Have you made MAJOR CHANGES since you started posting here?

by nicolaou 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JustHuman14

    Me too I'm posting since 2001(justhuman) Nicolaou. After leaving WT, I consider to be Christian for many years. Now I have my doubts regarding many things that formed Christianity, specially how did the Early Church formed the Bible and rejected the Gnostic Gospels, like the Gospel of Magdalene, Thomas, Judas(just to mention a few). I still beleive in Christ and specially the supremacy of His teachings. Also I believe in Evolution and that it was fact that a Supreme Force has guided to take place. So I combine the Creator with the Evolution process.

    Still I believe that there is life after death since in the Universe nothing dies.

  • nugget

    Since we started posting I have left the JWs mentally and physically. I acquired a cyber stalker and got Df'd. I give more of myself to people with real problems and use my energies to do real good for my family and others. We are a proper family and have real values that we hold dear.

    I feel less stressed and more relaxed and feel able to think for myself. Thinking was never condemned by Jesus, blind obedience was.

  • transhuman68

    I made a lot of changes while I was lurking, and life has made a lot of changes around me since I've been posting but I've been o.k. with that.

    I owe JWN a lot.

  • the-illuminator81

    My journey:

    JW with doubts -> Conscious Class -> Fake active -> Full on inactive atheist

  • wobble

    My journey was similar to above, Illum, and to yours Nico, I always had "doubts" bits of Watchtowerteach that I did not agree with, I eventually stopped FS because 1914 was not in the Bible, so how could I teach it ? (2007)

    I eventually walked away because of the worship demanded by the GB , in their stolen place that belongs to Christ. (2008)

    I then, at that point tried to be a "Christian", I prayed about it on my knees ! but I started to examine the Bible and found it to have no provenance.

    I then began to think about whether god existed, in any way, I could find no proof that a God did, or had ever existed.

    (and next to nothing outside of the Bible to give any clue as to the historical Jesus)

    I am now a Secular Humanist as a preferred label.

    I am now happier than I ever was in the 58 years I was a JW !

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    - really studied the bible and found too many flaws to believe in it

    - changed from JW defendant to vanilla christian to agnostic to atheist

    - went from being an employee to being my own boss now

    - started 3 companies, sold 1

    - took part in creating a new life

    - gained some 20 pounds (but i can still hide them... more or less)

    - found several new friends who are also inactive JWs or DFed.

    - forgot all the screen names i used on this board a long time ago

  • punkofnice

    I walked out 'cold turkey' less than a year ago.

    Since then I have been going to church in secret. (I still do and plan to go on Sunday). I believed I was 'born again'.

    Now I don't know what I believe. This has been a saddening blow to me.......it reminds me how the Dubs say: 'you won't be happy if you leave!'

    Well, I'm not happy about my belief system going to pot. I'm not happy Mrs Punk and daughter are still staunch R&F and more zealous now than ever they were when I was in.

    Apart from that things are much better!

  • wobble

    Good luck Punko,

    I have got to the stage now where I say "I do not believe in anything" belief in that statement meaning thinking something to be true with no evidence or logic to back it up.

    I trust in certain things being true, even without proper proof, for instance Black Holes, I am not in possesion of incontrovertible proof they do exist, but I trust the judgement of others who have studied the facts pertaining to them, and they may well exist, but in the present position I certainly would not stake my life, or waste my life ,say, on studying them, based on that trust that I have.

    As to a God or Gods and Godesses, and fairies and Flying Spagetti Monsters I see no proof, and no one who has looked at the so called proofs for God in a truly scientific way, weighing the evidence with an open mind, has stated they will present a testable hypothesis.

    Some scientisits do believe, but that is as my first definition, they are prepared to do so without evidence, I see no need to.

    And I feel to deny the scientific principle of gaining knowledge, study the facts, see what they predict, test the hypothesis etc, is very silly, we did that for too many years in the WT.

    The journey is not without its shocks, it is a bumpy road, and I am still travelling, but where I am now is agood place, locked in the WT ivory tower was not.

    I hope you manage to free your loved ones, but till then, keep learning, and keep happy ! Happiness is not in the WT, and never was, it is where we are, free to think.

  • punkofnice

    WOBBLE = Happiness is not in the WT, and never was,

    Yes. It was all a grand delusion. Even when I was deluded 'washTowel happines' still felt strangely cold.

    At least I can watch science programs with an open mind and without scoffing..............I hear Mrs Punk scoffing and it is a really weird feeling I get when I hear it............she's in a daydream caused by propoganda induced indoctrination.

    It is a major change for me to say that now I have 'woken up', I don't understand why Mrs Punk can't. 'Tis a frustrating thing me-thinks!

  • LongHairGal


    In the beginning of my 'fade', I got rid of just about all the JW propaganda literature I had and never read another piece of it. I whited-out my phone book of all the JW so-called friends who meant nothing. Then I started to re-establish relationships with relatives and I made a new friend or two. My wardrobe got more stylish. My hair got longer. I gradually got a new attitude. I did a WHOLE LOT of reading, probably hundreds of books over the past decade.

    I think that now I am agnostic. I went through phases of where I still felt I was Christian but that doesn't mean anything to me now. It is not that I hate Christianity, it is just that I wonder just how accurate it is. Most of all, I have changed my 'mind' and on the very few occasions a JW-ism pops into my head I quickly squash it and sometimes verbally correct myself. I have very little guilt left but am working on it. I was Catholic before I was a JW so I had guilt already. I basically like myself now and don't beat myself up too much for having been a fool to get involved with the JWs. I consider the experience just a stop in my life and I view it like being divorced from a bad marriage.

    All the changes were subtle and time and age may have done most of it.

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