born again

by cskyjw.sun 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mindmelda

    I need new genes too. LOL I'm bipolar, have fibromyalgia and asthma. And maybe now a bad disc in my neck and one in my lower back.

    I'd like my born again now, please.

    All kidding aside, I have no problem with people believing that they're spiritually born again in any way. I believe I have been in that I feel a spiritually enlightened now in ways I never was before.

  • Perry

    Sometimes we get upset that we tried so hard to please Jehovah and he never revealed himself to us. The vanity of that angst is quite beyond the grasp of many. Everything in this life rewards hard work. Salvation does not. What are we supposed to relate the NT salvation to then?

    Willpower is what gave us the Pharisees who murdered their own God. Willpower also gave us the jump higher, run faster, do more and more hampster wheel of the WT. The Old Testament drama played out to the very end, and with Jesus on the cross - the nature of man was judged and found guilty. There is nothing in the nature of Adam that is worth saving.

    Man needs a new nature to fulfill his destiny, dreams, goals and aspirations. Let's just get real here folks without all the mumbo jumbo. Jesus was either the worst lunatic who ever lived or he was God. He most certainly wasn't just a "good man" like the Hindus, Muslims, JW's etc. believe.

    He has asked us to abandon ourselves. He asked us to hate our mothers and fathers if it got in the way of Him. He asked us to forfeit every right we ever thought that we had. He asked for ALL OF IT.

    He then pomised that if we would do that, he would rebirth us with the Spirit of God.

    Having nothing but murder in my heart for the leaders of the Watchtower, at the end of myself, and sensing that I had nothing to lose, I took Jesus up on his offer. It was a little scary getting born again. I had a little pity party after it happened, just to say goodbye to my old self.

    But I gotta tell you, there is nothing like VICTORY to make a person feel better. Victory over sin, victory over my anger, victory over my enemies, victory over death, victory over lonliness, .... the list of victories in Christ is a very long list. These are a few of the consequences of getting yourself born again with the spirit of God.

  • Ding


    I've sent you a couple of PMs.

  • bohm

    Let's just get real here folks without all the mumbo jumbo

    oh the irony..

    Jesus was either the worst lunatic who ever lived or he was God.

    for the 117th time, its a false dilemma

    But I gotta tell you, there is nothing like VICTORY to make a person feel better. Victory over sin, victory over my anger, victory over my enemies, victory over death, victory over lonliness, .... the list of victories in Christ is a very long list. These are a few of the consequences of getting yourself born agian with the spirit of God.

    meanwhile, "delusions" are obviously lacking from the list of things conquered.

  • dgp

    You know, very seriously speaking, this Born Again experience must be what I felt when I was finally able to shed every trace of religious belief.

  • Vidiot

    dgp - "You know, very seriously speaking, this Born Again experience must be what I felt when I was finally able to shed every trace of religious belief."

    Seriously speaking, I've heard that very sentiment expressed before. More than once.

    You ever read Jesus for the Nonreligious by John Shelby Spong?

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