Jehovah's Witnesses Are NOT Under Mind Control

by PublishingCult 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    They told me to get rid of my gold and diamond cross without actually saying the words....they told me to get rid of my worldy friends without actually saying the words, they told me that my husband would not be with me in the new system without saying the words.....and so many more things.....but always said "Jehovah wouldnt want you to do this that or the other".....

    They are mind control specialists. Paul MacKenna got nothing on them!

    Hi all, Im new!

    Paula x

  • moshe

    When you join a tribe you either fit in or you get exiled. Going back 2000 years, a sentence of exile meant almost certain death for an individual and I think our brains are still wired with a survival instinct to "fit in" with whatever group we associate with. It takes a strong person to go against a tribe as big and powerful as the WT org. It just feels right to belong to a group the size of a KH, which coincidentally was the minimum size for a viable Indian/tribal village.

  • wasblind

    Goodmorning Pam,

    they flat out told me those things, they were gentle with you

    but when they start tryin' to talk me out of further education for my daughter

    and to stop lettin' her associate with the children she grew up with on top

    of my questioning their doctrines it was time to get the heck out of dodge

    they actually wanted me to totally flip the script on her upbringin' by " puttin on

    a new set of clothing " so to speak. If I had of listen to them, my child would not

    know which way was up, she wouldn't know her A**hole from her head.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Not that I think there is no mind control. But there's no denying they take your family away from you if you dare disagree. That is not mind control. It's explicit blackmail.

    Blackmail is a tool of mind control. It is manipulation (control) of someone else's thoughts, feelings, and behavior. That's what mind control IS.

    Moshe, you make a great point about social/tribal instincts. How many people back then were able to just walk out of a tribe and join another one? Or as you mention, trying to go it alone? Death sentence. Humans are still social animals and organizations do their best to strengthen those ties. Interesting we use the word, "ties" when discussing these social group connections, isn't it? Like the group takes a rope and wraps it around the member, making it harder to just walk off on your own.

  • moshe
    Humans are still social animals and organizations do their best to strengthen those ties.

    I agree Mad Sweeny- advertising keys in on that when the market products to you. Are you a Chevy man- or a Ford, or maybe a Mopar guy? What baseball team do you root for?- quite often you root for a tribe, not a team.

    The ex-JWs who desires the support of a group/ extended family, often finds going it alone almost impossible.

  • finallysomepride


  • PublishingCult

    A youtuber, FredTorres1000, a JW, has been attacking Craig’s assertion that the JW in the video is under any sort of mind control, and in fact, denies JW’s are under mind control by virtue of the idea that mind control doesn’t exist.

    YET, when asked the same exact question the JW in the video was asked, which is basically, “what happens to any JW who openly expresses dissimilarity or congruity of thought?”, he also cannot give a direct honest answer. We all know very well what the answer to that question is. The incongruent JW is shown the door, labeled “apostate”, and cut off from all friends and family.

    If mind control does not exist, and if JW’s are not under mind control, then 7.2 million JW’s who would most assuredly give the very same evasive non-answer to such a question, but who KNOW the true answer to that question, are simply blatant, deliberate, evil liars. They are imitators of Satan . . . speaking of which . . .

    Mind control is a core fundamental doctrine of the WTBTS. Interesting that Fred attempts to deny JW's are under any kind of mind control by denying the very notion of mind control. The GB and their publication writers have always asserted that Satan and the demons control the hearts and minds of those outside the organization. Mind control. If mind control does not exist, as Fred asserts, then Satan and the demons do not exist. If Satan and the demons do not exist, then Jehovah and a spirit resurrected Jesus Christ does not exist.

    Without religion we would simply have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, now that takes religion.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    [Marking to read later.]

    Has anyone mentioned the Milgram Experiment yet? I'm too tipsy to offer much but I will say that I pushed an email to my JW brother (a good man) with those two words in the subject line and no email body. My hope was that he'd google it and make the connection himself. He blocked my email address after that so I don't suppose that worked out too well.

    Obviously, there's more depth to JW programming than just a sense of obedience to authority but I think that experiment demonstrates the crux of the matter. I'd love to get a JW to read Milgram's book and then interview him/her.

  • Nickolas

    Hey, SBC, I'm noticing a familiar pattern.

    Good night.

  • flipper

    " Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT Under Mind Control " . Yeah - And my left nut is an oyster. Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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