With the advance of the singularity in 2045 will the JW finally Give up?

by Star tiger 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger

    Surely this cult must give up with the rise of computer consciousness in 2045, at least we wont have to continue with all this rubbish of whether they were right or wrong, finally reason would have prevailed and we would know that logic prevailed as a deist god would want, not a vindictive god that the world seems to advocate, any god that would let innocent children die needlessly is not a god I would worship, I think Bram Stokers Drakula got it right there, God don't count on my vote there's far too little sex and way too little heavy metal, lol

    Star Tiger

  • slimboyfat

    Singularitarians and Jehovah's Witnesses seem to share a utopian view of the future, where people can live endlessly on a paradise earth, and mankind's problems will have been solved. Maybe they can reach an accomodation with each other if/when the time comes.

    Someone on here mentioned that Aubrey de Grey has had contact with Jehovah's Witnesses and David Gobel of the Methuselah foundation is a Jehovah's Witness. So maybe the transition from waiting on Jehovah to provide the paradise, to mankind creating it themselves might not be an insurmountable mental leap. The Watchtower could start teaching that Jehovah is using scientists to accomplish his will and will praise him all the more for bringing about the thousand year reign in a way they never imagined. Is that a scary thought?

  • bohm

    2045? what month?

  • OnTheWayOut
    Surely this cult must give up with the rise of computer consciousness in 2045

    I think the theme for Terminator 5 includes the JW's fighting back because the machines are hampering the spread of the Watchtower doctrine and killing the JW's fast enough that they don't have any positive growth, no matter how much they tweak the numbers.

  • slimboyfat

    I thought the singularity was scheduled by Kurzweil for 2029 anyway. Which I have sometimes considered is pretty close to the year 2032 that some argue has been hinted at in the Watchtower as a prophetic date. Maybe the Governing Body could tie in the idea of the singularity with prophecy somehow. Assuming it's not all bogus claptrap of course.

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger

    I've just read the article on aubrey de grey, at least that some hope humankind for ourselves and not the evil demiurge jehovah, that mankind is noble and only hope is natural commerce aka Ayn Rand, forget god he forgot us, the best I can now think is a deist God, not one that's got a plan, every man or woman should be self made, the old God is gone, thankfully!!!!!

    Star Tiger

  • factfinder

    The gb will cause all AI to become JW's!!!!

  • JustHuman14

    I will be 78 year old in 2045!!! WT knows the art of shapeshifting.They have managed to get way with their many uncomplete prophecies. They will manage it again...

  • WTWizard

    Of course, there will be those who hang on until they run into a major crisis because of the religion. Even then, because the religion preaches relying on itself in times of crisis, that won't be enough to wake them up.

    At least with the dollars, most people will actually want out when it becomes blatantly obvious it has become toilet paper. With religion, they will hold on even after it becomes obvious that it is worthless.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Surely this cult must give up with the rise of computer consciousness in 2045

    When that happens, the places will just switch from mind-control halls to a literal meaning of their name. They will actually "assemble" JW's.

    Hey, I am getting an idea for a science-fiction story. "Jehovah's Witnesses Vs. Terminators"

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