I Hate My Sister and Am Becoming "Seething and Hateful" Like She Says! Help!

by CrimsonBleu 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scully


    Your initial trip to the bank should be regarded as a "fact finding mission" - do NOT use this to transfer control of your mother's money to YOU, because that would appear to be malicious and conniving on your part. If there is anything amiss with the current arrangement - and even if there isn't, your mother can simply have your sister's privileges to access the account revoked. It may be a pain in the backside for a while for her to do her own bills (you can write the cheques out for her and she can sign them if she needs that kind of help) but if she is competent there is no reason for her not to do this. Your mother can also request a credit report to determine if any credit cards have been ordered in her name or if any loans have been taken out in her name.

    At some later point, if she requires power of attorney assistance, then it can be arranged. However, she should be asserting herself to be as independent as possible. Rides to appointments and living arrangements aside, she is not an invalid and she should have access to her money at all times, without other people having access unnecessarily.

  • CrimsonBleu

    "do NOT use this to transfer control of your mother's money to YOU, because that would appear to be malicious and conniving on your part."

    I don't intend to take control...I would like equal access. In fact, now that I think of it, I believe my name may still be on her account from years ago. I will have to see. But should Mom go ahead and have her staements sent to this address?

  • Scully

    Your mom should have all financial statements sent to where ever she lives. Yes.

    It would also be a good idea for you to start figuring out what your sister's expenses are in transporting her to and from appointments. You can figure out mileage using Google Maps. Where I live the going rate for reimbursing someone for vehicle expenses is around $0.50/kilometre or about $0.80/mile. If she has to take unpaid time off work in order to accommodate those appointments, her time should be reasonably compensated as well. That would apply to anyone going out of their way to assist your mother in attending appointments. It probably wouldn't fly if, for example, you brought your mother on a trip to the grocery store that you were making anyway, and picking up things for her at the same time. If you were making such a trip though, I would ring your order and your mom's items through separately, and maintain a ledger for her expenses.

    Your mom also MUST STOP letting people use her bank card and giving people her PIN number. That's not to say that you or your sons are untrustworthy - however, your mother doing this could be regarded as a symptom of diminished competence, and it could be detrimental to her in the event of your sister making a claim that your mother is not competent to handle her affairs.

    Sometimes I ask my children to run errands for me while I'm at work, or when I have to sleep during the day time when I work night shifts. I don't expect them to spend their own money and I won't give them my bank card or cash. I purchase gift cards for the grocery store, the gas station, Wal-Mart, the local pharmacy, etc. and I give them the list and the gift card they need to complete the purchase. They know better than to stray from the list and they also know to produce the receipt. I also get them gift cards for their favorite things - movies, video stores, fast food, coffee shops etc - to compensate them for their time. Maybe an arrangement like that would work for your mom where your sisters / your boys are concerned. That way she can be generous without being taken advantage of financially.

  • Retrovirus

    Hi Crimsonbleu,

    Bit late to this thread, but I have "sister issues" too.

    All the practical advice is good, but I also understand that (like me) the emotional issues are most important. Like how to live with someone's bad behaviour without poisoning yourself with hatred, and also without passively putting up with the mean stuff.

    I think Tec said it best. We know our sisters well, like it or not, and often have the background to understand where they are coming from. In my case I have an "angry all the time" sister, who is trying to project her self-dislike outward, and a "know it all" who is modelling our controlling father's behaviour. When I reflect on my own issues from our childhood and remember my own poor comunication to the family, I can see past the behaviour and through to the women who are doing the best they can. Then I can let go of the outrage at the latest bit of meanness, and respond with a bit more logic and less temper.

    Thanks for this thread; I needed to remind myself.


  • GrandmaJones

    Perhaps this will make you feel better. Write your sister's name on a piece of paper. Draw a line through it.

    That kind of thing works well for me.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm so sorry you are going through this.

    I've been unfortunate to have known and experienced the jealousy and Nazi like control of people like this.

    I really don't know of anything to say as others have said it better.

    Poisoned people just need to go away...permantently!

    Okay, that was NOT a nice thing for me to say.


  • goodship

    CrimsonBleu...The loyality you owe is to you and your household, tell your mother that you are going to set things stright with both sisters, tell both your sisters you are not going to be the "pawn" in the middle, and make rules...your love lies with yourself and towards people who love and belive in you, not to horrible people, theres enough of that outside "the family".

  • CrimsonBleu

    I feel so much better tonight than I did when I woke up this morning...thanks to all who have helped me sort this out from a 3rd party perspective.

