Destroy or Reform the WT?

by ThiChi 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThiChi

    I ask this question: Lets say for a moment the JW world does come crashing down (very unlikely). Who would fill the void left by the Jws? More Moonies? More Scientology folk? What is the question all Jws ask themselves time and time again? “But, where will we go if we don’t have the organization?”

    I believe that because of the nature of humans, with a majority wanting to be told what to do and how to live (many give this power to the government), that reform is a more realistic goal (See Freeman’s post on How can we cause the most damage to the WT?).

    How many issues would need to be reformed to make the Jws more human/religious/family friendly? Should we keep in mind the religious aspect of the Jws as Christians?

    I see about four areas of reform that is reflected in Raymond Franz’ second book, “In search of Christian Freedom.”

    1. The Centralized Authority Issue,
    2. The Legalism Issue,
    3. The Misuse of Disfellowshipping
    4. The Blood Issue.

    Now the list is not all-inclusive. Yet, many of the sub-issues would be covered by at least one of the above categories.

    Or, am I way off base??????????

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • indireneed

    I don't think that it is a question of reform or destruction . . . the doctrines of the WT are for the most part non-destructive. What becomes destructive is their ability to change people's lives and to assert authority. This causes people to refuse blood transfusions, etc. However, in itself, having separate beliefes cannot be construed as bad, even if they cause a separation (look at the foundation of the US - freedom of religion, or the Amish, or perhaps the Mormons, etc. etc.)

    So, it becomes a matter of how people are affected by their time in the WT. Or perhaps more importantly, how they affect others. I am affected becaues my wife is a JW and that makes my life difficult. I wish she would see some of the glaring inconsistencies, but she can't. My biggest problem is that the WT is setting itself up as an authority when it is not.

    Although this is more a ramble than a post, I will just summarize by saying that it is not the doctrines that are bad, even the blood portion, but the tactics that are the problem (i.e. we are right, everyone else is wrong, hate those others). If people need these tactics, I guess then the JW serves its purpose. If people need to be told what to do, then I guess it's good. Much like any other religion, state, etc., it serves for some but not for others. I wish the GB was forced to accept their humanity. I just can't stand people who are not humble and think they have the only correct thoughts . . .

    In conclusion, the WT can be reformed, and it will certainly not be destroyed, but not to make another 'god centered' organization that controls its members. It's just pointless.

  • ThiChi


    Very well put!

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • gravedancer
    Who would fill the void left by the Jws?

    Perhaps some schooling in what is known as "Rational Thinking" might be in order.

  • ThiChi

    Grave dancer: “ Perhaps some schooling in what is known as "Rational Thinking" might be in order” You are truly right, however, for half my life I thought I was in the school. Man, was I fooling myself! How do you make the “light turn on?” Seems so hard.............

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • gravedancer
  • ThiChi

    Cool site, thanks, just bookmarked it!

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • moman

    If it was reformed, what would be left?
    The boooooring meetings would just be silent!

  • ThiChi

    Moman: Not at all: Bingo anyone? Heheeeeeee

    “We all fell down from the milky way, hanging around here for the judgement day, heaven only knows who’s in command.”- Jimmy Buffet

  • Carmel

    Personally, I think most of the doctrins suck! Literal beliefs in metaphorical and mythological phenomena produces mental midgets, or at least attract and reinforce them.


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