would have continued watching over his development. The author argued that the maggi paid for Joseph, Mary and the children to go to Egypt in exile (how else could they afford it?), then took jesus to India and the far east to gain the knowledge fitting of a world king. As I recall, it was believed that he survived crucifiction and returned to north India where he lived out his long life.

    A very romantic tale with no evidence like the bible stories.

  • free2beme

    The more you dive in to the Jesus idea and learn the origin, beyond the church and bible account, it starts to be titled the "Christ Myth." You can see there is obvious examples of Eastern teachings, that were perhaps taking root in the area at that time. However, these regions were prone to 'human shaped' beings as gods. So they applied these teachings to super-natural legends and thus, Christianity was born. Which is really just a whole other seperate religion from the Old Testiment, as the merging of the two was just a means being which converted Jews felt less sinful for taking on common sense ideas. I know we, people who were raised to believe Christianity and Christ were real, want to see details that support that belief system. However, there not there, because it is what I said. So it can not be there, it is one of many voids that proove my point. However, this does not discount the value of many of the ideas of Christianity. Find the core beliefs of doing good to one another, being good people and being kind is better then being rude. Then you will see the pure religion that was coming in to the region before the churches realized that ceremony, robes and rituals sold and controled people better.

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