    I talked with Mom tonight. Her ID still has her old address on it from where she lived before she lived here with me, and I have to get that changed. I did not know. My sister A said she was going to take Mom to get her address changed last year when we moved here, and it never happened, I have Moms Social Security statement and the lease, which show Mom lives with me, and can take that to the bank. Mom wants to tell them to add me to her account. I told Mom I just want equality, and she agrees, and this nonsense needs to stop. Once SA knows she cannot pull my strings, maybe this will all go away...until the next wave...and God only knows what and when that will be.

    I am going to draw that line Grandma Jones! Thank you all. May you be blessed in abundance of Peace and conentment, health and wellbeing for paying mind to my pain. It has diminished substantially, and I can look forward to making my stand to be a good daughter and allow Mom her peace and space to be herself.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I'm approaching this from a legal viewpoint. Unless your mother has dementia, she should handle her own affairs. She is competent enough to loan money, she is competent enough to direct her money. I don't believe it is anyone's business how she handles it. When I was accepted into law school on a full scholarhsip, I needed $100. to reserve my place. I had no $100. because everything went to classes for the law boards. My grandmother gave it to me as a loan. I promptly paid her back. My JW grandmother paved the way so I could go to law school. I doubt she bragged about it at KH.

    Even if your mom is ill, it sounds as though she could manage her money with minimal insistence. It is legally and morally wrong to take away her finances from her. She has conrete rights. It must be hard for her to live with a child.

    My sister, raised a JW, and married to a fanatical Catholic, cut off all ties to me when I became very seriously ill with facial pain when I was 28. I could not believe that she wanted nothing to do with me b/c I was ill. There was much domestic violence in our family. I was the hero child. She was the baby. This big baby could not even send me a nickel get well card from a Salvation Army store. We did not speak for 30 years. I hung in and did not commit suicide b/c living well is the best revenge. I prayed to Jesus so many times from the very depths of my soul.

    Finally, a new treatment emerged. I am now pain free. My life was destroyed. Our mom cared for me all those years. She was too old to continue. I did not need total care. I turned to my sister when the authorities in Ny said they would place me in Spanish Harlem. I ate all my pride and it killed me. She agreed that I move near her so family was present. We have never acknowledge three decades of hateful silence. We talk, barely. I plot to return to NY and a sane life. Beggers can't be choosers.

    Not speaking was the worst choice. My sister chose it. I did not. She has a house and husband. I don't despite my myriad achievements negated by illness. It takes two to tango. I feel better taking a higher road. The last thing I will do is validate my sister's behavior or her morals or her character. But when I rage against her, she has me close. When I force myself to let go and focus on me, I soar away from her and her ilk. Yes, I still plan to have the last word in this play. It was all consuming.

    Many times I was at death's door. I am a walking miracle. My sister knows nothing. It is strange to relate a horrid drama that had half of Manhattan talking and your sister does not even know it happened. These fractured, abnormal relationships are the work of the WTBTS. I am Anglican and Christian now. I don't consider the Witnesses Christians. They worship the true Satan, IMO. Christ's grace enables me to look beyond the rage. I am not a ployanna. My fury knows no bound.

    You don't want to sit down after 30 years and wonder what the hell started it all. I still don't know what started it. Al-Anon talks of detachment and gives members tools to achieve it. Detach is the best advice. Simple concept but hard to do. Take ahigher road.

  • CrimsonBleu

    Band On The Run, I do think you may have missed the whole point of my post. :) It's ok.

    I am not out to control anything, and yes Mom has a right to her say over her own money. Sister A doesn't think so. If you want to get all legal (as you should) then she (sister A) has no legal right to declare she is Mom's spokesman and is the one in charge of Mom's Money. Mom and I talked about this at great length yesterday, and today some additions and changes will begin to take place. Mom is on my lease. Mom recieves her SSA statements here. Mom's Medical Alert system is tied to this address. We don't need a sole outside banker, especially one who chastises me for a decision Mom made to loan her grandsons a few bucks.

    My problem with all this is within myself, and the feelings of hatered I was developing. Those are very alien feelings to me. I was taken aback by my own emotions...that my own sister could possibly invoke that much rage....it had been building up. Carrying that secret about her conversation with Sister B was very difficult for me. I don't like hiding things and carrying dark thoughts.

    I told God I can't love her right now and I need Him to do it for me till I found peace. That is the best I can do for my own peace of mind.

    Thank you for your input. And above and beyond all that, may you be blessed with peace as well.

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