Crazy Is Flirting a Sin? Q & A

by Iamallcool 22 Replies latest social relationships

  • dgp

    Thank you, Broken.

  • mindmelda

    Some of this is merely personality differences too. I'm quite extroverted and also tactile. So, I'm friendly and like to touch, hug and pat people.

    I even got reprimanded at a job once for being too "touchy-feely" which was interesting since physically assisting disabled people was part of my job. I apparently didn't make them dislike it enough when I had to hold their hand or support their arms while walking. *eye roll*

    But, yes, I get accused of flirting occasionally when it's unintentional even though I also do it intentionally. I'm 51, not beautiful and do it because I enjoy making other people feel desirable, simple as that.

    I even have a t-shirt that says "We can be friends, but with sexual tension." LOL

    I view that as the normal situation between heterosexual men and women. They need to be mature enough to handle it because eventually someone will flirt with you and it won't mean a damn thing except they find you attractive or they're in a mood to flirt.

    If flirting makes your spouse or significant other insecure, I'd say reassure them that they're the only one you really are in love with by seducing them at every opportunity.

  • julian

    It also says in the bible that let no man be called teacher other than the one who is teacher.

    There are a thousand answers as per a thousand teachers.

    But my answer is this.

    Flirting is natural but we also have natural disasters. Forget flirting.

    You may do anything you wish so long as you know it leads to a greater love. Along that road you will make mistakes. If you make too many mistakes sometimes it is better to not do something at all until you can walk the road to higher ground.

    We have a war with traditional scripture and a war with our hearts and nature of today.

    This was makes neither the scripture wrong nor the heart of today wrong.

    If you begin each and everything in love, it will end in love.

    The bible also says, do not judge, but who can stop people from doing so when they do it by nature?

    Therefore, look to the sciptures not for the hard hearts, but the scriptures for the soft hearts.

    And realise, that moses said to do that or to do this in a time of hard hearts.

    Jesus said to do this or do that in a time of somewhat less harder hearts.

    He never told you not to flirt.

    He never told you not to obey the sabbath.

    He never told you to not love on the sabbath.

    If he said all he knew he would have been struck down on that day, such that people picked up stones and threw at him.

    So he said what could be said for the hearts of that time.

    He said, if you lust after another you have already committed adultery in your heart.

    Maybe he might have said afterward, therefore you may as well go do it, if only you love that person. But imagine the stones that would be thrown?

    He was pointing out the hypocrisy. Yet you take his word and live in loveless marriages in many occcasions, all the while lusting after the one you should be loving.

    He says, what love brings together, let know man divide.

    But he did not say, what love divides, let love divide.

    Like I said, it is hard to follow scripture from a time so long ago, when the time today is so different, the people of today so different, the ethics and morals so different.

    There is a middle ground. And I do not believe there needs to be a war.

    We take all the good that was said from this, and all the good that was said from that, and simply try to be the most loving person we can be.

    It was also said. There will be no marriage in heaven. I think we are a little closer to heaven today, than 2000 years ago.

    I hope this helps.

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