Please Welcome "saltyoldlady"!!!

by Yan Bibiyan 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Welcome to the board SOL. Now I'll go back and read your story.

  • straightshooter

    Welcome and glad you joined this insightful forum.

  • VampireDCLXV

    I bid you welcome, saltyoldlady.

    There are plenty of other old ladies here you might want to get in contact with. This place can be like an assylum run by the inmates, but it's a lot of fun too. Stick around.


  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    Saltyoldlady I just went back and read your letter to dogpatch which he posted here I especially liked

    your ten reasons for leaving.

    Back when I was new in the organization it was a big deal to have one of the anointed in our congregation.

    There were none in the first congretation I attended. When I moved to another congregation and got married

    there were 7---I couldn't believe it---7 in one congregation. At least 2 of those had known Russell personally.

    We counted it a great privilege to rub elbows with ones who had a direct connection with Jehovah himself.

    Now I feel just as privileged to know you. I admire your courage to change your life course after an honest

    reevaluation of what you believe. YOU ARE ONE GUTSY LADY!

    My husband who posts as TotallyADD and I are fading together. He recently stepped down as an elder. We

    still have to watch our step as we still have family in the org.

    Looking forward to more of your experiences.

    Reopened Mind

  • ziddina
    "...And one of the comments I so loved was from Ziddina - she summed me up with that moniker and I liked it - it fit my personality truthfully. ..."

    Son of a gun!!!

    Glad to hear that I was of use!! [sometimes I wonder...]

    Welcome, Salty Old Lady!!!

    Zid - befuddled and flabbergasted - but in a GOOD way...

  • ziddina

    Uh, oh... I feel a poem coming on...

  • ziddina

    "Once there was a salty old lady,

    Who went down to the sea....

    Said this salty old lady,

    "Stars and garters! What's that I see?"

    T'was a book - that she gained - with a hook...

    With a hook, she drew it from the sea.

    And in the book - oh, look!!

    T'was revealing a lie - but could it be?

    Those things she'd been told

    By "wise" men of old

    Weren't true at all, don't you know!

    So she danced in the waves,

    Played in the sea caves,

    While pondering what the book had showed.

    Presently a shell

    Held up to her ear,

    Told her as well

    False prophets to fear...

    So she took to her ship

    And raised the sails;

    Carried along some catnip

    For her black cat, "Nails".

    She sailed near and far

    A fair harbor to find.

    Came to a sandbar

    With an island behind.

    Said she, "This is fine!"

    "Here we'll spend our time!"

    "My cat and my line,"

    "T'will bring me herrings and limes!"

    "Here we'll rest our heads."

    "Build a sea-shack of palm fronds..."

    "Sleep well in our beds,"

    "And ne'er sail beyond!"

    So the salty old lady

    and her cat did stay

    On that fair little island

    For ten score and a day...

    Till weary with age

    They did enter that last sleep.

    Together they made passage

    Sailed into the sky so deep.

    So remember, you young salts

    The stars in the sky,

    And you'll meet the salty old lady

    In the clear blue, by and by..."

    That's it.... Not much to look at...


  • saltyoldlady

    Oh Zid - I LOVE it. You are one talented lady. And yes I was also a cat lover - at one time had seven of them - my last one, Fluffy, died on the same day my DA'ing was announced. But one thing he did that was so memorable - on the evening the two brothers came to my home for their "mandatory" exit counsel with me he sat on my lap and purred SO LOUDLY that even one of the brothers commented on the volume of his purr - He had never purred that loudly before in my memory - so either he was aware of my distress and trying to comfort me which is quite likely or he was telling the other two "Hey this lady is OK gang. Pull off your talons!" Actually the two brothers treated me quite gently but I invited them to pray with me before leaving and their last insult was to refuse - I can't remember the exact words just now but it was to the effect that they didn't pray with those such as me."

    Then just a few days ago one of the brothers together with the son of the other brother, his father was the PO, knocked at my door. The shock on his face was so amusing - think they forgot I lived in this apartment. His mouth just flew open - his eyes widened til you could see the whites all around and he was speechless. Maybe they had expected I would drop dead from exiting - who knows. Anyway I just chatted with him personably - and he was actually friendly and smiled. The younger lad whom I had so loved remained true to WTS requirements - emotionless - no expression - looking so as not to connect eyeball to eyeball. I wished them well and the parting comment on my part was "Stay warm" and immediately thought to myself - yeah, I'm just like what James said "stay warm and well fed - but I don't intend to do a blessed thing to help you do so!" - I could have at least invited them in. LOL.

  • ziddina

    Hah ha ha!!!

    That is a funny story, about the elder's eyes being round as saucers, Salty!!

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss of Fluffy - but it does sound like Fluffy was "protecting" you!!! I feel that something of the lil' critters "hang around", after they're gone - even if it's just the pleasant memories we have of their companionship...

    I have six of the brats right now - and a dog, and three hamsters... So I'm pretty busy, come feeding time... One of my brats likes to chew on electrical cords - we've had to clad all of our cords in the house in aluminum foil and duct tape to keep him out of them...

    Ironically, his name is "Smokey"...

    Anyway, Good to have you on-board, Salty!!


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