Charles Taze Russel nephew of William Huntington Russell

by truth.ceeker 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • ProdigalSon

    I'm sick of people defending this sack of shit. Who cares if he was officially a Mason or not. It would be an insult to Masons if he was one.

    In any case, we have to be really careful not to slander the lying pedophile bastard.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    one in particular sort of disappeared, while the other is the one we are most familiar with...

    What was it's name?

    Where did it meet?

    Can you name any of it's members?

    What are your sources?



  • moshe

    Jews have been known to end up buried in a Christian cemetary with a cross on their tombstone, but just because their christian spouse buried them there and ordered the stone with a cross on it, didn't turn them into Christians after death. Whoever designed and paid for Russell's grave memorial had their own personal reasons for the end result and it might not be an accurate reflection of Russell's beliefs. Darn, he never expected to be dead, like in a pine box- no-o, he expected to float up to heaven on a cloud- in 1914, 1915- any day now, folks.

  • PublishingCult

    If any evidence existed that CT Russell was the nephew of William Huntington Russell, it would have been posted and clearly revealed to the world. It would truly be like having the winning lotto numbers. But, as Nathan said, "Do youself a fovor and READ what Barb Anderson learned from the Pennsylvania Masons. EXAMINE the geneology given above that shows that CTR was not the nephew of William Huntington Russell. These are the facts, get to know them. Let your worldview be congruent with reality".

    CT Russell was a plagiarist immersed in new age religious beliefs, and he adopted, borrowed, and stole from various sources steeped in mysticism and the occult, including Masonry. He was a religious teachings whore and combined many facets of what he read, and came up with a form of religious Jeet Kune Do, passing these teachings off as his own original material, inspired of God and His spirit direction. He was the equivalent of the forum user who pretends to know stuff, but is simply a copy and paste artist. It’s only impressive to those who don’t understand how google works, or who isn’t well read on a particular topic. The Bible Students who followed Russell were astounded at what Russell preached. They had never heard such things before because they were lazy-ass followers, infants needing to be spoon-fed. The trend continues today; 7.2 million Jehovah’s Witnesses can’t check a fact to save their lives.

    The truth is that there is no evidence of Russell’s affiliation with Skull and Bones or Masonry. He merely, on occasion, when it benefited him, kissed Mason ass.

    Now, if you can connect William Henry Conley or his father in law, Josiah Schafer of old Pennsylvania German stock, to the Masons or SaB, then we might be in some conspiracy business here.

  • TheJigsUp

    ok im drunk but i'll have a brief go at answering you chris.

    i personally suspect ol charlie boy had something to do with the Rosicrucians, the cross and crown is also a symbol of the scottish rite of freemasonry

    the split i was reffering to was something i read about a division between the rites of freemasonry, i think one was for the north and one for the south.

    the Rosicrucians seemed to pretty much disappear, as far as i know. and as far as i can vaguely remember the scottish rite had something to do with Rosicrucians.

    you can do the footwork and find out for yourself if you're that curious, but i dont think you are, i think you're just messing with me.

    thats cool... but be my guest and have a gander for yourself. it doesnt take much research to find there are ALOT of curious links.

    but im guessing if anyone was really interested they would have already found that out anyway.

    im not going to indulge you... i've done some of my homework already, if you're that interested do your own.

    i dont mind if you dont believe what i suspect. thats cool, i can live with that. :)


    just to clarify... there is no disrespsct intended.. but really, when i started to search i searched and searched and searched. and i found stuff.. but who the fuck cares. my family certainly doesnt, and niether do alot of people. and to be candidly honest.. i dont much care myself anymore. im worn out with it.

    its all pretty much a curiosity in a fuckin freak show is all now.

    so if you want to look for stuff, then look.. i am by no means a genius. but i found some crazy 'coincidences' if you want to call em that. so anyone ought to be able to find the stuff.

    i would urge you to have a good old look for yourself, and do think outside the box. but i dont feel i have to convince anyone of anything anymore.

    we all believe what we want to. thats why i suppose i pretty much just poke fun at it all nowadays, cos it is what it is.


    edit 2

    i also feel that its kind of a psycological thing that people as a whole do not like to think that anyone may have 'control' over anything. i personally feel thats why some individuals lean towards atheism, and also why some discredit the influence of 'secret' (not so secret) societies having long reaching goals.

