My visit to the Hall Last Night- Highlights

by TR 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • picosito

    Great, TR, just GREAT.

    Come to think of it, I just tried to IGNORE all the boring BS, BS and more BS during my 25 JW years until one Service Meeting over a year ago, the bro that had local announcements reminded us about how meeting attendance is a very good HABIT to have, and that if we start missing meetings we might start to LIKE staying home instead of going to the meetings. So I thought, "Is THAT why I'm here even though I'm always so tired and it's always the same old shit meeting after meeting? When I can enjoy doing my own stuff at home instead? A friggin' HABIT?" So I put his counsel to the test and HE WAS RIGHT!!! I quit the meeting habit cold turkey, just the way I stopped smoking to BECOME a JW. I never went to another meeting and was so happy that I finally got some truly valuable counsel from the platform that I was fully able to "pay more than the usual attention" to and apply "down deep in my heart."

  • jaded

    When I started going to meetings in the mid 70's they really did seem to be much more lively and interesting. The children were involved more and the smiles seemed sincere. By the late 90's when I left things seemed so different. Boring, boring, boring, fake smiles, and everyone just seemed downright miserable. I know I was. So glad to be free!

  • picosito

    TR, you just reminded me of something else. There USED to be live music and interesting talks!!

    ** In the latter 70's the music at Dodger Stadium was live, courtesy of Al Kavelin and his orchestra. My wife was Jewish and we both related well to Jews, and somehow we got to know Al and a son of his. They were Jews who either became JW's or grew up as JW's. So...

    ** We invited Al to come up to our Hesperia, CA, congo to give the public talk. Talk!!! It was all about Jehovah's people and music, so he and his son mostly played the KH piano and some instruments they brought, giving us samples of what some of the Psalms might have been like if played, plus some other musical selections that I don't remember anymore. The hall was packed and everyone was so amazed at how wonderful that meeting was!!

    ** Yes, Kingdom Halls did have pianos at one time, and WE SANG TO KINGDOM MELODIES PLAYED ON THE PIANO!!!! Some piano players were inspired and some not so good, but at least the music was LIVE!!! Assembly Halls had live piano also, with a brother waving a baton at us from the platform to help us keep up a good tune.

    ** A congo we visited once in Tucson not only had a piano, but also a violin and saxophone, and Kingdom Melodies were played by a TRIO, one sister and two brothers, and talk about being astounded at that!!! They made the music come alive!

    ** Back in 1975 the Public talk was still one hour and we had ten minutes after it to get up and socialize, stretch, get some water, use the restroom, before going into the Watchtower. That really was something that was very nice.

    ** There were Public Talk outlines, but they did not have to be used in such a rigid way back then. The Kavelins would never be able to pull off a "Talk" like that in this current hostile WTS environment. There was even a brother from Victorville or the San Bernardino area who was a complete act in himself. He looked like a cross between Groucho Marx and Billy DeWolf. His act on the platform was very Danny Kaye-ish. He wiggled his nose and face parts around like Danny Kaye and all he had to do was go to the platform and look out at the audience to have everyone in stitches, especially the kids. He always did a talk about some Bible theme, but he always managed to have evrybody laughing most of the time. Everybody talked about his coming for weeks before and weeks afterwards.

    ** Also back in '75 there was a Number 5 Talk. Parts were six minutes log then and I especially appreciated the Number 5 because you were given just a one- or two-word theme or a name, such as "Christian Forgiveness" or "Elijah" or "John the Baptist" or "Hebrew Language". You had to develop the whole thing yourself and use scriptures appropriately. It was very stimulating to do that kind of talk.

    ** Also reminiscing back to 1975: my first District Assembly (used to be called) at Dodger Stadium not only provided live orchestra music, but also LIVE FOOD. There were stands all over the place where JW's sold hot dogs, restaurant-style roast beef that got sliced right there, and every other conceivable type of goodie reminiscent of Renaissance Faires.

    I probably will remember other perks from the WT experience in the past, but now that I'm remembering these, I realize just how much freedom, ingenuity, variety, friendliness and FUN there used to be in Jehovah's so-called "Organization," which has now been ELIMINATED or LIQUIDATED from the JW experience as the GB has the Borg march ever onward to its goal of all Witnesses being in subjection to their repressive, unhappy, joyless, boring Orwellian JEHOVAHBORGDOM. So they should realize it's all their own fault that their waters are drying up faster and faster.

  • singsongboi

    i think this process of ever more and more rigid control and fear of individual freedom is inevitable in organisations that have control freaks in the leadership..

    mentioned elsewhere my reading of the the experiences of the CPA.. in the beginning it was a genuine 'people' movement and according to witnesses like american general joe stillwell (a republican btw) doing some dam good stuff!!

    but in power - it just harsher and harsher, at least until the death of mao.

  • openminded

    I just think the society realizes that if they can get you to dress up and sit through 5 hours of dry, sterile, repetitive, mind numbing meetings each and every week that getting 40-50 bucks out of you a month should be easy. I mean good god, most people would get bored if they had to go to Disney World 3 times a week, let alone the Kingdom hall-same walls-same talks-same people-same songs-same nights. WOW

  • Nat

    LOL....T.R. you've hurt me! Thanks for the info. I can only imagine though, what it would be like to go to a meeting. I will never go to another meeting.

  • WildHorses


    I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
  • kimbal summers
    kimbal summers

    Everytime I visit the congregation I get so board I have to perve on the sisters and fantasize about masturbating over their tight arses, wondering whom they might be having it off with in the congregation.
    I know some of them want it, but cant bring them selves to make advances on me.

  • Makena1

    TR - thanks for sharing bro. I really enjoy your style and sense of humor.

    Picosito - we must know a lot of the same folks. Agree totally with your description of how the meetings have "evolved".

    All best,
    Memorial 2000 last meeting

    Some men worship rank, some worship heroes, some worship power, some worship God, & over these ideals they dispute & cannot unite--but they all worship money.
    - Mark Twain

  • Hmmm
    Bible Highlights- br. Amenrud

    Most of his comments had to do with rebelliousness, bad seed, vineyard not good, all these things of course were applied to our day. What a suprise.

    What, you told 'em you were coming ahead of time?


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