How is it f'n possible JW's biggest religious increase 4.4%

by troubled mind 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • factfinder

    @aniron- where are the missing ones? They are there! The publisher figures include everyone that got baptized that year!

    When they show the number baptized it is not in ADDITION to the publisher figure. They are just showing you that out of that number of pubs. this many got baptized this sy.

    For example- I got baptized in 1978. So I was included in the baptism figure for that year. But I became a publisher in 1976! So I was already INCLUDED in the peak and ave pub figures for the 1977 and 1978 service years!

    Why do people try to ADD the baptism figure to the Publisher figure? You'd be counting it twice!

    All must already BE publishers in order to qualify for baptism. Each service year when you look at the baptism figure what you are seeing is the number of publishers who got baptized that year. You can not ADD the baptism figure to the publisher figure as those who got baptized that year have already been counted as publishers!

    The peak and ave publisher figures are already INCLUDING all those who got baptized that year.

    No one is missing.

  • satinka
  • JustHuman14

    We all know that WT is fabricating numbers and facts. They just show the so call increase in order not to loose more members. If WT wanted to be honest(a word that you cannot find in WT's dictionary)they should show the following in their anual statistics:

    1.How many JW's died

    2.The number of un-baptized publishers

    3.The number of the baptized publishers

    4.The number of the disfellowshiped ones

    5.The number of the innactive JW's

    6.The number of the Bible studies contacted by parents

    7.Plus the increase of the world population

    With this figures we can tell what the hell is going in the WT world. But there is way to find the exact figures, plus with a calculation done by ex-members for the last 15 years we have at least 6 millions that left the WT...

  • factfinder

    @JustHuman14- Hi!

    In regarding #7 of your post the YB DOES provide a population figure for the countries in the report (except the banned ones) and what the ratio is of peak pub to population. You can compare this from year to year if you wish or from country to country to see the concentration of pubs to population in each country.

    The publisher figures include ANY baptized and un-baptized publishers who reported fs.

    But they do not provide the other info you mentioned.

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