fading and need some support

by TheLoveDoctor 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheLoveDoctor

    again thank u all for your comments and experiences. I guess really my biggest deal is with my wife who is definitly under mind control and her mother owns the appartment building we live in and she's a Jw. extra soap's

  • Borgia

    Then you actually know what you should be doing namely to operate only from a position of strength. Question: do you rent it and is there a lessee protection Act applicable? If not, you may feel a burn there.

    So perhaps option 1 to be evasive and weak isn't that much of a bad thing to do. Blaming depression is very good and you could combine it with somethinge else like Epstein Barr. It's a very common virus infection in humans and makes for a host of symptoms including being very tired. (a days works wears you out) (a sabatical (from the JW) with the option for unilateral extension might come in handy)

    The way I went about was as long as they felt I was no threat to the peace and harmony in the cong and the family had the feeling it was only a temp lapse of zeal (mid life crisis, penopause and all that), I was ok till such a time I could make my move.

    When you have your house in order, meaning you have sufficient amount of money to move to a different house (perhaps you even need to change jobs) then it would perhaps be a good time to enter the real game.

    If you want some more info, PM me.



  • LongHairGal


    I agree with the posts here especially the ones about saying you are 'tired or having health issues, depression and need time to sort things out'. This buys you time.

    Also as one suggested, it is good to NOT meet face to face and you certainly dont owe anybody any sort of 'confession' (just who the hell are these people anyway?)

    Communicate by e-mail because nobody is seeing you or hearing your voice on the phone. Also, meeting with them in person also entails the risk of you slipping out with something or them asking tricky questions and trying to gauge your response from your tone of voice, etc. You can't control things when you have a live conversation - you can be interrupted and so on. Also, remember, nothing you say is confidential with these people. If you answer your door and talk to them, your conversation will be the topic of gossip with the whole car group for the rest of the day and that doesn't count them telling their wives, etc. You will be the talk of the circuit in no time if you engage them in conversation. You might not care but why give them the satisfaction?

    Believe me, in time a fade gets better. I am past ten years.

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