    people do not like the idea that someone else is CRAZILY prepared. we all like to think that everyone else thinks just like us. its human nature.

    we just do not like to think those things which is i think why we reject those ideas.

    so in theory, if some could make far reaching goals, they would logistically be at an advantage, because the rest of human nature doesnt even think possible the planning for a third or fourth generation (based on the best research science philosophy and psycology has to offer by ose making plans) is possible.

    it would theoretically take one forward, outside of box thinking generation (no pun intended) to outhink all of us.

    we just dont like to believe the possibility..

    thats how i see it anyway.


  • reslight2

    Yeah, the nearby "Masonic Way", the pyramid, the cross and crown, the toga, and as you mentioned, he dies at midnight on's all just a fucking coincidence.

    The road that was built decades after Russell died has nothing to do with Russell.

    Nothing about Biblical study of the Great Pyramid has anything to do with the Freemasons' organization.

    Nothing about Russell's use of a cross and crown symbol, a symbol that has been used by almost every denomination of Christendom, that has anything to do with the Freemasons' organization.

    Whether Russell actually asked for a "toga", I don't know. It may have been interpreted that way, with Rutherford's contribution. But at any rate, one would have to use a great deal of imagination and based on what is imagined further assume that such would have anything to do with the Freemasons' organization.

    Russell did not die at midnight on halloween. He died 2:30 PM.

    Nothing in any of this has anything to do with the Freemasons' organization.

    The tens of thousands of pages of Russell's works give an abundance of testimony that Russell was not in league with the Freemasons' organization. Indeed, if he were, then he spent most of his life sabotaging that which he is alleged to have been supporting.


    Focus on Charles Taze Russell >> Freemasons

    Why should a Christian be concerned when Russell is being misrepresented? Many may be concerned, but lacking in time and/or skill to know how to respond. Nevertheless, should a fellow-Christian stand by while a man of God is being misrepresented, when it is in the realms of ability and time to correct such misrepresentation? The falsehoods being spread about Russell are in overabundance; those who would seek to correct those falsehoods are very few. Would that I could respond to all the hundreds of false things that are spread about Russell, or any other Christian. There is just not enough time to do so, however.

    I am grateful to God that Russell defended the Bible as opposed to man's self-appointed orthodoxy, and I am grateful to the Dawn Bible Students Association for pointing out to me Russell's teachings on the atonement, the ransom for all, and why God is permitting so much suffering. Back in 1950s and 1960s, I was greatly troubled over these matters, and although I had read in the Bible about the "ransom for all" and how God was going to bless all the nations, I still could not put all the scriptures together in any way that would make sense, since I was still greatly influenced by man's tradition. I had prayed extensively concerning this matter, and, having come into contact with the Dawn, these brothers of Christ helped me to realize that Russell was teaching similar to the I had the thoughts I was having from my own study of the Bible. I examined Russell's teachings thoroughly with the Bible, and although I had questions concerning many details, the way he tied so many scriptures together (something that I could not do on my own) led me to be convinced that, overall, he was correct concerning the "ransom for all." Nevertheless, I have not relied wholly on his writings, but have expanded beyond what he wrote on the topic.

    I do not defend everything that Russell taught and said, but I do try to defend him against misrepresentations being spread about him. I do hold Russell in high esteem, since it was his works -- as well as with the aid of some others -- that led me to an understanding of why God is allowing all the suffering, evil, sects, denominations, religions, etc., and more importantly, an understanding of the ransom for all.

    I believe that it is because Russell held to and defended the ransom for all that Satan has especially sought to promote all kinds of false stories so that he might keep others from appreciating the truth. Not many have ever given ear to the truth, however, as Satan is very active in in his deceptions. (2 Corinthians 4:4; Revelation 12:9) The time will soon be, however, as a result of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus (John 12:47,48; 1 Timothy 2:5,6), that Satan will not be permitted to deceive the heathen, and the heathen will be able to see and hear the truth. -- Isaiah 2:2-4; Revelation 20:3.

