Jehovah's Witnesses Are NOT Under Mind Control

by PublishingCult 60 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PublishingCult

    How would you respond to the assertion that 7.2 million members of the Jehovah's Witness religion are not under any sort of mind control?

    The argument being that every one is responsible for their own actions and cannot blame the indoctrinator for what he says and does. How could they possibly be under mind control?

  • MrMonroe

    I found this discussion about home bible studies interesting. It helps to explain why Witnesses all start acting like the Stepford wives.

  • Alfred

    Publishing Cult... you cannot possibly be serious...

  • Spade

    Mind Control and False Prophecies

    By simply comparing the religions popular critics use as a measuring line, it can be dissolved that there's any association between Jehovah's Witnesses and “mind control” and "false prophets." For starters, we enjoy religious freedom in the United States. There are some science fiction novels that claim a person can be controlled by some human agency, but there's no clear scientific evidence that supports that people can controlled by others just because they read something. Here are some “facts” from a notorious website in opposition to Jehovah's Witnesses that misrepresent the truth. Continued...

  • PublishingCult

    No, Alfred, of course I am not serious.

    I am, however, trying to get ideas on how to deal with this sort of argument.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    To me Mind control does not rely simply on the successful transmission of ideas . . . when those ideas are heavily weighted with powerful implications for either accepting or rejecting them (ie; guilt, fear) . . . then the mind is no longer free to make decisions based on the IDEAS ALONE. In some cases the implications carry almost the full weight of acceptance/rejection with them to the point where the idea is merely secondary even inconsequential

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    When the person asked you this question:

    What had you been discussing?

    How is this question relevent to the subject or whether, or not, the WT was selected as God's sole channel and/or has The Truth?

    In other words, did they use this question to change the subject?

    You have to control the subject.



  • PublishingCult

    To understand the context of the argument, you will have to watch propagandatechniques' video, Jehovah's Witness Under Mind Control and read the comments/arguments left by FredTorres1000. Fred is a JW and has a background in social work says he.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    I see where you're coming from BSheep . . . also by extension control over in which order the subjects are introduced

    Mr M's post got me thinking about my own indoctrination (23 yrs ago) for quite some time.

    In response to an intense discussion one evening, my study conductor said something like . . . "But stop and think Murray ... what's at stake here ... everlasting life on earth! ... in pardise! . . . you wouldn't want to throw that opportunity away just because something doesn't quite fit right now" . . . as best I can recall anyway.

    I'm sure you've heard something similar at one time? . . . the "implications" block full rejection/acceptance of the idea and leave it "pending"

    This in turn allows for control of subject and also order of presentation. As indoctrination proceeds further, added implications make rejection/ acceptance easier in indoctrinators favour. I think this is critical in having someone accept something that a short time earlier would have seen as totally wierd.

    What makes me want to go kick a dog is realising that in the converted state I became a puppet mind-controller myself

  • MrMonroe

    Thank you, Spade. Yes, whatever.

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