Anonymous attack on the Watchtower?

by Nickolas 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • villabolo

    Nicholaus: "I am not advocating an attack of this nature on the Watchtower. I am wondering when it might happen."

    Aaahhh! Let's not be coy. I will come out and say that we should advocate it.

    The Watchtower is no where near as threatening as Scientology or Westboro.

    "That's a perception I don't share..."

    I think that needs to be clarified. The Watchtower is not considered to be a threat by the outside world. Scientology and the Westburro Baptist Church have a high profile in the public eye. The Watchtower doesn't even register on the public's radar, except as a mild nuisance.

    "Shunning of family members, sheltering of pedophiles, badmouthing every other religion but theirs, promoting ignorance through educational dissuasion, sacrificing lives to the blood idol, condemning people to live lonely and poor lives with the promise of impending Armageddon ..."

    Out of all of those only the ones I highlighted should be mentioned, and repeatedly. In the public's eye the rest of those issues simply will not concern them. We have to think like the public in order to maximize our effect. We have to go for quality not quantity.

    The first and foremost issue should be the pedophile issue. This will grab the public's attention even more than the Catholic Church's own situation because the Witnesses actually go to their doors.

    The second, and last issue, should be the disfellowshipping of members. But I would also tie that in to the pedophile issue by focusing heavily on their disfellowshipping of teenage girls who exposed their molesters to the police (a powerful example linked below). This will really hit the public hard. Other disfellowshipping issues should be mentioned either as a brief introduction to that pedophile related disfellowshipping or appended as an afterthought. I would strongly suggest the following statement:

    "Jehovah's Witnesses excommunicate 1% of their members every year for a variety of reasons. Premarital sex; the victims of rape who do not scream; joining the YMCA and other offences."

    Again, only a few disfellowshipping offenses should be mentioned and chosen for maximum impact. The public won't give a damn about disfellowshipping for adultery, smoking, etc.. Furthermore, a long list of offenses will simply be forgotten. What's more, in a debate or argument, the opposing side always focuses on the most trivial statement; this to the exclusion of stronger arguments presented againt him which he wants to avoid.

    With these principles; putting ourselves in the public's mind, choosing only two or three, at the most, issues; and choosing the most dramatic ones; can we hope to latch on to the public's (easily distracted) imagination.

    I would suggest the following video, which I've posted twice before, as the video that we should somehow manage to go viral. Then there's the possibility that it would show up on Anonymous' radar.



    Hey Nickolas..

    I`ve been out for decades..

    What I see now,is totally unrecognizable from when I left..Nothing is the same..

    As I read posts here on JWN..

    I see active JW`s,who are completely demoralised..

    If I was to go back..Nothing the WBT$ preached back then,would be relevant today..

    I would be counseled for preaching the Wrong shit..There's New Shit now..

    Not everyone understands the New Shit..Some don`t even know there is New Shit..

    It`s a friggin New Shit/Old Shit,Shit Storm..LOL!!..

    My point is..

    Confusion and Lack of Morale is at an all time high in Watchtower World..

    Anyone interested in taking the WBT$ down,will use that to their advantage..

    Direct attacks have never worked..They never will..

    The WBT$ has built-in measures for that,already in place,that have worked for decades..

    Why attack the enemy at it`s strongest point?..

    Education and Freedom of Information,is what will take the WBT$ down..

    Those are the 2 things,the WBT$ is absolutely afraid of..

    Those are the 2 things the WBT$ has been able to Quarantine JW`s from,for decades..

    Until the Internet..

    The Internet is beating the crap out of the WBT$..And..

    The WBT$ is totally unprepared for it..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • LV101

    THANKS, VILLABOLLO, for continuing to post this video---- HOPEFULLY, the third time will BE THE LUCKY CHARM FOR ANONYMOUS' RADAR. Missed the other times and forced myself to check it out --- what an evil religion. CHILDREN NEED TO BE PROTECTED NO MATTER NO MATTER. HAS ANYONE SHARED THIS VIDEO WITH SOMEONE LIKE DR. LAURA.

  • wasblind

    " It`s a friggin New Shit/Old Shit,Shit Storm..LOL!!.."

    My nieghbor just called me to see if i was all right, didn't know I was laughin' that loud

  • VampireDCLXV

    I would be counseled for preaching the Wrong shit..There's New Shit now..

    Did someone say something about the New Shit ?



  • DT

    I'm bumping this thread in view of the recent Anonymous threats against the Watchtower Society.

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