  • TheJigsUp


    you hold russel in high esteem?!

    i could illustrate what is wrong with that, at least for me, to be fair... and i wanted to when i read it...

    but really, i cant be bothered.. again i mean no disrespect, i just really cant be bothered to begin to outline what i think is wrong with that.

    if you dont see it, then you dont see it. ke sera sera

  • TheJigsUp

    oh and @ PUBLISHING CULT

    if the WTBS involvement with the UN can be all but erased, (and just think how quickly that can and is being forgotten) then how does the saying go?

    who controls the past now, controls the future, and who controls the present now controls the past.

    if it runs as deep as i think it does. then you'll be lucky to find any definitive proof.

    its all a big game.

    welcome to the real world, its more deceptive and concieted than you ever thought possible.

    and the overwhelming majority of all people on this mishapen ball will never have any idea of any of it..

    those who think they know, know nothing.

    and even those who have no idea will argue the concept of the deciet they are victim of.

    that i believe, is the truth on many fronts.

    that is exactly why i cant be bothered with it unless im drunk! and even then, i still cant really be bothered.



  • reslight2

    CT Russell was a plagiarist immersed in new age religious beliefs,

    Yes, Russell did indeed accept the Bible teachings of the "age to come", the new heavens and the new earth. That will indeed be a "new age"; however, Russell had nothing at all to do with what is generally called "new age" teachings of today. Russell did not plagiarized anything; he did re-present what others before him taught; he never tried to hide that.

    and he adopted, borrowed, and stole from various sources steeped in mysticism and the occult, including Masonry.

    The above is, simply put, false, at least in the implications of the manner in which is was written. Russell preached against all forms of demonic occultism; nevertheless, he did borrow from many different sources of many different people illustrations, such using man's idea of secret soceity to illustrate the secret, or mystery, of the church as depicted in the Bible; the writers of the Bible did similarly.

    He was a religious teachings whore and combined many facets of what he read, and came up with a form of religious Jeet Kune Do, passing these teachings off as his own original material, inspired of God and His spirit direction.

    As I stated, Russell never tried to hide how he had arrived at his conclusions, nor the fact that others had helped to him to attain his understanding. Russell never claimed to be "inspired of God", and even disclaimed such. He did believe that he, and all children of God, are being led by God's spirit. (Romans 8:14) He did not believe that being led by the spirit of God meant that he was flawless, or that he was incapable of making mistakes, etc.

    See what I have writte on this elsewhere:
    Did Russell Claim Direct Revelation From God?
    Did Russell Claim Infallibility?

    He was the equivalent of the forum user who pretends to know stuff, but is simply a copy and paste artist. It’s only impressive to those who don’t understand how google works, or who isn’t well read on a particular topic. The Bible Students who followed Russell were astounded at what Russell preached. They had never heard such things before because they were lazy-ass followers, infants needing to be spoon-fed. The trend continues today; 7.2 million Jehovah’s Witnesses can’t check a fact to save their lives.

    All I can say is that the anyone who thinks the above of Russell has not genuinely studied Russell's works. Russell, however, was never associated with the Jehovah's Witnesses organization; he preached against the kind of authoritarianism of such an organization. Likewise, he preached against the kind of alleged "Good News" that is preached by that organization. Nevertheless, no Bible Student should be following Russell, except that Russell can lead the Bible Student to a greater and clearer understanding of Jesus and the God of Jesus. Anyone who settles for being "spoon-fed" has a misconception of what it is to be a true Bible Student. Nevertheless, I can say that this is exactly what many associated with the JWs wish; an organization such as the JWs appeals to the carnal desire of the flesh along this line (as do many other religious organizations).

    See what I have written on this:
    Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Idol

  • TheJigsUp


    you sir are a poodoot.

    jeet kune do i tell ya!

    what happened to the be water my friend?

    he was hardly flexible. and he didnt proclaim to be inspired?!

    what?! are you on his side or against him?

    are you spade? writing your own stuff? cos you did yourself pretty early on there.

    damn, i must be drunk..

    imma drink some more, it'll make it all better


    sorry i lost interest in your post when you said that charlie boy 'the laodicean messenger' and 'the annointed one' didnt proclaim himself inspired.

    maybe i read that wrong... cos that would be crazy to say that... and i thought i was mad

    have you seen his headstone?

    nevermind that... did you read any part of anything he frikkin wrote..


    imma take a drink now

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